Part 1: 在Jest框架中设计你的第一则Vue.js单元测试用例

Write the first Vue.js Component Unit Test in Jest


Learn how to write unit tests with the official VueJS tools and the Jest framework.


vue-test-utils, the official VueJS testing library and based on avoriaz, is just around the corner. @EddYerburgh is indeed doing a very good job creating it. It provides all necessary tooling for making easy to write unit test in a VueJS application.


Jest, on the other side, is the testing framework developed at Facebook, which makes testing a breeze, with awesome features such as:


  • Almost no config by default
    • 默认情况基本无需用户配置相关参数
  • Very cool interactive mode
    • 交互模式非常酷
  • Run tests in parallel
    • 对用例并发测试
  • Spies, stubs and mocks out of the box
    • Spies, 可以提供函数调用的信息,但不会改变函数的行为
    • Stubs, 与spies类似,但是会完全替换目标函数。这使得一个被stubbed的函数可以做任何你想要的 —— 例如抛出一个异常,返回某个特定值等等。
    • Mocks, 通过组合spies和stubs,使替换一个完整对象更容易。
  • Built in code coverage
    • 内置可视化覆盖率报告功能
  • Snapshot testing
    • 快照测试功能
  • Module mocking utilities
    • 实用的mocking模块

Probably you’ve already written test without this tools, and just by using karma + mocha + chai + sinon + …, but you’ll see how much easier it can be 😉.


Set up a vue-test sample project


Let’s start by creating a new project using vue-cli answering NO to all yes/no questions:


    npm install -g vue-cli
    vue init webpack vue-test
    cd vue-test

Then we’ll need to install some dependencies:


    # Install dependencies
    npm i -D jest jest-vue-preprocessor babel-jest

jest-vue-preprocessor is needed for making jest understand .vue files, and babel-jest for the integration with Babel.


As vue-test-utils, it can be installed already from npm, since beta.1 has been published.


    npm i -D vue-test-utils

Let’s add the following Jest configuration in the package.json:


    "jest": {
      "moduleNameMapper": {
        "^vue$": "vue/dist/vue.common.js"
      "moduleFileExtensions": [
      "transform": {
        "^.+\\.js$": "<rootDir>/node_modules/babel-jest",
        ".*\\.(vue)$": "<rootDir>/node_modules/jest-vue-preprocessor"

moduleFileExtensions will tell Jest which extensions to look for, and transform which preprocessor to use for a file extension.


At last, add a test script to the package.json:


      "scripts": {
        "test": "jest",

Testing a Component


I’ll be using Single File Components here, and I haven’t checked if it works by splitting them in their own html, css or js files, so let’s assume you’re doing that as well.


First create a MessageList.vue component under src/components:


            <li v-for="message in messages">
                {{ message }}

    export default {
      name: 'list',
      props: ['messages']

And update App.vue to use it, as follows:


      <div id="app">
        <MessageList :messages="messages"/>

    import MessageList from './components/MessageList'

    export default {
      name: 'app',
      data: () => ({ messages: ['Hey John', 'Howdy Paco'] }),
      components: {

We have already a couple of components that we can test. Let’s create a test folder under the project root, and a App.test.js:


    import Vue from 'vue'
    import App from '../src/App'

    describe('App.test.js', () => {
      let cmp, vm

      beforeEach(() => {
        cmp = Vue.extend(App) // Create a copy of the original component
        vm = new cmp({
          data: { // Replace data value with this fake data
            messages: ['XXX']
        }).$mount() // Instances and mounts the component

      it('equals messages to ["XXX"]', () => {

Right now, if we run npm test (or npm t as a shorthand version), the test should run and pass. Since we’re modifying the tests, let’s better run it in watch mode:

现在我们在命令行执行npm test(或短命令npm run t),可以看到用例已经被执行,而且已经通过了测试。如果想观察修改用例会有什么效果,可以执行npm t --watch命令。

    npm t -- --watch

The problem with nested components


This test is too simple. Let’s check that the output is the expected as well. For that we can use the amazing Snapshots feature of Jest, that will generate a snapshot of the output and check it against in the upcoming runs. Add after the previous it in App.test.js:


    it('has the expected html structure', () => {

That will create a test/snapshots/App.test.js.snap file. Let’s open it and inspect it:


    // Jest Snapshot v1,

    exports[`App.test.js has the expected html structure 1`] = `

In case you haven’t noticed, there is a big problem here: the MessageList component has been rendered as well. Unit tests must be tested as an independent unit, meaning that in App.test.js we wanna test App component and don’t care at all about anything else.



This can be the reason of several problems. Imagine for example, that the children components (MessageList in this case) perform side effect operations on the created hook, such as calling fetch, a Vuex action or state changes? That’s something we definitely don’t want.


Luckily, Shallow Rendering solves this nicely.

What is Shallow Rendering?


Shallow Rendering is a technique that assures your component is rendering without children. This is useful for:


  • Testing only the component you want to test (that’s what Unit Test stands for)
    • 只测试你想测的组件(这本身就是单元测试的初衷)
  • Avoid side effects that children components can have, such as making HTTP calls, calling store actions…
    • 避免子组件对父组件的影响,如请求HTTP、store中的actions等动作

Testing a Component with vue-test-utils


vue-test-utils provide us with Shallow Rendering among other features. We could rewrite the previous test as follows:

vue-test-utils 提供给我们一系列有用的特性,其中就包括浅渲染,我们可以改写一下我们之前写的测试用例:

    import { shallow } from 'vue-test-utils'
    import App from '../src/App'

    describe('App.test.js', () => {
      let cmp

      beforeEach(() => {
        cmp = shallow(App, { // Create a shallow instance of the component
          data: {
            messages: ['XXX']

      it('equals messages to ["XXX"]', () => {
        // Within cmp.vm, we can access all Vue instance methods

      it('has the expected html structure', () => {

And now, if you’re still running Jest in watching mode, you’ll see the test still pass, but the Snapshot doesn’t match. Press u to regenerate it. Open and inspect it again:

现在,如果你之前执行的是监听模式,你可以看到测试用例依然通过了,但是快照已经报错了,提示不匹配。 你可以在命令行用u参数,来重新生成快照,我们现在看看快照代码的内容变成什么样了:

// Jest Snapshot v1,

exports[`App.test.js has the expected html structure 1`] = `
  <!--  -->

You see? Now no children have been rendered and we tested the App component fully isolated from the component tree. Also, if you have any created or whatever hooks in the children components, they haven’t been called either 😉.


If you’re curious about how shallow render is implemented, check out the source code and you’ll see that basically is stubbing the components key, the render method and the lifecycle hooks.


In the same vein, you can implement the MessageList.test.js test as follows:


    import { shallow } from 'vue-test-utils'
    import MessageList from '../src/components/MessageList'

    describe('MessageList.test.js', () => {
      let cmp

      beforeEach(() => {
        cmp = shallow(MessageList, {
          // Beaware that props is overriden using `propsData`
          propsData: {
            messages: ['XXX']

      it('has received ["XXX"] as the message property', () => {

      it('has the expected html structure', () => {
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