
World Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 2. No. 4. July 2012. Pp. 249 –255

Incubation Landscapes in the United States and Brazil: A Comparison Study


Hanadi AL-Mubaraki* andMichael Busler**

This paper reviewsthe literature on incubators in the United States and Brazil.

The paper focuses onthe six dimensions of 1) strategic focus, 2)entrepreneurship, 3) incubators’funding, 4) incubators’ services, 5) culture, and 6) innovation. The researchmethodologies adopted in this research study are literature reviews and casestudies. The paper concludes that incubators are a vital tool for economicdevelopment, technology transfer, innovation, and jobs creation.





Businessincubation in America has been beneficial to the creation and sustainment ofstart-up business, and they have proven to contribute significantly to thenational economy at the macroeconomic level. In addition, the start-up outcomefrom incubators has made up the bulk of American employment for at least thelatter half of the twentieth century (Birch, 1979). Moreover, from astatistical standpoint, the survival rate of start-up companies is 10%(InfoDev, 2009).

美国的企业孵化有利于创业和维持初创企业持续生存,并且已经证明它们在宏观经济层面对国民经济做出了重大贡献。同时,至少在二十世纪下半叶以来,在孵化器中初创企业解决了美国大部分就业问题。(Birch,1979)。 另外,从统计角度来看,初创公司的存活率为10%(InfoDev,2009)。

Businessincubators act as a strong tool to support the structure of new businesses andgive them the assistance and support they need to grow (Rice and Matthews, 1995).The attraction of business incubation is based on their ability to generate jobs,at a generally low public cost that remain in the community (Molnar et al.,1997).The incubators’ terms are flexible in the types of benefits and servicesoffered to entrepreneurs. Additionally, they accommodate several types ofgrowth to reach the desired economic development. Therefore, incubation canserve a local start-up business.

企业孵化器是支持新业务结构的强大工具,为新的商业提供发展所需的帮助和支持(Rice和Matthews,1995)。企业孵化的优势(吸引力)在于其创造就业机会的能力,且在社会中的公共成本普遍较低(Molnar等,1997)。 各孵化器的政策在为企业家提供的优惠和服务类型方面具有一定灵活性。 此外,它们可以适应多种类型的增长,以实现所需的经济发展。因此,孵化器能有效地服务本地的初创企业。

Theobjective of this paper is to describe the incubators’ landscapes in the UnitedStates and Brazil focusing on six dimensions: 1) strategic focus,2)entrepreneurship, 3) incubator’s funding, 4) incubator’s services, 5)culture, and 6)innovation.


The paperis structured as follows: Section 2 provides a thorough review of theliterature on the details of incubator models. In Section 3, the researchmethodology includes the successful multi-case studies, which describe a numberof aspects of business incubation in the United States and Brazil. In Section4, the authors briefly discuss the finding of the study drawn from the analysisof comparison between models of U.S. incubators and models of Brazilianincubators. Section 5 concludes with implications of the incubators’ models inboth countries.

本文的结构如下:第2节就有关孵化器模式研究文献的全面回顾。在第3节研究方法中包括多个成功案例的研究,其中涵盖了美国和巴西企业孵化的许多方面。在第4节中,作者简要介绍了一下 讨论了从美国孵化器模式与巴西孵化器模式之间的比较分析得出的研究结果。 第5节总结了两国孵化器模式的内涵。

2. Reviewof the Incubators Literature


Businessincubators are used as tools for economic development by almost all countries(Al-Mubaraki and Busler, 2009, 2010; Al-Mubaraki, Al-Karaghouli and Busler,2010). Typically, an incubator provides the firm (client, or start-up business)services in its early stages of growth. This is accomplished through a mix oftangible and intangible services. From the perspective of local economicdevelopment, these services include those such as 1) space and shared services,2) administrative assistance, 3) consulting, 4) coaching/training/networking,and 5) access to financing (Hackett, and Dilts 2004a; Hackett and Dilts 2004b;Chinsomboon 2000;

Lalkaka2000, 2001, 2002, 2003; Temali 2002; Rice and Matthews 1995; Al-Mubaraki,2008). The NBIA defines business incubators as entities that “accelerate thesuccessful development of entrepreneurial companies through an array ofbusiness support resources and services, developed or orchestrated by incubatormanagement and offered both in the incubator and through its network ofcontacts" (NBIA, 1998, 2002, 2005).

