

Fit models to data

This page provides tips and recommendations for fitting linear and nonlinear models to data. Updated and revised frequently (click the reload button on your browser to make sure you are seeing the most recent version).

The main model-fitting commands covered on this page are:

  • lm (linear models for fixed effects)
  • lme (linear models for mixed effects)
  • glm (generalized linear models)
  • nls (nonlinear least squares)
  • gam (generalized additive models)

Also covered is the use of

  • visreg (to visualize model fits)

Note: In R, the order in which you enter the variables in the formula affects the anova table of results, including the P-values, if the design is unbalanced. This is because anova fits the variablessequentially (“type I sum of squares”), while at the same time respecting hierarchy. Each variable or interaction is tested by adding it to a model that includes only previous terms in the sequence, but not variables that appear later in the formula. Hierarchy means that the intercept is fitted first, before any other terms, main effects are fitted next, and interactions are always fitted last. No interaction term is ever fitted without first including the main effects of the variables involved in the model.

Most other statistical packages use marginal fitting of terms (“type III sum of squares”) instead. In this case, order of appearance of terms in the formula doesn’t matter, and neither does hierarchy. Each model term is tested as if it were entered last into the model. A discussion of the pros and cons of type I and type III approaches can be found here, with further explanation provided here. Marginal fitting of terms can be obtained with the drop1 command in base R. Alternatively, theAnova function in the car package can be used to fit models using type I, type II, or type III sum of squares. Instructions are given below.

Fit a linear model to data

Linear models are implemented in the lm method in R. You can pass a data frame to the lm command and indicate using the formula which variables you want to fit:

z <- lm(response ~ explanatory, data = mydata)

The resulting object (which I've named z) is an lm object containing all the results. You use additional commands to pull out these results. Here are some of the most useful commands to extract results from the lm object:

summary(z)    # parameter estimates and overall model fit
plot(z)       # plots of residuals, normal quantiles, leverage
coef(z)       # model coefficients (means, slopes, intercepts)
confint(z)    # confidence intervals for parameters

resid(z)      # residuals
fitted(z)     # predicted values
abline(z)     # adds simple linear regression line to scatter plot

predict(z, newdata = mynewdata) # predicted values for new observations
                                # contained in your data frame "mynewdata".  
                                # The variable must have the same name 
                                # in mynewdata as in original data frame.

anova(z1, z2)  # compare fits of 2 models, "full" vs "reduced"
anova(z)       # ANOVA table (** terms tested sequentially **)

Basic types of linear models

The simplest linear model fits a constant, the mean, to a single variable. This is useful if you want to obtain an estimate of the mean with a standard error and confidence interval, or wanted to test the null hypothesis that the mean is zero.

z <- lm(y ~ 1, data = mydata)

The most familiar linear model is the linear regression of y on x.

z <- lm(y ~ x, data = mydata)

To fit a linear regression model without an intercept term, i.e., a regression through the origin, add "-1" to the model statement:

z <- lm(y ~ x - 1, data = mydata)

If A is a categorical variable (factor or character) rather than a numeric variable then the model conforms to a single factor ANOVA instead.

z <- lm(y ~ A, data = mydata)

More complicated models include more variables and their interactions

z1 <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2, data = mydata)               # no interaction between x1 and x2
z2 <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2, data = mydata)  # interaction term present
z2 <- lm(y ~ x1 * x2, data = mydata)                # interaction term present

Analysis of covariance models include both numeric and categorical variables. The linear model in this case is a separate linear regression for each group of the categorical variable. Interaction terms between these two types of variables, if included in the model, fit different linear regression slopes; otherwise the same slope is forced upon every group.

z <- lm(y ~ x + A + x:A, data = mydata)

Simple linear regression

Fit the model to data:

z <- lm(y ~ x, data = mydata)

Add the regression line to a scatter plot.

plot(y ~ x, data = mydata)

To obtain the regression coefficients (parameter estimates) with confidence intervals, as well as R2values,

summary(z)                 # estimates of slope, intercept, SE's
confint(z, level = 0.95) # conf. intervals for slope and intercept

To test the null hypothesis of zero slope with the ANOVA table,


The following plots a tidier regression line that doesn't extend beyond the data points. Assume that the explanatory (x) and response (y) variables are in the data frame mydata. When using predict, replace the "x" in data.frame(x = xnew) below with the name of your x-variable in the linear model.

plot(y ~ x, data = mydata)
z <- lm(y ~ x, data = mydata)
xnew <- range(x)
yhat <- predict(z, newdata = data.frame(x = xnew))
lines(yhat ~ xnew)

Add confidence bands to your previous scatter plot:

xnew <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = 100)
ynew <- data.frame(predict(z, newdata = data.frame(x = xnew), 
                   interval = "confidence", level = 0.95))
lines(ynew$lwr ~ xnew, lty = 2)
lines(ynew$upr ~ xnew, lty = 2)

Adding prediction intervals instead is similar:

xnew <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = 100)
ynew <- data.frame(predict(z, newdata = data.frame(x = xnew), 
                   interval = "prediction", level = 0.95))
lines(ynew$lwr ~ xnew, lty = 2)
lines(ynew$upr ~ xnew, lty = 2)

The intervals might not all squeeze onto the plot unless you adjust the limits of the y-axis using theylim =option in the plot command.

The visreg package provides tools for plotting model fits along with confidence intervals of predicted mean values (confidence bands). You'll need to install the package if you haven't already dine so. Then load it before using the first time in an R session. The following commands work for simple linear regression.

z <- lm(y ~ x, data = mydata)                                      # regression model
visreg(z)                                                                      # basic plot
visreg(z, points.par = list(cex = 1.2, col = "red")          # with points options

Here are some useful diagnostic plots for checking assumptions. Most of the plots produced byplot(z) will be self-explanatory, except perhaps the last one. "Leverage" calculates the influence that each data point has on the estimated parameters. "Cook's distance" measures the effect of each data point on the predicted values for all the other data points. A value greater than 1 is said to be worrisome.

plot(z)        # residual plots, etc: keep hitting enter
hist(resid(z)) # histogram of residuals

Single-factor ANOVA

Before fitting a linear model to the data, check that the categorical variable is a factor. If not, make it a factor, as this will help later when we fit the model.

is.factor(A)   # or
class(A)       # result should be "factor" if A is a factor
A <- factor(A) # convert categorical variable A to a factor

Check how R has sorted the factor groups (levels). You will see that R orders them alphabetically, by default, which isn't necessarily the most useful order.


For reasons that will become clear below, it is often useful to rearrange the order of groups so that any control group is first, followed by treatment groups*. Let's assume that there are four groups, "a" to "d", and that group "c" is the control. Change the order in R as follows:

mydata$A <- factor(mydata$A, levels=c("c","a","b","d") # variable is in a data frame

NB: Do not use the command "ordered" for this purpose, as this will change the type of factor you are working with and the way the linear model is fitted.

