
(potential) risk factors 危险因素(影响因素常用这个)+for

反义词是 protective factors

mount an international collaborative effort to do sth 展开国际合作做。。。




Gallbladder cancer has an unusual geographic and demographic distribution, suggesting many possible etiologies/causes.



1.a case-control study was conducted/ undertaken/launched/ carried out at 4 hospitals in La Paz, Bolivia, and at one hospital in Mexico City, Mexico.

2.Eighty-four patients with.... were compared with 264 control subjects without stones and 264 control subjects with stones

3.All study subjects underwent abdonimal surgery

4.all study subjects were interviewed regarding(with regard to, with respect to. in regard to, in respect of, concerning)demographic characteristics, medical history, family history, diet and exposure to agents presumed to be risk factorsfor biliary cancer.




1.an increased risk was also noted for elevated maximum body mass index(P=0.03),family history of .....(OR=3.6;CI,1.3-1.4) and .....

2.an increased risk was also seen with ......(用法同上句)

3.趋势性检验时就可以这么比较compared with those with a body mass index less than 24kg/m^2, those with an index  of 24-25kg/m^2, 26-28kg/m^2, and greater than 28kg/m^2 had odds  ratios of 1.6(CI, 0.4-7.6), 1.3(CI, 0.3-5.6), and 2.6(CI, 0.5-18.6), respectively,( asymptotic test for trend,P=0.03)

4.finally, a number of associationswere noted with(指出)certain dietary and cooking habits.饮食和烹饪习惯也是其中的原因

1.risk increased with age 风险随着年龄增加而增加

increase the risk of 

2.females with diabeteshave/ carry a greater/increased risk of mortalitythan males  with diabetes

have a three-fold increased risk of 风险增加了3倍

3.mentally ill youth are at risk for developing obesity

4.the odds(几率) of having diabetes was stronger for women(女性更容易患diabetes)

5.stroke was associated/ related with increased risk of progression to diabetes or heart diseases 随着糖尿病或心脏病的病情加重,中风的风险也增加了



patients with gallbladder cancer differed from control subjectsin race,.....(other risk factors)这句话其实就是在表明危险因素

these findings mayprovide useful clues tothe pathogenesis(病原学) of gallbladder cancer,but given the number of analyses performed, additional cases need to be studied.(提供了病因线索,为以后的研究提供方向)

1.these findings will likely provide a foundation and direction forfurther research prioritiesfor (assessing...) 提出了研究重点

2.further research is required to....



1.确定病因(explore 探索)

identify/ determine/ establish an/ the etiology(cause) of.....

underlying etiology 潜在的病因

the leading cause主要的病因

causative(cause) agent 病原体;诱因;原因 agent 动因

i.e. determining theetiology(病因,更专业)of pneumonia is essential toguide public health interventions.(指导公共卫生干预)

2.remains uncertain/  have not been determined / established 原因未明

3.proceed to do / proceed with sth = go on doing sth 


undergo/ have abdonimal surgery 进行了腹部手术

be scheduled for 被安排进行

...surgery was performed 

complications 并发症


socioeconomic status 社会经济状况,

lifestyle 生活方式

enviromental exposure 环境暴露

satisfication 满意度

physical activity 体力活动(不可数)

sedentary behaviours 久坐

food frequency 食物频率

nutritional status/ condition 营养状况

moderate intensity exercise 中等强度运动 -----carry out physical exercise (vigorous 剧烈)

genders 性别 between genders 性别之间

more than 12 hours' every day sedentary/ sitting time(静坐时间) 每天静坐时间超过1h

mean weekday sleep duration 每日平均睡眠时间 duration时长

we should stress sports and modest consumption....(强调运动+适当摄入....)


contract/ develope infectious diseases


there were statistically significant differences(可数)between the groups regarding.....

the correlation/ association between A and B was statistically significant.


interviewere were fluent in Spanish, medically trained, and had received formal training in interviewing techniques.

surrogate interviews(spouse, parent, caretaker, or significant other )were used for only two subjects.

#surrogate  interviews 代理面谈

#caretaker 监护者


we are aware of only three published case-control studies of this disease.


a questionnaire(复数:questionnaires)survey wasadministered/ completed/ conductedfor(to) all study participants togather/collect informationon/regarding/concerning (pontential risk factors/ exposure to agents presumed to be risk factors)

a questionnaire-based telephone survey 一项基于电话的问卷调查

sleep quality(睡眠质量) was assessed/ evaluated via questionnaire

set a questionniare 制定问卷

the questionnaire return/response/recovery rate 问卷回收率

in total, 328 valid questionnaire responses were obtained. 共获得328份有效问卷答复

a valid sample of 352 interviewees responded to the online questionnaire and their responses were analyzed.

a total of 45,242 valid questionnaires were returned from 200 hospitals with a mean response rate of 69.4%


affiliated tumor hospital  附属肿瘤医院

medical examination center 体检中心


adverse pregnancy outcome


take some measures aimed at....


single-factor/ multiple-factor....


unhealthy emotion


overweight and obesity before(during and after) pregnancy


irregular prenatal examination



1.Risk Factors for Gallbaldder Cancer: An International Collaborative Case-Control Study

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