Kubernetes ImageGC分析


ImageGC同样定义了image gc manager和gc policy。

type ImageGCPolicy struct {
    // Any usage above this threshold will always trigger garbage collection.
    // This is the highest usage we will allow.
    HighThresholdPercent int

    // Any usage below this threshold will never trigger garbage collection.
    // This is the lowest threshold we will try to garbage collect to.
    LowThresholdPercent int

    // Minimum age at which an image can be garbage collected.
    MinAge time.Duration

type realImageGCManager struct {
    // Container runtime
    runtime container.Runtime

    // Records of images and their use.
    imageRecords     map[string]*imageRecord
    imageRecordsLock sync.Mutex

    // The image garbage collection policy in use.
    policy ImageGCPolicy

    // cAdvisor instance.
    cadvisor cadvisor.Interface

    // Recorder for Kubernetes events.
    recorder record.EventRecorder

    // Reference to this node.
    nodeRef *v1.ObjectReference

    // Track initialization
    initialized bool

    // imageCache is the cache of latest image list.
    imageCache imageCache


  • HighThresholdPercent 高于此阈值将进行回收
  • LowThresholdPercent 低于此阈值将不会触发回收
  • MinAge 回收image的最小年龄


func (im *realImageGCManager) detectImages(detectTime time.Time) error {
    images, err := im.runtime.ListImages()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    pods, err := im.runtime.GetPods(true)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Make a set of images in use by containers.
    imagesInUse := sets.NewString()
    for _, pod := range pods {
        for _, container := range pod.Containers {
            glog.V(5).Infof("Pod %s/%s, container %s uses image %s(%s)", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, container.Name, container.Image, container.ImageID)

    // Add new images and record those being used.
    now := time.Now()
    currentImages := sets.NewString()
    defer im.imageRecordsLock.Unlock()
    for _, image := range images {
        glog.V(5).Infof("Adding image ID %s to currentImages", image.ID)

        // New image, set it as detected now.
        if _, ok := im.imageRecords[image.ID]; !ok {
            glog.V(5).Infof("Image ID %s is new", image.ID)
            im.imageRecords[image.ID] = &imageRecord{
                firstDetected: detectTime,

        // Set last used time to now if the image is being used.
        if isImageUsed(image, imagesInUse) {
            glog.V(5).Infof("Setting Image ID %s lastUsed to %v", image.ID, now)
            im.imageRecords[image.ID].lastUsed = now

        glog.V(5).Infof("Image ID %s has size %d", image.ID, image.Size)
        im.imageRecords[image.ID].size = image.Size

    // Remove old images from our records.
    for image := range im.imageRecords {
        if !currentImages.Has(image) {
            glog.V(5).Infof("Image ID %s is no longer present; removing from imageRecords", image)
            delete(im.imageRecords, image)

    return nil

func (im *realImageGCManager) GarbageCollect() error {
    // Get disk usage on disk holding images.
    fsInfo, err := im.cadvisor.ImagesFsInfo()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    capacity := int64(fsInfo.Capacity)
    available := int64(fsInfo.Available)
    if available > capacity {
        glog.Warningf("available %d is larger than capacity %d", available, capacity)
        available = capacity

    // Check valid capacity.
    if capacity == 0 {
        err := fmt.Errorf("invalid capacity %d on device %q at mount point %q", capacity, fsInfo.Device, fsInfo.Mountpoint)
        im.recorder.Eventf(im.nodeRef, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.InvalidDiskCapacity, err.Error())
        return err

    // If over the max threshold, free enough to place us at the lower threshold.
    usagePercent := 100 - int(available*100/capacity)
    if usagePercent >= im.policy.HighThresholdPercent {
        amountToFree := capacity*int64(100-im.policy.LowThresholdPercent)/100 - available
        glog.Infof("[imageGCManager]: Disk usage on %q (%s) is at %d%% which is over the high threshold (%d%%). Trying to free %d bytes", fsInfo.Device, fsInfo.Mountpoint, usagePercent, im.policy.HighThresholdPercent, amountToFree)
        freed, err := im.freeSpace(amountToFree, time.Now())
        if err != nil {
            return err

        if freed < amountToFree {
            err := fmt.Errorf("failed to garbage collect required amount of images. Wanted to free %d bytes, but freed %d bytes", amountToFree, freed)
            im.recorder.Eventf(im.nodeRef, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.FreeDiskSpaceFailed, err.Error())
            return err

    return nil

func (im *realImageGCManager) DeleteUnusedImages() (int64, error) {
    return im.freeSpace(math.MaxInt64, time.Now())

// Tries to free bytesToFree worth of images on the disk.
// Returns the number of bytes free and an error if any occurred. The number of
// bytes freed is always returned.
// Note that error may be nil and the number of bytes free may be less
// than bytesToFree.
func (im *realImageGCManager) freeSpace(bytesToFree int64, freeTime time.Time) (int64, error) {
    err := im.detectImages(freeTime)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err

    defer im.imageRecordsLock.Unlock()

    // Get all images in eviction order.
    images := make([]evictionInfo, 0, len(im.imageRecords))
    for image, record := range im.imageRecords {
        images = append(images, evictionInfo{
            id:          image,
            imageRecord: *record,

    // Delete unused images until we've freed up enough space.
    var deletionErrors []error
    spaceFreed := int64(0)
    for _, image := range images {
        glog.V(5).Infof("Evaluating image ID %s for possible garbage collection", image.id)
        // Images that are currently in used were given a newer lastUsed.
        if image.lastUsed.Equal(freeTime) || image.lastUsed.After(freeTime) {
            glog.V(5).Infof("Image ID %s has lastUsed=%v which is >= freeTime=%v, not eligible for garbage collection", image.id, image.lastUsed, freeTime)

        // Avoid garbage collect the image if the image is not old enough.
        // In such a case, the image may have just been pulled down, and will be used by a container right away.

        if freeTime.Sub(image.firstDetected) < im.policy.MinAge {
            glog.V(5).Infof("Image ID %s has age %v which is less than the policy's minAge of %v, not eligible for garbage collection", image.id, freeTime.Sub(image.firstDetected), im.policy.MinAge)

        // Remove image. Continue despite errors.
        glog.Infof("[imageGCManager]: Removing image %q to free %d bytes", image.id, image.size)
        err := im.runtime.RemoveImage(container.ImageSpec{Image: image.id})
        if err != nil {
            deletionErrors = append(deletionErrors, err)
        delete(im.imageRecords, image.id)
        spaceFreed += image.size

        if spaceFreed >= bytesToFree {

    if len(deletionErrors) > 0 {
        return spaceFreed, fmt.Errorf("wanted to free %d bytes, but freed %d bytes space with errors in image deletion: %v", bytesToFree, spaceFreed, errors.NewAggregate(deletionErrors))
    return spaceFreed, nil



  • 探测机器上的image
  • 删除老的image





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