Fit the linear model to the data. y is the numeric response variable and A is the categorical explanatory variable (character or factor).

z <- lm(y ~ A, data = mydata)

Visualize the fitted model in a graph that includes the data points. The second command below is a fast but crude way to add the fitted values to the plot.

stripchart(y ~ A, vertical = TRUE, method = "jitter", pch = 16, col = "red")
stripchart(fitted(z) ~ A, vertical = TRUE, add = TRUE, pch="------", method = "jitter")

The visreg package provides a fast tool to visualize the model fit with a strip chart, including optional 95% confidence intervals for the predicted means.

library(visreg)                                     # loads package, if not done yet
z <- lm(y ~ A, data = mydata)                       # fit model
visreg(z)                                           # basic plot
visreg(z, points.par = list(cex = 1.2, col = "red") # with points options
visreg(z, whitespace = 0.4)                         # adjust space between groups

Or, draw the predicted values yourself.

stripchart(y ~ A, vertical = TRUE, method = "jitter", pch = 16, col = "red")
yhat <- tapply(fitted(z), A, mean)
for(i in 1:length(yhat)){
  lines(rep(yhat[i], 2) ~ c(i-.2, i+.2))

Check assumptions:

plot(z)        # residual plots, etc
hist(resid(z)) # histogram of residuals

Estimate parameters. By default*, R uses the intercept term in the model to estimate the mean of the first group (hopefully, you've set this to be the control group or the most convenience reference group). Remaining parameters estimate the difference between the mean of each group and the first (control) group. Ignore the P-values because they are invalid for tests of the treatment effects except in the special case of a planned contrast.

summary(z)               # coefficients table with estimates
confint(z, level = 0.95) # conf. intervals for parameters

Test the null hypothesis of equal group means with the ANOVA table.


See how R is representing the categorical variable behind the scenes by using indicator (dummy) variables.


You can change the way that R represents the categorical variable A behind the scenes. One useful trick is to remove the intercept from the formula, which causes R to represent groups in such a way that that the parameters estimate the group means.

z1 <- lm(y ~ A - 1, data = mydata)
summary(z1)                        # estimates of group means, with SE's*
confint(z1, level = 0.95)          # conf. intervals for group means*

These standard errors and confidence intervals are not the same as those you would obtain if you calculated them separately on the data for each group separately. This is because the fitted means use the MSresidual from all the data to calculate standard errors. This should generally result in smaller SE's and narrower confidence intervals. The calculation is valid if the assumption of equal variances within different groups is met.

Now you really must ignore the accompanying t-statistics and P-values because each tests the null hypothesis that the corresponding population mean is 0, which is usually not what you want. The same is true of the ANOVA table, which now tests whether all the true means are zero, again probably not what you want.

anova(z1)           # avoid

Fit multiple factors

When two or more categorical factors are fitted, the possibility of an interaction might also be evaluated. Remember that the order in which you enter the variables in the formula affects the ANOVA results, if the design is unbalanced. By default, R fits the variables sequentially ("type I sum of squares"), while at the same time respecting hierarchy. Each variable or interaction is tested by adding it to a model that includes only previous terms in the sequence, but not variables entered later. Hierarchy means that the main effects are fitted before the interactions, which are fitted last. No interaction term is tested without its main effects included in the model.

In the case of two factors, A and B, the linear model is as follows.

z <- lm(y ~ A + B, data = mydata) # no interaction term is present, or
z <- lm(y ~ A * B, data = mydata) # interaction term is included
summary(z)                        # coefficients table
confint(z, level = 0.95)          # confidence intervals for parameters
anova(z)                          # A is tested before B; interaction tested last

It is possible to carry out marginal fitting of terms instead ("type III sum of squares"). In this case, order of appearance of terms in the model doesn't matter, and neither does hierarchy. Each model term is tested as if it were entered last into the model. To accomplish this we need to refit the model and override R's default contrasts. Then we use the drop1 command in place of anova to get the ANOVA table.

z <- lm(y ~ A * B, contrasts = c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"), 
    data = mydata)
drop1(z, .~., test = "F")

Or, we can use the Anova command in the car package to give us the ANOVA table based on marginal fitting of terms ("type III sum of squares"). We again need to refit the model using different contrasts from R's default.

z <- lm(y ~ A * B, contrasts = c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"), data = mydata)
Anova(z, type = 3)

Use the visreg package to visualize model fit. Try several options to see which method is most effective. If only one factor is plotted, R plots the fit to the data for each group or level, while conditioning on the value of the other variable (adjusted to the most common category for other factor). This makes sense only when an interaction term is not fitted. If both factors are plotted, the fit is shown for every combination of groups (levels). In the latter case, you can choose to overlay the fits or plot in separate panels.

visreg(z, xvar = "B", whitespace = 0.4, points.par = list(cex = 1.1, col = "red"))
visreg(z, xvar = "A", by = "B", whitespace = 0.4, points.par = list(cex = 1.1, col = "red"))
visreg(z, xvar = "A", by = "B", whitespace = 0.5, overlay = TRUE, band = FALSE, points.par = list(cex = 1.1))

Fit a factor and a continuous covariate

Here, I use an example of a linear model having a numeric response variable (y) and two explanatory variables, one categorical (A) and the other numeric (x). This combination of variables is known as ANCOVA, or analysis of covariance. Remember that the order in which you enter the variables in the formula affects the results if the design is unbalanced. By default, R fits the variables sequentially ("type I sum of squares"), while at the same time respecting hierarchy. Each variable or interaction is tested by adding it to a model that includes only previous terms in the sequence, but not variables entered later. Hierarchy means that the main effects are fitted before the interactions, which are fitted last. No interaction term is tested without its main effects included in the model.

