。基于Prometheus 0.17.0和Swarm v1.1.0。
- job_name: service-swarm
- masters:
- 'http://swarm.example.com:8080'
refresh_interval: 1s
metrics_port: '8060'
- refresh_interval 制定插件去收集metrics的时间间隔;
metrics 制定CAdvisor的
端口; - label policy的相关配置和Kubernetes的一致。
// prometheus/retrieval/targetmanager.go
// A TargetProvider provides information about target groups. It maintains a set
// of sources from which TargetGroups can originate. Whenever a target provider
// detects a potential change, it sends the TargetGroup through its provided channel.
// The TargetProvider does not have to guarantee that an actual change happened.
// It does guarantee that it sends the new TargetGroup whenever a change happens.
// Sources() is guaranteed to be called exactly once before each call to Run().
// On a call to Run() implementing types must send a valid target group for each of
// the sources they declared in the last call to Sources().
type TargetProvider interface {
// Sources returns the source identifiers the provider is currently aware of.
Sources() []string
// Run hands a channel to the target provider through which it can send
// updated target groups. The channel must be closed by the target provider
// if no more updates will be sent.
// On receiving from done Run must return.
Run(up chan<- config.TargetGroup, done <-chan struct{})
- Sources() []string,返回当前provider的标示。target manager将返回的string作为target group的ID
- Run(up chan<- config.TargetGroup, done <-chan struct{}),启动target provider。provider会将最新的target group信息输出到up这个channel中,以通知target manager。
// prometheus/config/config.go
// TargetGroup is a set of targets with a common label set.
type TargetGroup struct {
// Targets is a list of targets identified by a label set. Each target is
// uniquely identifiable in the group by its address label.
Targets []model.LabelSet
// Labels is a set of labels that is common across all targets in the group.
Labels model.LabelSet
// Source is an identifier that describes a group of targets.
Source string
- Targets,会被prometheus解析,用于获得target metrics的访问信息,会被添加到metrics记录上;
- Labels,普通的label,会被添加到metrics记录上;
- Source,等同于ID。
1.通过定时访问Swarm master的REST API/info
// 访问swarm master的/info api 得到的response body
"ID": "",
"Containers": 16,
"ContainersRunning": 10,
"ContainersPaused": 0,
"ContainersStopped": 6,
"Images": 30,
"Driver": "",
"DriverStatus": null,
"SystemStatus": [
"health, port, dependency, affinity, constraint"
" hh-yun-k8s-128049.vclound.com",
" └ Status",
" └ Containers",
" └ Reserved CPUs",
"12 / 25"
" └ Reserved Memory",
"3.75 GiB / 132 GiB"
" └ Labels",
"executiondriver=native-0.2, kernelversion=3.10.0-229.4.2.el7.x86_64, operatingsystem=CentOS Linux 7 (Core), storagedriver=devicemapper"
" └ Error",
" └ UpdatedAt",
" hh-yun-k8s-128050.vclound.com",
" └ Status",
" └ Containers",
" └ Reserved CPUs",
"12 / 25"
" └ Reserved Memory",
"3 GiB / 132 GiB"
" └ Labels",
"executiondriver=native-0.2, kernelversion=3.10.0-229.4.2.el7.x86_64, operatingsystem=CentOS Linux 7 (Core), storagedriver=devicemapper"
" └ Error",
" └ UpdatedAt",
"Plugins": {
"Volume": null,
"Network": null,
"Authorization": null
"MemoryLimit": true,
"SwapLimit": true,
"CpuCfsPeriod": true,
"CpuCfsQuota": true,
"CPUShares": true,
"CPUSet": true,
"IPv4Forwarding": true,
"BridgeNfIptables": true,
"BridgeNfIp6tables": true,
"Debug": false,
"NFd": 0,
"OomKillDisable": true,
"NGoroutines": 0,
"SystemTime": "2016-04-05T17:23:50.830465718+08:00",
"ExecutionDriver": "",
"LoggingDriver": "",
"NEventsListener": 0,
"KernelVersion": "3.10.0-229.4.2.el7.x86_64",
"OperatingSystem": "linux",
"OSType": "",
"Architecture": "amd64",
"IndexServerAddress": "",
"RegistryConfig": null,
"NCPU": 50,
"MemTotal": 283536760012,
"DockerRootDir": "",
"HttpProxy": "",
"HttpsProxy": "",
"NoProxy": "",
"Name": "hh-yun-k8s-128050.vclound.com",
"Labels": null,
"ExperimentalBuild": false,
"ServerVersion": "",
"ClusterStore": "",
"ClusterAdvertise": ""
2.解析文本,提取出node的信息。将这些信息封装到target group中,通过channel通知target manager
func (d *Discovery) Run(up chan<- config.TargetGroup, done <-chan struct{}) {
defer close(up)
if tg := d.masterTargetGroup(); tg != nil {
select {
case <-done:
case up <- *tg: // 将Swarm master的信息通知给target manager
retryInterval := time.Duration(d.Conf.RefreshInterval)
update := make(chan []*Node, 10)
go d.watchNodes(update, done, retryInterval) // 持续的从master拿node的信息,并放进update channel中
for {
select {
case <-done:
case nodes := <-update: // 一旦有更新,则处理
d.updateNodes(nodes) // 更新cache中的node信息
tg := d.nodeTargetGroup() // 返回封装了最新node信息的target group
up <- *tg // 通知target manager
Swarm master是静态的,通过prometheus配置文件提供。当provider启动后,直接将master信息通知到target manager(见Run方法代码)。
func (c *swarmClient) getNodeInfo() (*Info, error) {
defer c.masterMu.Unlock()
for _, master := range c.masters {
urlStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s/info", master.String())
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", urlStr, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var resp *http.Response
if c.do != nil {
// code for testing
resp, err = c.do(req)
} else {
resp, err = c.client.Do(req)
if err == nil {
return c.processNodeInfo(resp)
c.rotateMaster() // rotate master
return nil, errors.New("No available master.")
func (c *swarmClient) rotateMaster() {
if len(c.masters) > 1 {
c.masters = append(c.masters[1:], c.masters[0]) // 换下一个master
- Swarm master的
返回的json文本,格式相当粗糙。直接就是无脑的把docker -H X.X.X.X:2375 info
这种符号。给文本解析带来不便; - 除了REST API的方式,还可以考虑etcd的watch机制,或者Swarm自己的发现机制
. - 通过文本解析的方式去获得node信息,是非常原始的方法,暴力且不可靠。但之所以选择它,主要是考虑到尽量不带入额外的第三方依赖。这样在以后更新Prometheus版本的时候会带来方便(毕竟才0.X.0版本)。