几乎所有的国家都把企业孵化器视为重要的促进经济发展的工具。(Al-Mubaraki and Busler, 2009, 2010; Al-Mubaraki, Al-Karaghouli and Busler, 2010). 通常,孵化器为客户(创业团队)和初创企业提供适用于企业发展早期阶段的商业服务。这种服务通常是由产品化的硬服务和无实物的软服务混合而形成的。从本地经济发展的角度来看,这些服务包括1)空间和共享服务,2)行政外包,3)咨询,4)辅导/培训/网络(社交网络),以及5)融资渠道(Hackett和Dilts 2004a) ; Hackett和Dilts 2004b; Chinsomboon 2000;Lalkaka 2000,2001,2002,2003; Temali 2002; Rice和Matthews 1995; Al-Mubaraki,2008)。

Inaddition, the United States government plays a vital role in supportingincubators in the United States with legislative allocations for economicdevelopment going to support incubators in many of the States. The role of theUnited States government is involvement through funding from federal, state andlocal levels (Chandra, and Fealey, 2009 and Al-Mubaraki and Busler, 2010).


In theUnited States, incubators are mix-service type with the strategic agenda of thesponsor's motives and the type of incubator model (Chandra and Fealey, 2009).The incubators provide the basic, tangible services, since their tenant mixgenerally consisted of a range of businesses from various industries.Initially, incubation in the United States has been moving toward a service mixwith value-added services such as networking (Ekholm and Haapasalo, 2002).


The roleof the government in Brazil works closely with universities and industries tosupport business incubation efforts (Almeida, 2005). There are two principalobjectives of Brazil’s government: technology development and socialdevelopment.

Inaddition, the government, universities and industries describe the incubatorsas a potential tool to advance their objectives (Chandra and Fealey, 2009),which is in contrast to those in the U.S.

巴西政府的作用在于推动孵化器与大学及行业相结合(Almeida, 2005)。巴西政府有两个明显的战略意图,既促进技术发展与社会发展。大学与行业领域的需求决定了孵化器的功能与作用,这是与美国重要的不同之处。(Chandra and Fealey, 2009),

Moreover,Chandra and Fealey (2009) and Chandra (2007) define the incubators in Brazil asprovisions of unique and specialized services to support new businesses byproviding an innovative climate for their growth through guidance andconsulting in addition to offering the space and operational infrastructure.

另外,Chandra and Fealey (2009) and Chandra (2007)还发现巴西的孵化器除了提供空间与运营设施外,还要为创新活动通过提供咨询和政策等专业化及定制化的服务来促进初创企业(新商业)成长。

3. TheMethodology


The study employs a case analysis comparison technique which describes a number of aspects of business incubation in the United States and Brazil and then compares the two. The paper looks at additional ways to compare the models based on six dimensions which include 1) strategic focus, 2) entrepreneurship,3) incubator’s funding, 4) incubator’s services, 5) culture, and 6) innovation.This study is also based on a study of the current academic literature and work currently being undertaken with funding in the United States and Brazil, see figure 1. Furthermore, the case study method is recognized as the most effective research strategy to capture the “rich” experience of complex projects (Eisenhardt, 1989 and Yin, 1994).

figure 1. Six Dimensions

该研究采用案例分析比较方法,首先描述了美国和巴西企业孵化的许多方面,然后两者进行对比。本文探讨了基于六个维度比较模型,包括1)战略重点,2)创业,3)孵化器的资金,4)孵化器的服务,5)文化,6)创新。 本研究还基于对当前学术文献和目前正在美国和巴西资助的工作的研究,见图1。此外,案例研究方法被认为是获得维度宽广(rich)的复杂项目的最有效的研究策略。(Eisenhardt,1989和Yin,1994)。

4. The Findings


Businessincubations are powerful tools for economic development in both countries.Incubators offer many benefits, such as jobs creation, technology transfer,fostering entrepreneurship and innovation.