Fit the model to data.

z <- lm(y ~ x + A, data = mydata) # no interaction term included, or
z <- lm(y ~ x * A, data = mydata) # interaction term present
summary(z)                        # coefficients table
confint(z, level = 0.95)          # confidence intervals for parameters
anova(z)                          # x is tested before A; interaction tested last

Check model assumptions:

plot(z)        # residual plots, etc
hist(resid(z)) # histogram of residuals

It is possible to carry out marginal fitting of terms instead ("type III sum of squares"). In this case, order of appearance of terms in the model doesn't matter, and neither does hierarchy. Each model term is tested as if it were entered last into the model. To accomplish this we need to refit the model and override R's default contrasts. Then we use the drop1 command in place of anova to get the ANOVA table.

z <- lm(y ~ x * A, contrasts = c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"),data = mydata)
drop1(z, .~., test = "F")

Or, we can use the Anova command in the car package to give us the ANOVA table based on marginal fitting of terms ("type III sum of squares"). We again need to refit the model using different contrasts from R's default.

z <- lm(y ~ x * A, contrasts = c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"),data = mydata)
Anova(z, type = 3)

Use the visreg package to visualize model fit. When you plot just one of the variables, visregadjusts the data points for the other factors, conditioning on the most common factor level (for categorical factors) or the median value (for numeric variables). If you plot more than one variable, you can choose to overlay the fits for the different levels of the factor, or you can plot in separate panels.

visreg(z, xvar = "A", whitespace = 0.4, points.par = list(cex = 1.1, col = "red"))
visreg(z, xvar = "x", by = "A", points.par = list(cex = 1.1, col = "red"))
visreg(z, xvar = "x", by = "A", whitespace = 0.4, overlay = TRUE, band = FALSE, points.par = list(cex = 1.1))

Or, add the separate regression lines for each group to the scatter plot yourself.

plot(y ~ x, pch = as.numeric(A), data = mydata)
legend(locator(1), as.character(levels(A)), pch = 1:length(levels(A)))              # click on plot to place legend
groups <- levels(A)                         # stores group names
for(i in 1:length(groups)){
    xi <- x[A==groups[i]]                   # grabs x-values for group i
    yhati <- fitted(z)[A==groups[i]]        # grabs yhat's for group i
    lines(yhati[order(xi)] ~ xi[order(xi)]) # connects the dots

Fit a linear mixed-effects model to data

Linear mixed-effects models are implemented in the lme method of the nlme package in R. This method uses restricted maximum likelihood (REML) to produce unbiased estimates of model parameters and to test hypotheses.

Load the nlme package to start.


The basic structure of the lme command includes two formulas. One is for the fixed effects part of the linear model and the second is for the random effects part. The formula for the fixed effects comes first and includes the name of the response variable. The formula for the random effects part leaves out the name of the response variable (it would be redundant) but it must start with "random=". The formula for the random effects indicates the random groups.

The resulting object (here named z) is an lme object containing all the results. Here are some of the most useful commands to extract results from the lme object:

summary(z)                # parameter estimates, fit, tests of fixed effects
plot(z)                   # plot of residuals against predicted values
intervals(z)              # conf. intervals for fixed effects and variances

resid(z)                  # residuals
fitted(z)                 # best linear unbiased predictors (BLUPs)
VarCorr(z)                # variance components for random effects  

anova(z)                  # Tests of fixed effects (fitted sequentially)
anova(z, type="marginal") # Test of fixed effects using "drop-one" testing
anova(z1,z2)              # [don't use this with lme to compare model fits]

One of the most frequent errors when analyzing data with lme is using the same labels to identify different sampling units. For example, the same number codes 1 through 5 might be used to label the 5 subplots of every plot. This will confuse lme and lead to much user frustration. Instead, use the codes a1 through a5 to label the subplots from plot "a", b1 through b5 to label the subplots taken from plot "b", and so on.

For some reason naming the variables as in the following model statement leads to an error message.

z <- lme(mydata$y ~ 1, random= ~ 1 | mydata$B)

Use the following method instead:

z <- lme(y ~ 1, random= ~ 1 | B, data = mydata)

Example: repeatability of measurements on individuals

The simplest example of a model with random effects is an observational study in which multiple measurements are taken on a random sample of individuals (or units, plots, etc) from a population. This step is often included in a study to assess the repeatability of a measurement. Lessels and Boag (1987, Auk 104: 116-121) define repeatability as "the proportion of variance in a character that occurs among rather than within individuals". It can be thought of as the correlation between repeated measurements made on the same individuals.

In the example below, a numeric variable y is measured two (or more) times on randomly sampled individuals whose identities are recorded in the variable B. Both variables are in the data framemydata.

z <- lme(y ~ 1, random = ~ 1 | B, data = mydata)

Two formulas in one command can take getting used to. Even in this simplest of models two intercepts (~ 1) are modeled rather than one. One of the intercepts is fixed (representing the grand mean). lme will estimate this mean and provide a standard error in the output. The other intercept term refers to the means of each of the random "groups" of measurements (here, repeated measurements of individuals) identified in lme. B won't automatically provide you with estimates of these individual means because they are not interesting by themselves. Instead, the method will estimate the variance and standard deviation among group means, which is what we are interested in.

Use the following commands to obtain estimates of the parameters (grand mean, for the fixed part; standard deviation and variances among groups for the random part, as well as the variance of the residuals). The output also includes numbers to indicate how well the model fits the data (AIC, BIC, logLik). We will learn more about these measures of fit after we cover likelihood methods.

intervals(z) # 95% confidence intervals

Repeatability of a measurement is calculated as
r = varamong / (varamong + varwithin)

where varamong is the variance among the means of groups (individuals, in this case), and varwithin is the variance among repeat measurements within groups. Both these quantities are estimated in the lme fit. A quick way to get them is


In the output of the VarCorr command, the estimated variance among groups is shown as the variance associated with the random intercepts. The variance associated with the residual is the estimate of the within-group variance. Plugging both numbers into the equation above yields the estimated repeatability.

To see a plot of the residual values against fitted values,


You might notice a positive trend in the residuals, depending on the amount of variation between repeat measurements and the number of repeat measurements per individual in the data. To confirm what is happening, plot the original data and superimpose the lme fitted (predicted) values:

stripchart(y ~ B, vertical = TRUE, pch = 1)
stripchart(fitted(z) ~ B, vertical = TRUE, add = TRUE, pch = "---")

Notice that the lme predicted values are smaller than the mean for individuals having large values of y, whereas the lme predicted values are larger than the mean for individuals having small values of y. This is not a mistake. lme obtains "best linear unbiased predictors" for the random effects, and these tend to lie closer to the grand mean than the mean of the actual measurements of each individual. Basically, lme is predicting that the "true" trait value for individuals having extreme measurements is likely to be closer, on average, to the grand mean than is the average of the repeat measurements. This effect diminishes the more measurements you have taken of each individual.

Example: nested sampling designs

The above procedures can be extended to study designs in which sampled units are nested within other units, and there are no fixed experimental treatments.

For example, a study might measure a variable y in quadrats, where quadrats are randomly sampled within transects, transects are randomly placed within woodlots, and woodlots are randomly sampled from a population of woodlots in a region. Let y be the measurement obtained from each quadrat. Variable A identifies the transect, and B indicates the woodlot. The multiple values of y for each combination of A and B are the quadrat measurements. This sampling design is modeled as

z <- lme(y ~ 1, random = ~ 1 | B/A, data = mydata)

where "B/A" expresses the nesting: "woodlot, and transect within woodlot".

This same formulation could be used to model the results of a half-sib breeding design in quantitative genetics, where multiple offspring are measured per dam (A), and multiple dams are mated to each sire (B).

