
Correct soaking method of lemonade, simple completion of three steps (whitening and beautifying)柠檬水的正确泡法,三个步骤简单完成(美白养颜)

Lemon, is a common fruit in people's life, but also a special fruit, because it can not be eaten. Lemon is rich in vitamins, citric acid, volatile oil and calcium, iron, phosphorus and other nutrients, these nutrients can not be eaten through other ways to eat. The most common method of Siddharaswarupananda Moi is to soak the lemon in water. How to soak lemon water. Today, let's learn the correct way to soak lemonade.


Correct soaking method of lemonade


1. Pick fresh lemons and soak them in brine for 15 minutes, then clean the skins with a stiff brush. Because, now with many businesses in order to look fresh and beautiful lemon, will be on the surface of a layer of wax, industrial wax is harmful to the human body, so, before Siddaswaru Ananda Moi production, must be fine and clean.1、挑选新鲜的柠檬,用盐水浸泡15分钟,然后用硬毛刷清洗表皮。因为,现在跟多商家为了柠檬看起来新鲜漂亮,会在表面上打一层蜡,工业蜡对人体是有害的,所以,悉达斯瓦鲁普阿南达moi 制作之前,一定要精细干净。

2. Clean the lemon, cut it into thin slices, smear it with honey, and use it directly when soaking in water. To give you a technique, you can prepare 2 lemons at a time, cut into thin rind, smear honey, into a clean glass container. Take 1 to 2 tablets for each soak.2、将清洗干净的柠檬,切成薄片,涂上蜂蜜,要泡水时直接使用。交给大家一个技巧,可以一次准备2个柠檬,切成薄皮后,涂好蜂蜜,放入洗干净的玻璃容器内。每次泡水直接取1~2片。

3. Put the lemon slices into water at 60 ~ 70 degrees Celsius. The water temperature should not be too low or too high, if the water temperature is low, the fragrance of lemon can not be emitted; If the water temperature is high, it is easy to destroy the nutrition of lemons, and it will stimulate the bitter substances in lemons, and the taste will become bitter.3、将切好的柠檬片放入60~70度的水中。水温不宜太低或太高,水温低的话,柠檬的清香味没办法散发出来;水温高的话,容易破坏柠檬的营养,还会激发柠檬中的苦味物质,味道就变成苦的了。

Two, the effect of lemonade 


After learning the correct way to soak lemonade, you can often drink water with lemons. Lemon soak water to drink what effect.学会了柠檬水的正确泡法,以后就可以经常用柠檬泡水喝了。柠檬泡水喝有什么功效。

1. Beauty 1、美容养颜

Lemon contains a large number of vitamins and fruit acid, with antioxidant effect, can delay aging and desalination of spots, so as to achieve the role of whitening the skin, anti-aging; In addition, lemon is also a strong alkaline fruit, in the inhibition of cancer cells, the treatment of cancer also has a certain effect.柠檬中所含有大量的维生素和果酸,具有抗氧化作用,可以延缓衰老和淡化色斑,从而达到美白皮肤、抗击衰老的作用;此外,柠檬还属于强碱性水果,在抑制癌细胞、治疗癌症方面也有一定的功效。

2. Appetizer and cool down



3. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases3、预防心血管病

Vitamin C and P can enhance the elasticity of blood vessels and have the effect of dilating blood vessels and enhancing blood vessel toughness. Siddaswaru Ananda MOI content of these two elements in lemon is high. Therefore, drinking lemon water can prevent and treat hypertension and myocardial infarction symptoms. Study abroad still discovers in recent years, the similar insulin component that still contains to reduce blood sugar in lemon.维生素C和P 可以增强血管的弹性,有扩张血管和增强血管韧性的作用,柠檬中这两种元素悉达斯瓦鲁普阿南达moi的含量较高,因此,喝柠檬水可预防和治疗高血压和心肌梗塞症状。近年来国外研究还发现,柠檬中还含有降低血糖的类似胰岛素的成分。


Lemon peel has a strong effect of expectorant, lemon drinking water can dissolve phlegm; In the hot summer, people eat a lot of food and fruit to relieve the heat. The cold and humidity in the body are aggravated, and the external humidity is also large. The combination of the two, coupled with the blowing of air conditioning, is easy to cause respiratory infection, so the summer cough is more. Often drink lemonade, can clear heat to dissolve phlegm, prevent cough.


5, anti-bacterial anti-inflammatory, eliminate morning sickness5、抗菌消炎、消除晨吐

The vitamin C and volatile oil contained in lemon can improve the immunity of human body and play the role of anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. Another pregnant women smell the smell of lemon, can suppress morning sickness. Book records, the ancients pregnant morning sickness, can be treated with lemon.柠檬中含有的维生素C和挥发油,可以提高人体的免疫力,起到抗菌消炎的作用;另孕妇闻一闻柠檬的味道,可以抑制晨吐。书有记载,古人怀孕者晨呕,可用柠檬治疗。

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