企业孵化是两国经济发展的有力工具。 孵化器的建立有很多许多好处,例如创造就业机会,技术转移,培养创业和创新精神。

As can beseen in Table 1, both countries are presented with six key dimensions of 1)Strategic focus, 2) Entrepreneurship, 3) Incubators funding, 4) Incubatorsservices, 5) Culture, and 6) Innovation. To compare the dimensions in theUnited States and Brazil, both of the countries focus on the mixed type:Transfer technology and Economic development. The fostering of Entrepreneurshipand Innovation is extremely active in both the US and Brazil’s incubators. Inaddition, in the United States and Brazil, the stakeholders are mainly thegovernment with respect to universities and businesses. It is also evident thatsome incubators offer both tangible and intangible services.

表1可见,两个国家的企业孵化都有六个关键维度:1)战略重点,2)企业精神,3)孵化器资金,4)孵化器服务,5)文化,6)创新。比较美国和巴西的模式,发现两个国家都聚焦于混合转移技术和经济发展。 创业和创新的培养在美国和巴西的孵化器中都非常活跃。 此外,在美国和巴西,利益相关者主要是政府对大学和企业的关注。同样明显的是,孵化器大多提供有形和无形两种服务。

Figure 2

5. Summary and Conclusions


Thefollowing general conclusions can be drawn from the previous overview of thefindings of six key dimensions of incubation models in the U.S. and Brazil.While the operation and sponsors of the Business Incubator may differ betweencountries, the objectives are highly similar as well as the methods used toreach these goals.


Overallthe strategic focus is to encourage economic development which leads toeconomic growth, the transfer of technology among businesses and, mostimportantly, job creation. With unemployment rates that are consideredabnormally high in most developed countries, the use of Business Incubators indeemed warranted.


1、Strategicfocus: economic development, technology transfer, jobs creation.


2、Entrepreneurship:very active in both the U.S. and Brazil.


3、: The stakeholders are mainly the government, businesses anduniversities.


4、Incubators services: both countries provide tangible and intangible services.


5、Culture:in U.S. is Risk-taking whereas Brazil is Risk-averse.


6、Innovation:very active in both the U.S. and Brazil.


It isattractive to note that in five of the six dimensions of incubator models, theUnited States and Brazil are remarkably similar. The lone difference is in thebusinessperson’s view toward risk. In the U.S. entrepreneurs tend to be morerisk-taking and far less risk adverse. This difference, which is likely due todifferences in culture, may explain why growth from new businesses tends to begreater in the U.S.


than inBrazil. While it is generally recognized that entrepreneurs must learn to livewith risk in order to achieve success, new businesses in Brazil will benefitmore from incubators if they perceive that the overall risk is minimized byseeking the services offered in the incubator environment.

而在巴西。 虽然人们普遍认为企业家必须学会承受风险才能取得成功,但如果创业者认为通过进入孵化器,使用孵化服务可以最大限度地降低风险。因此巴西的创业团队更愿意在孵化器获取更多利益(风险最小化)而创业。

It is further noted that both countries recognize the value of the input from Colleges and Universities. While many of the new technology breakthroughs originate on these campuses, it is the input from the Business Schools that provide the new entrepreneur with the tools needed for success. Most entrepreneurs, who are new to the commercialization of ideas process, generally lack the business acumen needed to be successful in the globally competitive environment that is now commonplace in the global economy. This gap can  be filled by the business incubator when it brings together the resources necessary to increase the probability of success. These resources include the primary stakeholders: Government, the Business Community and Academia.

通过此研究进而发现,两国都认识到高校项目进入孵化器的价值。许多新技术突破源于高校,但商学院的价值是为新企业家提供了成功所需的工具(能力)。 大多数对创意到创业的商业化过程不熟悉的初创企业家通常缺乏在全球经济中普遍存在的全球竞争环境中取得成功所需的商业头脑(知识)。当企业孵化器汇集必要的资源以增加在孵企业创业成功的可能性时,可以有效弥补这一差距。 这些资源包括主要来源是:政府,商业机构和学术界。

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