Take special care to label sampling units (e.g., transects) uniquely. For example, if you have 5 transects in each woodlot, don't give them the same labels 1 through 5 in each woodlot. Instead, label those from woodlot 1 as w1.1 through w1.5, and those from woodlot 2 as w2.1 through w2.5. Otherwise R won't compute the correct quantities.

Example: randomized block, and subjects-by-treatment repeated measures designs

A randomized complete block (RCB) design is like a paired design but for more than two treatments. In the typical RCB design, every treatment is applied exactly once within every block. This yields a single value for the response variable from every treatment by block combination. In this case it is not possible to fit an interaction term between treatment and block.

In field experiments, block are usually experimental units that are grouped by location or in time. In lab experiments blocks may be separate environment chambers, or separate shelves within a single chamber. Used this way, blocks aren't true random samples from a population of blocks. Nevertheless blocks are usually modeled as random effects when the data are analyzed.

The data from a RCB experiment include the response variable v, a categorical variable A indicating the treatment, and a categorical variable B indicating block. If you plan to use visreg to visualize the fit of the model to the data, convert A and B to factors before using lme.

z <- lme(y ~ A, random = ~ 1 | B, data = mydata)

"Subjects by treatment" repeated measures designs are often analyzed in the same way as RCB designs ("Subjects by trials" designs, in which the repeated measure is time, are sometimes also analyzed this way, but this is erroneous -- see lecture overheads.) Here, each treatment is assigned to every subject in random order. The analysis assumes that there is no carry-over between treatments: earlier measurements made on a subject under one treatment should not influence later measurements taken on the same subject in another treatment. The categorical variable Bindicates the identities of the subjects.

z <- lme(y ~ A, random = ~ 1 | B, data = mydata)

One again, the lme model has two parts, one random and the other fixed. The only difference from the nested sampling example above is that now the fixed part of the model includes the treatment variable A as an explanatory variable. The random part of the model again fits a mean to each of the random groups defined in B (subjects or blocks).

You can use interaction.plot to view how the mean y changes between treatment levels of Aseparately for each level of B. Parallel lines would indicate a lack of an interaction between A and B. The drawback of this function is that it does not show the data (not a problem if you have just one data point for each combination of categories of A and B).

interaction.plot(A, B, y)

The visreg function seems to work in this case to visualize lme model fits to data (although it won't include the confidence intervals). If A is the fixed (treatment) effect and B is the random effect, the most useful construction is probably

visreg(z, xvar = "A", by = "B", scales=list(rot = 90))

To obtain estimates of the fixed effects and variance components,

intervals(z) # 95% confidence intervals

The anova command will provide an overall test of fixed effects (the grand mean and the treatmentA). Use either

anova(z)                    # for sequential testing
anova(z, type = "marginal") # for drop-one testing

Notice that the anova command tests the fixed effects sequentially. The first term tested is the intercept: the fit of a model including only the intercept term is compared with a model in which the intercept is zero (and including no other terms). The next term to be tested is that variable listed first in the linear model statement (e.g., A). The model including A and the intercept is compared with a model in which only the intercept term is present. And so on if there are additional fixed effects. Interaction terms are tested last. To use the drop-one method instead, set the option type="marginal".

Example: factorial design with one fixed and one random factor

Two-factor ANOVA is more complex when one of the factors is random because the random sample of groups for the random factor adds extra sampling error to the design. This sampling error adds noise to the measurement of differences between group means for the fixed factors that interact with the random factor.

If A is the fixed factor and B is the random factor, use

z <- lme(y ~ A, random = ~ 1 | B/A, data = mydata)

This include the interaction between A and B, which is also a random effect.

To plot the residuals against the fitted values,


To test the fixed effects, use


Example: split plot design

A basic split plot design has two treatment variables, which are fixed factors, A and B. One of these is applied to whole plots (ponds, subjects, etc) as in a completely randomized design. All levels of the second factor B are applied to subplots within every plots. For example, if there are two treatment levels of factor B (e.g., a treatment and a control), then each plot is split in two; one of the treatments is applied to one side (randomly chosen) and the second is applied to the other side. In this case, each side of a given plot yields a single value for the response variable. Because levels of Bare repeated over multiple plots within each level of A, it is possible to investigate the effects of each treatment variable as well as their interaction.

Let "plot" refer to the variable identifying the random plot (pond, subject, etc). The response variable is modeled as

z <- lme(y ~ A * B, random = ~ 1 | plot, data = mydata)

Notice that "A * B" is shorthand for "A + B + A:B", where the last term is the interaction betweenA and B.

Plot the residuals against the fitted values in a partial check of assumptions.


To visualize the model fit, visreg seems to work in this case, since there is only one random factor.

visreg(z, xvar = "A", by = "B", scales=list(rot = 90))

To get an overall test of the fixed effects and their interactions, use

anova(z)                    # for sequential testing
anova(z, type = "marginal") # for drop-one testing

Fit a generalized linear model

Generalized linear models are implemented using glm in R. The glm command is similar to the lmcommand, used for fitting linear models, except that the error distribution and link function must be specified using the "family" argument.

For example, to model a binary response variable, specify a binomial error distribution and the logit link function:

z <- glm(response ~ explanatory, family = binomial(link="logit"), data = mydata)

For count data, specify the Poisson error distribution and the log link function.

z <- glm(response ~ explanatory, family = poisson(link="log", data = mydata)

If the variance of the error distribution in the data is greater than that expected under the binomial and poisson distributions ("overdispersion"), try the following instead,

family = quasibinomial(link = "logit") # or
family = quasipoisson(link = "log"))

These error distributions model overdispersion for binary and count data, and additionally provide an estimate of the dispersion parameter (a value greater than one indicates overdispersion).

Type help(family) to see other error distributions and link functions that can be modeled using glm.

The resulting object (which I've named z) is a glm object containing all the results. Here are some of the most useful commands used to extract results from the glm object:

summary(z)                  # parameter estimates and overall model fit
plot(z)                     # plots of deviance residuals, q-q, leverage
coef(z)                     # model coefficients
resid(z)                    # deviance residuals
predict(z)                  # predicted values on the transformed scale
predict(z, se.fit = TRUE)   # Includes SE's of predicted values
fitted(z)                   # predicted values on the original scale
anova(z, test = "Chi")      # Analysis of deviance - sequential
anova(z1, z2, test = "Chi") # compare fits of 2 models, "reduced" vs "full"
anova(z, test = "F")        # Use F test for gaussian, quasibinomial or quasipoisson link

A method for calculating likelihood based confidence intervals for parameters is available in the MASS library. A function to estimate LD50's is also found here, for the case of a dose-response curve with a binary response variable.

confint(z, level = 0.95) # approximate 95% confidence intervals
dose.p(z, p = 0.50)      # LD50 for a dose-response curve

