
Day 12


Cardiac arrest

heart failure, especially in a potentially functional heart. Electric shock and drowning cause cardiac arrest.

The cardiac arrest lasted 18 minutes, according to the emergency services.

asystole, cardiopulmonary arrest

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

an emergency procedure consisting of external cardiac massage and artificial respiration; the first treatment for a person who has collapsed and has no pulse and has stopped breathing; attempts to restore circulation of the blood and prevent death or brain damage due to lack of oxygen
CPR, cardiac resuscitation, kiss of life, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation

In a demonstration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, a technician pushed down hard on the chest of a dummy


Adj:-thickly covered with ingrained dirt or soot
grubby little fingers
begrimed, dingy, grimy, grungy, raunchy
dirty, soiled, unclean

  • soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime
  • infested with grubs
  • worthy of contempt : base
value chain

the series of activities that a company carries out as it designs, makes, sells, and delivers a product or service, with each activity adding value
价值链(Value chain),又名价值链分析、价值链模型等。由迈克尔·波特(刚刚写了一个论文和他有关,嘤嘤开心,这人我认识!)(en:Michael Porter)在1985年,于《竞争优势》一书中提出的。波特指出企业要发展独特的竞争优势,要为其商品及服务创造更高附加价值,商业策略是解构企业的经营模式(流程),成为一系列的增值过程,而此一连串的增值流程,就是「价值链」。
主要活动(Primary Activities),包括企业的核心生产与销售进程:
进货物流(Inbound Logistics),即来料储运,缔属资源市场
出货物流(Outbound Logistics),即成品储运,缔属中间商市场
市场行销(Marketing and Sales),即市场营销(4P),缔属消费者市场
售后服务(After sales service)
支持活动(Support Activities),包括支持核心营运活动的其他活动,又称共同运作环节:
人力资源管理(Human resources management)training
技术发展(Technology development),即技术研发(R&D)

genomic sequencing

DNA测序(DNA sequencing,或译DNA定序)是指分析特定DNA片段的碱基串行,也就是腺嘌呤(A)、胸腺嘧啶(T)、胞嘧啶(C)与鸟嘌呤的(G)排列方式。快速的DNA测序方法的出现极大地推动了生物学和医学的研究和发现。
RNA测序则通常将RNA提取后,反转录为DNA后使用DNA测序的方法进行测序。目前应用最广泛的是由弗雷德里克·桑格发明的Sanger双脱氧链终止法(Chain Termination Method)。新的测序方法,例如454生物科学的方法和焦磷酸测序法。


A reimbursement is a repayment for money you've already spent. When you travel for work, you get a reimbursement for your work-related expenses, like hotel bills and plane tickets, but you'll have to pay for that trip to the circus yourself. compensation paid (to someone) for damages or losses or money already spent etc.
word family:reimburse: reimbursed, reimbursement, reimburses, reimbursing/reimbursement: reimbursements
he received reimbursement for his travel expenses


to make remarks or jokes that show you think someone or something is silly or useless SYN mock → derisive:
You shouldn’t deride their efforts.
deride somebody as something
The party was derided as totally lacking in ideas.


1 literary the scenery behind something that you are looking at

backdrop to
The sea made a splendid backdrop to the garden.
2 the conditions or situation in which something happens
against a backdrop of something
a love story set against a backdrop of war and despair
3 a painted cloth hung across the back of a stage


A hedge is a living fence made of closely planted bushes, which, as they grow and get trimmed and shaped, form a wall of green.
Hedge can also be used as a verb. If you someone asks you a question and you hedge, you're avoiding a straight answer. If you hedge your bets, you're trying to minimize risk or loss — that is, you're trying to cover yourself no matter what happens. If you're not sure, for instance, what your boss's political views are, you can hedge your bets by not revealing yours.Something that is a hedge against something unpleasant will protect you from its effects.
Gold is traditionally a hedge against inflation.


an unusually successful hit with widespread popularity and huge sales (especially a movie or play or recording or novel)
megahit, smash hit
a large bomb used to demolish extensive areas (as a city block)
James Patterson, the novelist whose blockbuster books have sold more than 300 million copies, is setting his sights on another medium: Internet television.


Similar to caloric restriction, the treatment results in improved physical performance, increased insulin sensitivity and reduced low-density lipoprotein and cholesterol levels.


To know the relevance of something is to know why it matters or how it is important. I don't understand the relevance of this discussion: it doesn't seem important to me.
If you don't understand the relevance of the word "relevant" to the discussion of the meaning of the word relevance, we're gonna have some trouble. When something is "relevant," it matters. Its relevance is clear. Relevance is simply the noun form of the adjective "relevant," which means "important to the matter at hand." Artists and politicians are always worried about their relevance. If they are no longer relevant, they may not keep their job. Someone without relevance might be called "irrelevant."


