If you teach a student facts, concepts, and rules, those things go into long-term memory as individual pieces, and if a student then wishes to do something with them—use them to solve a problem, reason with them to answer a question, or organize and analyze them to come up with a theme or a hypothesis—the limitations of attention and short-term memory kick in. The student must keep all of these different, unconnected pieces in mind while working with them toward a solution.

However, if this information is assimilated as part of building mental representations aimed at doing something, the individual pieces become part of an interconnected pattern that provides context and meaning to the information, making it easier to work with.


They need to try and fail—but with ready access to models that show what success looks like.

又想到这位在Guantanamo Bay的囚犯,在监狱里自学英语,两年时间下来就能自己起草英文的请愿书。后来他和律师的通信记录还出了一本书,成了畅销书。


像这个西非的former pisoner,他知道自己一点点的进步都意味着更大可能的自由,这不仅给他motivation to push,也给了他一个具体的MR-成功的样子,就是自己能用英文写出请愿书,能跟律师沟通。这让他不断汲取营养,看书,背单词,仿佛每句话都是在缩短生和死的距离。


When everything goes well they experience a level of effortlessness similar in many ways to the psychological state of “flow”心流 popularized by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. This gives them a precious “high” that few people other than experts ever experience.

And I would argue that we humans are most human when we’re improving ourselves. We, unlike any other animal, can consciously change ourselves, to improve ourselves in ways we choose. This distinguishes us from every other species alive today and, as far as we know, from every other species that has ever lived.

Two hundred years ago a person could learn a craft or trade and be fairly certain that that education would suffice for a lifetime. People born in my generation grew up thinking the same way: get an education, get a job, and you’ll be set until you retire.



■to be enough足够

•I'm taking four hundred pounds' worth of travellers' cheques - I think that should suffice.我带了400英镑的旅行支票——我觉得应该够了。

They will need to see firsthand—through their own experiences of developing abilities they thought were beyond them—that they control their abilities and are not held hostage by some antiquated idea of natural talent.

If you say you are hostage to something, you mean that your freedom to take action is restricted by things that you cannot control.

With the reduction in foreign investments, the government will be even more a hostage to the whims of the international oil price.

Wine growers (酿酒)葡萄园主say they've been held hostage to the interests of the cereal and soybean farmers.



■old-fashioned or unsuitable for modern society陈旧的;过时的;老式的

•It will take many years to modernise these antiquated industries.这些老工业实现现代化将需要很多年的时间。

•Compared with modern satellite dishes, ordinary TV aerials look positively antiquated.和现代卫星电视碟形天线相比,普通的电视天线无疑是太过时了。

•antiquated ideas/attitudes/values陈旧的观念/看法/价值观

•antiquated laws/machinery/technology过时的法律/陈旧的机器/落伍的技术

grapple with


■to try to deal with or understand a difficult problem or subject尽力解决;设法对付;尽量克服

•Today, many Americans are still grappling with the issue of race.今天,仍有许多美国人还没有克服种族歧视的观念。

Since math and science professors have traditionally been very resistant to changing their teaching methods

还有set 也可表示抗拒(尤指对变化和新思想)

■not wanting to accept something, especially changes or new ideas

• 固定的;顽固的;固执的:

»set ideas / opinions / views on how to teach


»As people get older, they get set in their ways.


与之对应的是open, receptive 的概念

Someone who is receptive to new ideas or suggestions is prepared to consider them or accept them.

The voters had seemed receptive to his ideas.

Do you think that there is any receptive audience for hisremarks.



1.~ sb (for / with sth)to prepare sb for a situation so that they know what to do, especially by giving them special information


»They had been primed with good advice.


»She was ready and primed for action.


[VN to inf]

»He had primed his friends to give the journalists as little information as possible.





•marginally more expensive略贵一些

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