Logistic and log-linear regression

These methods are analogous to linear regression. We assume that x is a continuous numeric explanatory variable and that the response variable y is either binary data (logistic regression) or count data (log-linear regression). The only difference between logistic and log-linear regression is the error distribution and link function, which are specified by the family argument.

z <- glm(y ~ x, family = binomial(link="logit"), data = mydata)
z <- glm(y ~ x, family = poisson(link="log"), data = mydata)

You can use visreg to visualize the model fit on the transformed scale (the function usespredict(z) to generate the result). Replace "x" in the command below with the name of your x-variable (in quotes). The glm method fits a linear model on the transformed scale, and this is what you will visualize. The dots are not the transformed data, however. They are "working values" obtained by transforming the residuals of the fitted model on the original scale. glm repeatedly recalculates the working values and the fitted model as it converges on the maximum likelihood estimate. visreg shows you the results from the final iteration.

visreg(z, xvar = "x")

Use fitted(z) to generate the predicted values on the original scale of the data. Since the response variable is discrete you might want to to add a bit of jitter when plotting the points to minimize overlap.

plot(jitter(y, amount = 0.02) ~ x, data = mydata)
yhat <- fitted(z)
lines(yhat[order(x)] ~ x[order(x)])

Add approximate confidence bands to your scatter plot. These are based on the normal approximation and assume a large sample size -- they are not very accurate for small and moderate sample sizes. Replace the 1.96 in the command below with 1 to plot standard error bands instead. First calculate the upper and lower limits as follows.

zhat <- predict(z, se.fit = TRUE)       # result on logit or log scale
zupper <- zhat$fit + 1.96 * zhat$se.fit
zlower <- zhat$fit - 1.96 * zhat$se.fit

Then convert to the original scale.

yupper <- exp(zupper)/(1 + exp(zupper)) # for logit link
ylower <- exp(zlower)/(1 + exp(zlower))
# or
yupper <- exp(zupper)                   # for log link
ylower <- exp(zlower)

Finally, plot the bands.

lines(yupper[order(x)] ~ x[order(x)], lty = 2)
lines(ylower[order(x)] ~ x[order(x)], lty = 2)

Use summary to view the parameter estimates (slope and intercept) on the logit or log scale, along with standard errors. Note that P-values here are based on a normal approximation and are not accurate for small to moderate sample sizes -- use the log likelihood ratio test instead (see below).


To obtain 95% likelihood-based confidence intervals for the parameters, use a command from the MASS library

confint(z, level = 0.95)

Use the following command to obtain the analysis of deviance table. This provides log-likelihood ratio tests of the most important parameters. Model terms are tested sequentially, and the results will depend on the order in which variables are entered into the model formula.

anova(z, test = "Chi")

Categorical explanatory variable

Glm models can also be fitted to data when the explanatory variable is categorical rather than continuous. This is analogous to single-factor ANOVA in lm, but here the response variable is binary or has three or more categories.

The glm models are as follows. A is the categorical variable identifying treatment groups.

z <- glm(y ~ A, family = binomial(link="logit"), data = mydata)
z <- glm(y ~ A, family = poisson(link="log"), data = mydata)

As in lm, it may be useful to order the different groups (categories of A) so that a control group is first, followed by treatment groups. This can help interpretation of the model parameters. For example, if there are 4 groups in A and group "c" is the control group, set the order of the group

A <- factor(A, levels=c("c","a","b","d"))

As in lm, you can also change the way that R models the categorical variable. For example, a useful approach is to fit a model in which the parameters are the group means (in glm these means are fitted on the logit or log scale before being back-transformed to the original scale). To accomplish this, refit the linear model with a "-1" in the formula, which leaves out an intercept.

z <- glm(y ~ A - 1, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = mydata)
z <- glm(y ~ A - 1, family = poisson(link = "log"), data = mydata)

Modeling contingency tables

Binary response data ("success" = 1, "failure" = 0) are often compared among groups using contingency tables. For example, here are fictitious data on the number of successes and failures of independent units belonging to one of 4 groups identified as levels of the variable A. The first row below has the variable names of each column.

A     successes    failures    n
a         5           10      15
b        15           20      35
c        25           30      55
d        35           40      75

There are two approaches to analyzing these data with glm. Both yield identical results when the response variable is binary. Only the second approach can be used when the response variable has more than two categories.

The first approach is to fit a glm model to the proportion of successes, taking care to indicate the number of observations on which each proportion is based using the weights option. Assume that the variables "successes" and "n" are in your data frame "mydata". First calculate the proportion of successes.

mydata$prop <- mydata$successes/mydata$n
z <- glm(prop ~ A, weights = n, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = mydata)

The second approach is to model the interaction between the grouping variable A and a single outcome variable (success/failure). To use this approach we need to reshape the data as a data frame of frequencies,

A      freq    outcome
a         5    success
b        15    success
c        25    success
d        35    success
a        10    failure
b        20    failure
c        30    failure
d        40    failure

We then fit the frequencies with a glm model whose linear predictor includes the grouping variableA, the outcome variable outcome, and their interaction

z <- glm(freq ~ A * outcome, family = poisson(link = "log"), data = mydata)
anova(z, test="Chi")

The summary coefficients of interest are those corresponding to the <u style="box-sizing: border-box; outline: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; overflow-wrap: break-word;">interaction</u> between A andoutcome, rather than coefficients for the main effects for A and outcome. The interaction measures the extent to which probability of success or failure depends on A, which is the point of the analysis. Similarly, the interaction is the term of principal interest in the analysis of deviance table.

Checking assumptions of logistic and log-linear regression

Generalized linear models are freed from the assumption that residuals are normally distributed with equal variance, but the method nevertheless makes important assumptions that should be checked.

Residual plots and other diagnostic plots for glm objects might looks strange and have "stripes" because the data are discrete. Residual plots can nevertheless help to spot severe outliers. Leverage plots can help determine whether any outlying data points exert excessive influence on the parameter estimates. The normal quantile plots are probably not of much use.

plot(z)           # deviance residuals, q-q, leverage

Deviance residuals indicate the contribution of each point to the total deviance, which measures overall fit of the model to data. Use jitter to reduce overlap of points in the plot.

plot(jitter(residuals(z), amount = 0.05) ~ predict(z))

Pearson residuals are calculated from the working data on the logit or log scale, but correct for differences between data points in their associated "weight" (inverse of expected variance).

plot(jitter(residuals(z, type = "pearson"), amount = 0.05) ~ predict(z))

Leverage indicates the influence that each data point has on the parameters of the fitted model. A data point has high leverage if removing it from the analysis changes the parameter estimates substantially.

plot(jitter(residuals(z, type = "pearson"), amount = 0.05) ~ hatvalues(z)) 

To check whether the fitted curve from the logistic or log-linear regression accurately captures the trend in the data, compare it to that of a lowess fit. The lowess method calculates a smooth curve that estimates the trend in the data (rather like a running mean). Is it similar to the glm fitted curve?

plot(jitter(y, amount = 0.02) ~ x, data = mydata)
lines(lowess(x, y), data = mydata)

To use an analogous smoothing method that also takes the error distribution and link function into account, try fitting a cubic spline instead of using lowess. See the section "Fit a Cubic Spline" elsewhere on this page for help.