1 a statement in which you admit that something is true or that you have done something wrong SYN confession
admission that
The Senator’s admission that he had lied to Congress shocked many Americans.
admission of guilt/defeat/failure etc
Silence is often interpreted as an admission of guilt.
Reese, by his own admission, lacks the necessary experience.
2 [uncountable] permission given to someone to enter a building or place, or to become a member of a school, club etc:
No admission after 10 pm.
The young men tried to enter a nightclub but were refused admission.
Women gained admission to the club only recently.
admission to
those applying for admission to university
3 admissions [plural] the process of allowing people to enter a university, institution etc, or the number of people who can enter
university/college/school admissions
admissions policy/procedures etc
The college has a very selective admissions policy.
the admissions officer
4 [uncountable and countable] the process of taking someone into a hospital for treatment, tests, or care:
There are 13,000 hospital admissions annually due to playground accidents.
5 [uncountable] the cost of entrance to a concert, sports event, cinema etc → admittance:
Admission: $10 for adults, $5 for children.
The cost includes free admission to the casinos.
The Museum has no admission charge.


a hospital patient who receives lodging and food as well as treatment — compare outpatient
a photograph of the breasts made by X-rays; also : the procedure for producing a mammogram


A spell is a series of words that has magical powers. If you’re under a spell, then what you do is out of your control — your thoughts and actions are dictated by the spell.
Spell can refer to the magic words you say, or it can describe being under the influence of those words. You probably don’t encounter many magic spells in real life, but the word is often used figuratively to describe those times when you feel like a magical power controls your action. Of course, this word can also mean the verb "to spell" which refers to reciting the letters in a word, like the competitive spellers in a spelling bee.


That little rolling brook in your back yard is a stream. If it starts rising and threatens to flood, your father might let out a stream of expletives. A stream is a steady flow of something.
As a verb, stream means to flow out. If water streams from a faucet, it is pouring out. After a concert people stream out of a stadium and into the parking lot. On the web, you'll hear about something connected with music and video called streaming. This means that instead of having to download it to play, it is sent through your computer to listen to or watch, sort of like the way radio and TV work. If something such as a new factory or a new system comes on stream or is brought on stream, it begins to operate or becomes available.To stream pupils means to divide them into groups according to their ability.


A concussion is a violent blow, especially to the head, that often injures the brain or causes a loss of consciousness — an all-too-frequent occurrence, unfortunately, in contact sports like football or boxing.


an agent or device intended to prevent conception
birth control device, contraceptive device, preventative, preventive, prophylactic device


If one teacher gives you three hours of homework a night, that's rough. But if all of your teachers do it, that makes the task of completing your homework an onerous one, to say the least. If something is onerous, it is very difficult to deal with or do.
A near synonym is burdensome. In legal usage, onerous describes a contract or lease that has more obligations than advantages.


Scientists believe that one of the causes of the obesity epidemic sweeping the US is our sedentary lifestyle. Sedentary means sitting a lot and refers to a person or job that is not very physically active.
This adjective has a specialized meaning when referring to certain types of birds that stay in one area and do not migrate


For a formal-sounding verb that means to make worse, try exacerbate. If you're in trouble, complaining about it will only exacerbate the problem.
Exacerbate is related to the adjective acrid, often used to describe sharp-smelling smoke. Think of exacerbate then as a sharp or bitter thing that makes something worse. A drought will exacerbate a country's food shortage. Worsen, intensify, aggravate and compound are similar, but exacerbate has the sense of an irritant being added in to make something bad even worse.


A unicorn is a mythical horse-like creature which has one horn on its forehead. During the Middle Ages, a unicorn horn was said to have magical healing properties.
Unicorns show up in many cultures' traditions of folklore and mythology, reaching as far back as Bronze Age civilizations and ancient Greece. Usually, unicorns are presented in art and stories as looking just like horses — or sometimes goats — aside from their long, spiraling horn. The root of the word unicorn is the Latin adjective unicornis, "having one horn," from uni, or "one," and cornus, "horn."

day 13



day 14



估值为10亿美元以上的初创公司 比如滴滴 专有名词哟

pharmacy-benefit managers

公司雇员健康福利主管(问安妮一下子解决了我两个问题:一开始还以为是pharmacy company)

answer to the name of

再查了查,be called eg:I answer to the name of Vincci Shaw


那不是GPS,印刷错误,那是GPs。 就是General Practitioners 也就是家庭医生(百病都看的医生,general嘛,不是专科)专科医生一般是GP 推荐了才能看上, specialist,比如癌症专科,oncologist, 妇产科ob/gyn




以及对医院病人的影响.三大group里最主要的就是科技巨头,未来的策略和发展如何调解才有利于发展呢,比如苹果的保密系统非常完善,就有利于提供一个平台进行医疗信息储存,那么医疗信息的泄露侵犯个人隐私,文章有一点我觉得说得特别好,app上常常会有不明所以的同意书,我们使用时常常懒得看,那是否某些方面的确存在侵权呢。还有一个value-based reimbursement,这一点不仔细看都会被带跑偏~里面主要涉及的是保险公司和政府是站在一个角度,如果药效不好的话,也不会付账。




终于有一篇自己的思维导图和安妮的有点像了,就是有点丑,不过在digital development上的发展还是少了一点吧,可能很多对细节的把握还不够好,就缺了点




王尔德有一句话我很喜欢,每个人生下来都是王,而大多数人都在放逐中死亡。everyone is a born king,and most people die in exile。

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