(二十)友谊公主 真正的朋友
来到大街上,小马们各各怒目以对,谁都闷不做声地急匆匆赶路。柔柔正在广场喷水池旁收拾着东西,我赶忙问道:“嘿!柔柔,你这是要去做什么?”柔柔内疚的说:“我打算搬回云中城去,不知怎么了,我就是没办法逗小马们开心。”“那么,在你走之前,你愿不愿意去帮一下云宝的忙?她对照顾小动物们可头疼了!”“可是,我并不了解该怎么去照顾那些小动物。”我兴奋的把她带到自己家中:“但你很了解云宝对不对!”柔柔试探着对饿得发狂的动物们说:“嗯,你们好,各位小动物们,我知道你们很不高兴,而且很不愿意放过云宝,但,或许你们应该冷静下来然后好好,休息一下。哦!瞧,这里有一些鲜嫩的叶子,还有好吃的坚果。哦,瞧吧你们只是因为饿了才生气的,哦,不用客气我的小朋友们。感觉好奇怪,好像这才是我自己,是,我的命运!”我急忙把和谐之元戴在柔柔脖子上……“嗯,这是,发生什么事了。”“哦!柔柔,快看!你的可爱标志,你终于恢复正常了!我需要你的帮助!”我唱到:“A true true friend Helps a friend in need ,A friend will be there To help them see.A true true friend helps A friend in need To see the that shines From a true true friend ! ”“嗯,拜托,能先帮我解开吗?”
“Rarity needs your help, she's trying hard doing what she can. would you try just give it chance you might find that you'll start to understand. ”云宝先踢了一小片云,紧接着飞快的清净了天上的乌云,阳光又照耀在小马谷上空。“A true true friend helps a friend in need, a friend will be there To help see. A true true friend helps a friend in need, to see the light that shines from a true true friend. 昂,这是怎么了?”云宝也恢复了她的可爱标志,珍奇在一旁看的目瞪口呆。我说:“没时间解释了,苹果嘉儿在做裙子呢,先去帮个忙吧!”
云宝对珍奇唱:“Applejack needs your help,she's trying hard doing what she can. Would you try just give it a chance ,you might find that you'll start to understand.”珍奇打量着苹果嘉儿做的不像裙子的裙子,拿起一卷线和布,一边缝制,一边抬头看装饰,神情十分严肃。“ A true true friend helps a friend in need, a friend will be there to help them see. A true true friend helps a friend in need, to see the light that shines from a true true friend . ”珍奇一边欣赏着她的杰作,一边说:“哦,我好像做了一个奇怪的梦。”她看到了苹果嘉儿的裙子,说:“嗯(⊙_⊙)……好像还没醒。”我赶紧对珍奇说:“珍奇,碧琪的苹果园快关门了,得让苹果嘉儿去帮忙!”“哇!苹果园关门,我们可不能坐视不理。”珍奇庄重地带着苹果嘉儿来到甜苹果园:“Pinkie Pie is in trouble, we need to get there by her side. We can try to do what we can now, for together we can be her guide! 苹果嘉儿帮助碧琪修好了水坝,熟练的踹下了苹果,苹果丽丽十分欢迎姐姐的归来。“A true true friend helps a friend in need, a friend will be there to help them see. A true true friend helps a friend in need ,to see the light that shines from a true true friend ! ”“这才像话,接下来呢?”我指着头发全直,正在发呆的碧琪:“为了镇上的小马们,我们得把碧琪变回来!”“我来,我知道该怎么办。”苹果嘉儿把碧琪背上来到市中心,碧琪戴上小丑的面具,头发一下卷了起来,她兴奋的叫起来:“来吧!小马们,让我们一起来笑!”“碧琪!”“A true true friend helps a friend in need, a friend will be there to help them see, a true true friend helps a friend in need, to see the light, that shines from a true true friend !”我们紧紧的抱在了一起。