精读班 Day 12

A digital revolution in health care is speeding up

阅读时间: 13分钟

1. cardiac / ˈkɑːdɪæk/

adj. of or relating to the heart or heart disease 心脏的; 心脏病的:

cardiac muscles, disease, patients 心肌﹑ 心脏病﹑ 心脏病患者 *

cardiac arrest, ie temporary or permanent stopping of the heartbeat 心跳停止.

2. to the name of    名叫,名为


of or relating to the heart and lungs

     resuscitation (rɪˈsʌsɪteɪt-)

when someone or something is brought back to life or consciousness:

The patient suffered a cardiac arrest and died, despite an attempt at resuscitation.

CPR(cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) 心肺复苏

4. grubby

dirty; unwashed 肮脏的; 不洁的:

grubby hands 脏手

5.Alexa is one manifestation of a drive to disrupt an industry that has so far largely failed to deliver on the potential of digital information.

deliver on

give what is expected or promised 不负所望; 履行诺言:

They promise to finish the job in June, but can they deliver (on that)? 他们答应六月份完成这项工作, 但他们能说到做到吗?

6.But the momentum towards a digital future is gathering pace.


increase (sth) 增加(某事物):

The darkness is gathering. 夜色渐浓. *

in the gathering gloom of a winter's afternoon 在冬天的一个下午, 天色越来越暗 *

The car gathered speed. 汽车速度逐渐加快了.


action of spending or using 花费; 使用:

the expenditure of money on weapons 购置武器的开支 *

8. analytics:

the method of logical analysis

9.pharma'ceutical  ˏfɑːməˈsjuːtɪkl

adj of or connected with the making and distribution of drugs and medicines 制药的; 配药的: the pharmaceutical industry 制药工业.

10.a host of hungry entrepreneurs

11. These firms may well profit most handsomely from the shift to digital.


considerable 可观的:

a handsome profit, price, fortune, etc 相当大的利润﹑ 相当高的价格﹑ 相当好的运气.

12.reimbursement  [ˌriimˈbəsmənt]


13.The startup is a good hedge for Sanofi, which faces a slowdown in sales of its blockbuster insulin medication, Lantus, which lost patent protection in 2015.


~ (against sth) means of defence against possible loss 防止可能造成损失的手段:

buy gold as a hedge (ie to protect one's money) against inflation 为防通货膨胀而购买黄金.


(informal) something very successful, especially a very successful book or film/movie:

the latest Hollywood blockbuster

insulin  n.胰岛素


a person who stays in a hospital while receiving treatment


a photograph of the breasts made by X-rays also :

or the procedure for producing a mammogram


injury to the brain caused by a blow, violent shaking, etc, resulting in temporary unconsciousness 脑震荡


n, a drug, device or practice used to prevent a woman becoming pregnant: oral contraceptives

a,  [only before noun]:

a contraceptive pill ◆

18.menopause  n,绝经期


a,needing effort; burdensome 艰巨的; 繁重的:

onerous duties 繁重的职务 *

This is the most onerous task I have ever undertaken. 这是我承担过的最艰巨的任务.

20. VC 风险投资(venture capital)

21. sedentary  ˈsedntrɪ 

(of people) spending a lot of time seated (指人)久坐的:

a sedentary worker 工作上需要久坐的人

22. cavalier 

[esp attrib 尤作定语] offhand; discourteous 随便的; 不礼貌的

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