Logistic and log-linear regression assume that the "dispersion parameter" is 1. What this means is that the variance of the residuals are as expected from the binomial or Poisson distributions specified by the link function. In the case of count data, for example, a dispersion parameter of 1 means that the variance of the explanatory variable within each group should be approximately equal to the mean for the group. However, count data are notorious for having higher than expected variances (dispersion parameter > 1). One way to check is to tabulate the mean and variance for each group and see how they compare. Another way is to estimate the dispersion parameter directly by refitting the data to a quasi-likelihood model that includes such a parameter. For binary and count data (logistic and log-linear regression) the corresponding quasi-likelihood models are as follows.

z <- glm(y ~ x, family = quasibinomial(link="logit"), data = mydata)
z <- glm(y ~ x, family = quasipoisson(link="log"), data = mydata)

If the estimated dispersion parameter is much greater than 1, then you should repeat your entire analysis using the quasibinomial or quasipoisson link function. This will lead to more reliable standard errors for parameters, and different P-values in tests. Note: Use anova(test = "F"), ie an F test, if testing hypotheses that use gaussian, quasibinomial or quasipoisson link functions. This is because the quasi-likelihood is not a real likelihood and the generalized log-likelihood ratio test is not accurate.

Model selection

R includes a number of model selection tools to evaluate and compare the fits of alternative models to data. Most of the methods shown below work on lm objects as well as lme, glm, nl, gls andgam objects.

AIC and related quantities

These functions compute log-likelihoods and the Akaike information criterion for fitted models. To use them, begin by fitting the model of interest to the data,

z <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data = mydata)

Then apply the function of interest to the fitted model object, z.

logLik(z)          # log-likelihood of the model fit
AIC(z)             # Akaike Information Criterion
AIC(z, k = log(n)) # Bayesian Information Criterion (n is the sample size)
BIC(z)             # Bayesian Information Criterion

The function AIC can be used to compare two or more models fitted to the same data. The model with the smallest AIC values is the "best". The same response variable must be fitted in each case, but the explanatory variables can differ.

z1 <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data = mydata)  # first model
z2 <- lm(y ~ x3 + x4, data = mydata)       # second model
c(AIC(z1), AIC(z2))                        # vector of AIC values
AIC(z1, z2)                                # same but returns a data frame

What matters is not AIC itself but the difference in AIC between fitted models. The model with the smallest AIC will have a difference of zero.

x <- c(AIC(z1), AIC(z2), AIC(z3))  # stores AIC values in a vector
delta <- x - min(x)                # AIC differences

Finally, we can use these quantities to calculate the Akaike weights for each of a set of fitted models. The model with the highest weight is the "best". The magnitude of the weight of a given model indicates the weight of evidence in its favor, given that one of the models in the set being compared is the best model. The weights are used in model averaging, a technique in multimodel inference. Weights should sum to 1.

x <- c(AIC(z1), AIC(z2), AIC(z3)) # stores AIC values in a vector
delta <- x - min(x)               # AIC differences
L <- exp(-0.5 * delta)            # likelihoods of models
w <- L/sum(L)                     # Akaike weights

A 95% confidence set for the “best” model can be obtained by ranking the models and summing the weights until that sum is ≥ 0.95.

BIC and related quantities

The computations are similar for BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion) as for AIC. Under the BIC criterion the model with the smallest BIC is the "best" in the set of models fitted.

To calculate BIC, use one of the following commands on the fitted model object "z".

AIC(z, k = log(n))   # n is the sample size

What matters is not BIC itself but the difference in BIC between models. The model with the smallest BIC will have a difference of zero. These differences can be used to compute the BIC weights. The model with the highest weight is the "best" model in the set.

x <- c(bic1, bic2)           # stores two BIC values in a vector
delta <- x - min(x)          # BIC differences
L <- exp(-0.5 * delta)       #
w <- L/sum(L)                # BIC weights

BIC weights can be interpreted as posterior probabilities of the models, assuming that one of the models in the set is the "true" model (whatever that means), if all the models in the set have equal prior probabilities.

All subsets regression

The leaps command in the leaps library carries out an exhaustive search for the best subsets of the explanatory variables for predicting a response variable. The method is only suited to analyzingnumeric variables, not categorical variables (a variable having just two categories can be recoded as a numeric variable with indicator 0's and 1's). To begin, load the leaps library,


To prepare your data for analyzing, you will need to create a new data frame that contains only the explanatory variables you wish to include in the analysis. Don't include the response variable or other variables in that data frame. Any interaction terms to fit will need to be added manually.

x <- mydata[ ,c(2,5,6,7,11)]
x$x1x2 <- x$x1 * x$x2        # interaction between x1 and x2

Then run leaps. Models are compared using Mallow's Cp rather than AIC, but the two quantities are related. We can compute AIC ourselves later.

z <- leaps(x, y, names=names(x))   # note that x comes before y

By default, the resulting object (here called z) will contain the results for the 10 best models for each value of p, the number of predictors, according to the criterion of smallest Cp. To increase the number of models saved for each value of p to 20, for example, modify the nbest option.

z<-leaps(x, y, names = names(x), nbest = 20)

Additional useful commands:

plot(z$size, z$Cp)          # plot Cp vs number of predictors, p
lines(z$size, z$size)       # adds the line for Cp = p
i <- which(z$Cp==min(z$Cp)) # finds the model with smallest Cp
vars <- which(z$which[i,])  # id variables of best model

At the end of this Rtips section on model selection below is a home-made (and rather slow)leaps2aic command that will calculate additional quantities of interest from the leaps output. To use it, copy and paste the text into your R command window (you will need to do this only once in a session). These calculations assume that the the set of saved models from leaps includes that model having the lowest AICc and AIC, which is likely. However, the leaps output might not include all runners up (to be safe, increase the number of models saved using the nbest option inleaps). leaps2aic computes differences in AIC (AIC relative to the best) as well as differences in AICc (AIC adjusted for small sample size) and BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion).

