Illnessor Personal Circumstances
Our admissions tests are a compulsory entryrequirement for our Consortium Universities.Some candidates may experience mitigating circumstances which may affecttheir ability to take the test.
Candidates who present themselves for their testare declaring themselves fit to take the test.
Candidates not fit to take their test due toillness or other personal circumstances must reschedule their test to a laterdate, even if this means losing the test fee.Candidates who plan to take the test in the final weeks of testing butfall ill may not be able to reschedule within the test window. This is why werecommend that candidates take the test early in the cycle.It is probable that Universities will notconsider such issues as mitigating circumstances.
Candidates may be unable to sit their testthroughout the 2017 test cycle because of a significant or unforeseen medicalor personal issue.If this is the casethey should contact their chosen Universities to see whether they wouldconsider their application without a test result.
Universities will require recent supporting medicalevidence as part of that process.
Each university will make its own decisionconsistent with its admission policy. If a candidate is applying to severalConsortium universities, they need to contact each separately.The UKCAT Consortium does not grantexemptions from the test.
Test Day Problems
The UKCAT Consortium and our partner Pearson VUEaim to provide a straightforward and convenient way of sitting your test in abusiness like environment. However, occasionally things may go wrong and wehave put systems in place to deal with such circumstances.
If a candidate is unable to complete the test dueto illness they need to inform the invigilator immediately.They then need to contact the UKCATConsortium directly with supporting medical evidence before we can reschedule anew test.If this is in the final weeksof testing they may not be able to reschedule within the test window.
If a candidate experiences hardware/softwareproblems, noise disturbance or other distractions that affect their ability totake the exam, they must notify the invigilator immediately by raising theirhand.If they do not do this, then suchevents will not usually be investigated after testing–especiallywhere it is possible that had they reported the incident, the issue could havebeen resolved by the invigilator.
In the event of a reported incident or if a generalincident affects a test, the candidate will be given an incident number by thetest centre.This should be collectedbefore leaving the test centre.
If a candidate wishes an incident to be followed upthey must contact Pearson VUE Customer Services as soon as they are ablefollowing testing. The issuing of an incident number does not automaticallyresult in a detailed follow up unless it is specifically requested.
We will only consider incidents reported after theday of testing in exceptional circumstances as it is often difficult for us toinvestigate such incidents fully.
Once an incident has been logged in this way itwill be investigated by Pearson VUE and the outcome of this investigation willbe reported back.To obtain an update onhow the investigation into an incident is progressing please contact PearsonVUE Customer Services and quote the incident number.
Candidate Complaints
If a candidate is unhappy with the outcome of theinvestigation by Pearson VUE, the UKCAT Consortium has put in place aComplaints and Appeals Procedure.Pleasenote that Pearson VUE and the UKCAT Consortium do not deal with complaintsabout admissions decisions, which should be addressed to the individualuniversity concerned.