
Title: The duplicated deadline

(Reference: Economists Edition 1005 and online sources)

After the rare and historical unanimous judgement of the supreme court, the constitutional crisis of the United Kingdom has been pushed down into an even deeper situation. As presented by Lady Hale, the president of the court, in a calm but mellifluous voice, the court believed that a limitation to the government's ability to prorogue is required to avoid being incompatible with parliamentary sovereignty. Some of the tory's MPs argued that the judgement is an offence towards the conventional power of the Crown because traditionally the Crown should lead the kingdom when facing exceptional circumstance, and the supreme court has practically developed a law, not just sentenced by the law as they claimed, while the prime minister stated that his government will obey the rule though do not agree with it. Besides, the supreme court did not define the constitutional status of the referendum result, which, actually, is the core of the whole constitutional crisis the UK is facing. Consequently, the political crisis, caused by the Brexit deal, has also been exacerbated by complex domestic and abroad situations, as well as this judgement. The supporters of remaining in EU and the opposition Labour were encouraged after the re-opening of the House of Commons, but goals of them remain divided. Some urge another referendum because they believe the majority should be remaining in this time, others wish to avoid no-deal Brexit, while Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Labour, wants to seize every chance he might have to become the prime minister since his possibility has been increasingly nosedived. However, when Boris Johnson asked Corbyn for a motion of no confidence, which, if passed, will immediately activate general election, the opposition refused this proposal.

It is undoubtedly that the chair in 10 Downing street is not as attractive as it used to be at this circumstance to most of the politicians of Briton. As another The Darkest Hour after Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher, Boris Johnson, who is eager to accomplish something great but not consider much about what it is, maybe the best choice for her majesty and her people because conditions are actually very clear to both sides though solutions are blurred. Firstly, as revealed by financial research, UK acts as a dairy cattle for the EU financially as the second-largest supplier. It is true that the Brexit may result in a collapse of GBP temporarily, but it is almost sure that the EU financial system will collapse and depression is followed due to the historically high debts and awful prediction of Germany economy as the only main financial supplier after the Brexit. Therefore, other than about 50% Briton wish to remain in the EU, 100% of European leaders fear the leaving of the UK. After the activating of Act 50, they have tried every measure, diplomatic policy or corp, to avoid this awful destiny. Thus, a Brexit deal satisfies both the EU and the UK simultaneously is impossible, except for the one terminating the Brexit. In the same vein, the referendum result is clear for Briton, 52% of citizens voted "Leave", which produced a majority though with a small gap. No matter the repeated delay or the calling of another referendum will make the plebiscite, as the final solution for a particular proposal, like a joke and desperately hurt the constitution and democratic system of the UK. Though many politicians have appealed for another referendum, it will be an extremely dangerous situation when a PM determines to do it if his proposal can successfully pass from the parliament, as political suicide. Besides, Briton should be more confident after the announcement of economic data today, which shows that the UK had an unexpected growth during the summer with industry strengthing. The statistic means that the worry of a Brexit recession for the UK may be the paranoia. Moreover, supporting of the Brexit can collect political capital from general people, as most of Britain's politicians, including the speaker of the house of commons, make it clear that they oppose leaving, while the Brexit party shows a rapid increase of seats in the latest European Parliament election.

Thus, it becomes much easy to understand the determinations and behaviours of the PM, who has unshakably insisted that the UK has to move forward and leave the EU in 31st OCT, while has delivered a long-awaited Brexit proposal trying to deal with the impossible problem of the hard border between the Northern Ireland and Ireland. He refused the compromise of his ex-PM by keeping the UK in a customs union. Instead of it, checks will be implied on goods moving between Northern Ireland and the mainland, on the basis of keeping NI under the EU's agri-food regulatory regime. Moreover, a four-year period is set, at which point the NI assembly would decide whether to remain aligned with the EU or adopt British rules. This plan was welcomed by Tory Brexiteers and the Northern Irish Democratic Unionist Party, which supports the Tories in Parliament. But it seems to has little appeal in Brussels or Dublin, because, as analyzed before, the EU leaders will try to avoid any way of Brexit. But at this time, the ball is under Brussels' feet, since the PM has announced it was now the EU' turn after his compromise. EU leaders have already called this a "shame blame". Besides, the EU also knows that they have much alliance in the UK parliament and Mr Johnson has no parliamentary majority and is also neither not able to announce a state of emergency nor call a general election. With the lawful duty to obey the Benn Act, Mr Johnson has to either secure a deal or win parliamentary approval for a no-deal Brexit, which seems to be impossible. That is the reason why the EU leaders remain confident and believe the PM's proposal as a big step back from undertakings given by Mrs May in December 2017.

The extension, if requested by the PM and approved by the EU, will not only make January the new October, as October is the new March but also be a humiliation for Mr Johnson, as the oppositions have a majority in the parliament, prepare to go to court at the slightest hint that Mr Johnson might flout their law, and even discuss about passing a "humble address" to invite her majesty to sack her PM in special circumstances. Except for a deal with the EU, which seems to be impossible, the PM can only call for a general election because he could fight under the banner of backing the people, while the polls reveal that the support of the conservative party and the Brexit party has increased during recent weeks. But it requires a two-thirds majority of MPs to vote in favour of it according to the 2011 Parliaments Act, which effectively provides the oppositions with a veto over the request of the government. There is an irony that it was David Cameron's government that passed this legislation, who is also the introducer of the Brexit referendum.

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