To use the leaps2aic command, make certain that the arguments x, y and z are exactly the same as the ones you passed to the leaps command immediately beforehand. "y" is the response variable, "x" is the data frame containing the explanatory variables, and "z" is the saved output object from the leaps command.

z1 <- leaps2aic(x, y, z)
z1[,c("model","AICc", "AIC")] # prints model and AIC differences

The leaps package also includes the command regsubsets, which has the advantage of a formula method, but the output is not as functional.

z <- regsubsets(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data = mydata)


stepAIC is a command in the MASS library that will automatically carry out a restricted search for the "best" model, as measured by either AIC or BIC (Bayesian Information criterion) (but not AICc, unfortunately). stepAIC accepts both categorical and numerical variables. It does not search all possible subsets of variables, but rather it searches in a specific sequence determined by the order of the variables in the formula of the model object. (This can be a problem if a design is severely unbalanced, in which case it may be necessary to try more than one sequence.) The search sequence obeys certain restrictions regarding inclusion of interactions and main effects, such as

  • A quadratic term x2 is not fitted unless x is also present in the model

  • The interaction a:b is not fitted unless both a and b are also present

  • The threeway interaction a:b:c is not fitted unless all two-way interactions of a, b, c, are also present

    and so on. stepAIC focuses on finding the best model, and it does not yield a list of all the models that are nearly equivalent to the best.

To use stepAIC you will need to load the MASS library


To begin, fit a "full" model with all the variables of interest included. It can be quite a chore, and take multiple lines of script, to write down all the variables in the model. To simplify this procedure, put the single response variable and all the explanatory variables you want to investigate into a new data frame. Leave out all variables you are not interested in fitting. There's no need to include variables representing interactions. Then you can use one of the following shortcuts

z <- lm(y ~., data = mydata)     # additive model, all variables
z <- lm(y ~(.)^2, data = mydata) # includes 2-way interactions
z <- lm(y ~(.)^3, data = mydata) # includes 3-way interactions

To use stepAIC, include the fitted model output from the previous lm command,

z1 <- stepAIC(z, upper=~., lower=~1, direction="both")

The output will appear on the screen. The output object (here called z1) stores only lm output from fitting the best model identified by stepAIC. To obtain results from fitting the best model, use the usual commands for lm objects, e.g.,


Now, to interpret the output of stepAIC. Start at the top and follow the sequence of steps that the procedure has carried out. First, it fits the full model you gave it and prints the AIC value. Then it lists the AIC values that result when it drops out each term, one at a time, leaving all other variables in the model. (It starts with the highest-order interactions, if you have included any.) It picks the best model of the bunch tested (the one with the lowest AIC) and then starts again. At each iteration it may also add variables one at a time to see if AIC is lowered further. The process continues until neither adding nor removing any single term results in a lower AIC.

To use the BIC criterion with stepAIC, change the option "k" to the log of the sample size

z1 <- stepAIC(z, upper = ~., lower = ~1, direction = "both", k = log(nrow(mydata)))

Here is the leaps2aic function.

leaps2aic <- function(x,y,z){
  # Calculate AIC and AICc for every model stored in "z", the
  # output of "leaps". This version sorts the output by AICc.
  # Requires the same x and y objects inputted to "leaps"
  rows <- 1:length(z$Cp)
  for(i in 1:nrow(z$which)){
    vars <- which(z$which[i,])
    newdat <- cbind.data.frame(y, x[,vars])
    znew <- lm(y~., data = newdat)
    L <- logLik(znew)
    aL <- attributes(L)
    z$model[i] <- paste(z$label[-1][vars],collapse=" + ")
    z$p[i] <- z$size[i]  # terms in model, including intercept
    z$k[i] <- aL$df      # parameters (including sigma^2)
    z$AIC[i] <- -2*L[1] + 2*aL$df
    z$AICc[i] <- -2*L[1] + 2*aL$df + (2*aL$df*(aL$df+1))/(aL$nobs-aL$df-1)
    z$BIC[i] <- -2*L[1] + log(aL$nobs)*aL$df
  z$AIC <- z$AIC - min(z$AIC)
  z$AICc <- z$AICc - min(z$AICc)
  z$BIC <- z$BIC - min(z$BIC)
  result <- do.call("cbind.data.frame",
  result <- result[order(result$AICc),]
  rownames(result) <- 1:nrow(result)
  newdat <- cbind.data.frame(y,x)
  print(summary( lm( as.formula(paste("y ~ ",result$model[1])), 
             data=cbind.data.frame(y, x) )))

Fit nonlinear models to data

The function nls in R allows fitting of nonlinear relationships between a response variable and one or more explanatory variables. Table 20.1 in Crawley's The R book lists a variety of nonlinear functions useful in biology. Examples of nonlinear functions include the power function,

y = axb # when y intercept is 0
y = a + bc # when y intercept is not zero

the exponential function,

y = a(1 - e-bx) # basic version
y = a - be-cx # similar, but more flexible

and the Michaelis-Menten function,

y = ax/(b+x)           # when y intercept is 0
y = a + bx/(c+x)       # when y intercept is not zero

Unlike lm, nls requires that the formula statement includes all parameters, including an intercept if you want one fitted. Whereas in lm you would write the formula for linear regression as

y ~ x

to fit the same model in "nls" you would instead write the formula as

y ~ a + b*x

which includes "a" for the intercept and "b" for the slope. Including them in the formula tells thenls function what to estimate.

To fit a power function to the data, the complete "nls" command would be

z <- nls(y ~ a * x^b, data = mydata, start = list(a=1, b=1))

Note that nls requires that you provide reasonable starting values for the parameters, in this case "a" and "b", so that it knows where to begin searching. The program will then run through a series of iterations that bring it closer and closer to the least squares estimates of the parameter values. Your starting values don't have to be terribly close, but the program is more likely to succeed in finding the least squares estimates the closer you are.

The resulting object (which I've named z) is an nls object containing all the results. You use additional commands to pull out these results. Here are some of the most useful commands to extract results from the lm object:

summary(z)             # parameter estimates and overall model fit
coef(z)                # model coefficients (means, slopes, intercepts)
confint(z)             # confidence intervals for parameters

resid(z)               # residuals
fitted(z)              # predicted values

predict(z, newdata=x1) # predicted values for new observations
anova(z1, z2)          # compare fits of 2 models, "full" vs "reduced"
logLik(z)              # log-likelihood of the parameters
AIC(z)                 # Akaike Information Criterion
BIC(z                  # Bayesian Information Criterion

If nls has difficulty finding the least squares estimates, it may stop before it has succeeded. For example, it will stop and print an error if it runs out of iterations before it has converged on the solution (by default, the maximum number of iterations allowed is 50). You can help it along by increasing the number of iterations using the "control" option,

z <- nls(y ~ a * x^b, data = mydata, start = list(a=1,b=1),
               control = list(maxiter=200, warnOnly=TRUE)))

The control option warnOnly=TRUE ensures that when the program stops prematurely, it prints a warning rather than an error message. The difference is that with a warning you get to evaluate the fit of the not-yet-converged model stored in the model object (here stored in "z"). Type ?nls.control to see other options.

