很多UITableView的操作用NSindexPath作为参数并返回值,NSIndexPath允许我们得到row index和section index之后建立一个index path
一个UITableView的对象必须有一个相当于data source的对象和一个相当于delegate的对象,data source必须遵循UITableViewDataSourceprotocol并实现其所有的方法,delegate必须遵循UITableViewDelegate 协议并实现其所有的方法,
When sent a setEditing(_:animated:)message (with a first parameter of true), the table view enters into editing mode where it shows the editing or reordering controls of each visible row, depending on the editingStyle of each associatedUITableViewCell.
Clicking on the insertion or deletion control causes the data source to receive atableView(_:commit:forRowAt:)message. You commit a deletion or insertion by calling deleteRows(at:with:) or insertRows(at:with:) , as appropriate. Also in editing mode, if a table-view cell has its showsReorderControl property set to true, the data source receives a tableView(_:moveRowAt:to:) message. The data source can selectively remove the reordering control for cells by implementing tableView(_:canMoveRowAt:).