


英文名称 (按照A-Z排序,非发布顺序)
Absorb Ailments
Actor Transformations
Adapting Armor
Animation Augments
Annie's Disintegrate (League of Legends)
Arcane Curse (DOTA2)
Arisen Phoenix (Monster Hunter)
Atonement (World of WarCraft)
Attunement (Final Fantasy Record Keeper)
Aura of Ebon Destruction (Champions Online)
Aura of Sacrifice (World of WarCraft)
Auto-Potion (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Beast Boost (Pokémon)
Berserker Power
Bide (Pokémon)
Biotic Grenade (Overwatch)
Black Blood Potion (The Witcher 3)
Black Resonance (Bravely Default)
Blood Magic (Path of Exile)
Blue Magic (Final Fantasy 5)
Bubble Wrap (Mega Man Battle Network)
Buff Breaker
Cagnazzo's Tsunami (Final Fantasy 4)
Cauterize (World of WarCraft)
Chain Lightning
Chaos Bolt (World of WarCraft)
Chaotic Energies (World of WarCraft)
Chicken Knife (Final Fantasy 5)
Circle of Radiant Glory (Champions Online)
Cleric Stance (Final Fantasy 14)
Collect & Inject Ailments
Combo Attack (MapleStory)
Confusion (Pokémon)
Convert (Final Fantasy 11)
Courage of the Colossus (League of Legends)
Critical Hit Effects
Critical Protect
Critical Vulnerability
Cup of Life (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Curada (Final Fantasy Record Keeper)
Custom DoT Formula
Cyclone (World of WarCraft)
Damage Dispersion (Bravely Default)
Damage Over Time Stacking
Daring Padawan (Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes)
Dark Zone (Final Fantasy Record Keeper)
Death (Final Fantasy 11)
Death Injuries (Dragon Age)
Death Nova (Guild Wars)
Destiny Bond (Pokémon)
Doom (Bravely Default)
Dramatic Entry
Dualcast (Final Fantasy 5)
Duplicity Augments
Earth Shield (World of WarCraft)
Echo of Light (World of WarCraft)
Elemental Exposure (Diablo 3)
Emergency Tactics (Final Fantasy 14)
EMP Shockwave (StarCraft)
Enemy Thieves
Enemy Thieves Remade
Enemy Transformations
EnFire (Final Fantasy 11)
Entrust (Final Fantasy Record Keeper)
Equip Battle Skills Slots Augments
Erratic Deflector
Exertion Rune (Suikoden 2)
False Promise (DOTA2)
Fire Aura (Mega Man Battle Network)
Flare Gun (Team Fortress 2)
Flourish (Guild Wars)
Freeze (Final Fantasy 9)
Frenzy Virus (Monster Hunter)
Gamble Strike
Gehenna (Digimon Cyber Sleuth)
Giant Slayer (Bravely Default)
Gravity (Final Fantasy)
Greater Undead (Resident Evil)
Heal Jammer
Healing Fate (Everquest 2)
Healing Link
Heighten Magic
Hestia Knife (Danmachi)
Hexdrinker (League of Legends)
Holy Knight's Pride (Final Fantasy Record Keeper)
Holy Prism (World of WarCraft)
Illness (Grandia Xtreme)
Imperial Highblade Shock (FFRK)
Iteration Skill Damage
Joint Penalty (Tree of Savior)
Judgment (Pokémon)
Jump (Final Fantasy 4)
Kyrie Eleison (Ragnarok Online)
Leech Seed (Pokémon)
Libra (Final Fantasy)
Lightning Rod (Pokémon)
Linken's Ring (DOTA2)
Living Dead (Final Fantasy 14)
Magic Guard (MapleStory)
Magic Guard (Pokémon)
Magnet (Kingdom Hearts 2)
Main Character Game Over (Persona)
Mana Burn (World of WarCraft)
ManaBank (Legacy of Kain)
Map Linked Battle Effects
Mejai's Soulstealer (League of Legends)
Memento Mori (Final Fantasy Record Keeper)
Mending (Guild Wars)
Minion Barrier
Mirror Move (Pokémon)
Molten Giant (Heartstone)
Moody (Pokémon)
Negative Ions (Champions Online)
No Kill Like Overkill (Borderlands 2)
On Map Encounters
One Time Half MP Cost
Organic Deconstruction (League of Legends)
Parallax Mapping
Paralyze (Pokémon)
Perfection of the Maestro (Everquest 2)
Phoenix Ring
Piercing Arrow
Plague Touch (Guild Wars)
Poach (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Power Charge & Mind Charge (Shin Megami Tensei)
Power Up Mode
Power Up Transformations
Regen Scroll
Restart State Turns
Reverence (Everquest 2)
Roaming Mend (Star Wars - The Old Republic)
Rod of Ages (League of Legends)
Runic Blade (Final Fantasy 6)
Runic Blade Remade (Final Fantasy 6)
Sacrificial Bolt (Dragon's Dogma)
Second Chance (Kingdom Hearts)
Seraphic Planar Breastplate (Everquest Online Adventures)
Shades of Black (Final Fantasy 12)
Share Life (Summoners War)
Single Target Provoke
Siphoning Strike (League of Legends)
Skill Cost Mastery
Spell Shield (Baldur's Gate 2)
Spell Siphon
Spirit Shackles (Guild Wars)
Spirit Shell (World of WarCraft)
Stat Upgrades
Stat Upgrades with Increasing Costs
Statikk Shiv (League of Legends)
Stockpile (Pokémon)
Stockpile Spit Up (Pokémon)
Stockpile Swallow (Pokémon)
Stormflurry (World of WarCraft)
Subdue,then Strike (Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes)
Subjugate (League of Legends)
Terrain Advantage
The Bloodthirster (League of Legends)
Thief's Revenge (Final Fantasy Record Keeper)
Thievery (Final Fantasy 9)
Thorn Bind Hostage (Log Horizon)
Thornmail (League of Legends)
Timeless Strike
Tonberry Shop (Final Fantasy 8)
Topsy-Turvy (Pokémon)
Toxic (Pokémon)
Trance (Final Fantasy 9)
Trueshot Aura (WarCraft 3)
Truthseeker (Final Fantasy Record Keeper)
Undead (Final Fantasy)
Undo (Bravely Second)
Unstable Affliction (World of WarCraft)
Victory Cry (Persona)
Void Shift (World of WarCraft)
Warmog's Armor (League of Legends)
Weapon Mastery Passive
White Wind (Final Fantasy)
Wish (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Wit's End (League of Legends)
Zed's Death Mark (League of Legends)


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