Fit a cubic spline

The function "gam" allows estimation of a function, f, relating a response variable Y to a continuous explanatory variable X,

Y =  f ( X ) + random error

For example, data on individual fitness, such as survival or reproductive success (Y), may be obtained to estimate the form of natural selection f on a trait X. In this case f is a "fitness function".

A cubic spline can be used to estimate f, which may take any smooth form that the data warrant. The cubic spline is a type of generalized additive model (gam). As in the case of generalized linear models, the random errors may have a distribution that is normal, binomial, Poisson, or otherwise. The advantage of the spline method is that it is flexible and avoids the need to make prior assumptions about the shape of f. See Schluter (1988, Evolution 42: 849–861; reprint) for a more detailed explanation of its use in estimating a fitness function.

Key to fitting the data with a cubic spline is the choice of smoothing parameter that controls the "roughness" of the fitted curve. A small value for the smoothing parameter (close to 0) will lead to a very wiggly curve that passes close to each of the data points, whereas a large value for the smoothing parameter is equivalent to fitting a straight line through the data. In the procedure used here, the smoothing parameter is chosen as that value minimizing the generalized cross-validation (GCV) score. Minimizing this score is tantamount to maximizing the predictive ability of the fitted model.

To begin, load the built-in mgcv library in R,


The following command fits a cubic spline to the relationship between a response variable y and a single continuous variable x, both of which are columns of the data frame, "mydata". The method will find and fit the curve with a smoothing parameter that minimizes the GCV score. If the response variable is binary, such as data on survival (0 or 1), then a logit link function should be used.

z <- gam(y ~ s(x), data = mydata, family = binomial(link = "logit"),method = "GCV.Cp")

Use instead family=poisson(link = "log") for Poisson data and family=gaussian(link = "identity") for normal errors.

The results are stored in the fitted "gam" object, here called "z". To extract results use the following commands.

summary(z)   # regression coefficients
fitted(z)    # predicted (fitted) values on original scale
predict(z)   # predicted values on the logit (or log, etc) scale
plot(z)      # the spline on the logit (or log, etc) scale
residuals(z, type = "response")  # residuals

Other useful results stored in the gam object:

z$sp         # "best" value for the smoothing parameter
z$gcv.ubre   # the corresponding (minimum) GCV score
sum(z$hat)   # effective number of parameters of fitted curve

To plot predicted values with Bayesian standard errors (plotted on the logit or log scale if residuals are binomial or Poisson).

plot(z, se = TRUE, seWithMean=TRUE) # plus or minus 2 standard error
plot(z, se = 1, seWithMean=TRUE)    # plus or minus 1 standard error

To plot predicted values with standard errors on the original scale, in the case of non-normal errors, supply the appropriate inverse of the link function. For example,

plot(z, se = 1, seWithMean = TRUE, rug = FALSE, shift = mean(predict(z)),
        trans = exp)                             # Poisson data
plot(z, se = 1, seWithMean = TRUE, rug = FALSE, shift = mean(predict(z)),
        trans = function(x){exp(x)/(1+exp(x))})  # binomial data

To plot predicted values for nicely spaced x-values, not necessarily the original x-values, with 1 standard error for prediction above and below, use this modified procedure instead. The commands below assume that your variables are named "x" and "y" and are in a data frame named "mydata".

newx <- seq(min(mydata$x), max(mydata$x), length.out = 100)
z1 <- predict(z, newdata=list(x = newx), se.fit = TRUE)
invlogit <- function(x){exp(x)/(exp(x) + 1)}
yhat <- invlogit(z1$fit)
upper <- invlogit(z1$fit + z1$se.fit)
lower <- invlogit(z1$fit - z1$se.fit)
plot(newx, yhat, type="l", ylim = c(0,1))
lines(newx, upper, lty = 2)
lines(newx, lower, lty = 2)

What is the relationship between the choice of smoothing parameter (lambda) and the GCV score? The following commands will plot the relationship for binary data.

lambda <- exp(seq(-4,0, by=.05))        # fit a range of lambdas >0
gcvscore <- sapply(lambda, function(lambda, mydata){
      gam(y ~ s(x), data = mydata, family = binomial, 
      sp = lambda, method="GCV.Cp")$gcv.ubre},mydata)

plot(lambda, gcvscore, type = "l") # or
plot(log(lambda), gcvscore, type = "l")
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    茶点故事阅读 62,583评论 5 359
  • 文/花漫 我一把揭开白布。 她就那样静静地躺着,像睡着了一般。 火红的嫁衣衬着肌肤如雪。 梳的纹丝不乱的头发上,一...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 47,995评论 1 275
  • 那天,我揣着相机与录音,去河边找鬼。 笑死,一个胖子当着我的面吹牛,可吹牛的内容都是我干的。 我是一名探鬼主播,决...
    沈念sama阅读 37,493评论 3 390
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我猛地睁开眼,长吁一口气:“原来是场噩梦啊……” “哼!你这毒妇竟也来了?” 一声冷哼从身侧响起,我...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 36,145评论 0 254
  • 序言:老挝万荣一对情侣失踪,失踪者是张志新(化名)和其女友刘颖,没想到半个月后,有当地人在树林里发现了一具尸体,经...
    沈念sama阅读 40,293评论 1 294
  • 正文 独居荒郊野岭守林人离奇死亡,尸身上长有42处带血的脓包…… 初始之章·张勋 以下内容为张勋视角 年9月15日...
    茶点故事阅读 35,250评论 2 317
  • 正文 我和宋清朗相恋三年,在试婚纱的时候发现自己被绿了。 大学时的朋友给我发了我未婚夫和他白月光在一起吃饭的照片。...
    茶点故事阅读 37,267评论 1 328
  • 序言:一个原本活蹦乱跳的男人离奇死亡,死状恐怖,灵堂内的尸体忽然破棺而出,到底是诈尸还是另有隐情,我是刑警宁泽,带...
    沈念sama阅读 32,973评论 3 316
  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
    茶点故事阅读 38,556评论 3 303
  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 29,648评论 0 19
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 30,873评论 1 255
  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 42,257评论 2 345
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 41,809评论 2 339


  • rljs by sennchi Timeline of History Part One The Cognitiv...
    sennchi阅读 7,266评论 0 10
  • 从我懂事开始,就有人说我像神经病。 什么叫神经病,我也不是很明白。
    奇迹_0193阅读 145评论 0 1
  • “悦”领风骚,自成一格 ——关于廊坊市第17小学校园文化建设的几点思考(1) 廊坊市17小是安次区的一所富有个性办...
    相南柳阅读 996评论 0 0
  • 减肥中,脂肪都是以呼吸、汗水和嘘嘘的形式飞走的 很多人以为健身减肥,就是把脂肪变成肌肉,事实上,脂肪是根本不可能会...
    桃桃其瑶阅读 595评论 0 0