Motor system consist of any nucleus or area of the brain or the spinal cord that is involved with motor function.
Visual system
Hypothalamus will tell us when we are thirsty, hungry, full
The limbic system边缘系统
reticular formation网状结构
轴突 = 白质
一束轴突 = 神经nerves = pathways in CSN不同神经核之间的通道
we classify axons in to three different types.不是很严谨的做法。
Association pathways - a bundle of axons that connect different part of the cortex in the same hemisphere
Commissural pathways - pathways of axons that connect one hemisphere with the other hemisphere. 胼胝体连接着两个半球中相互对应的脑区corpus callosum
projection pathways - axons that leave their nuclei and connect various other nuclei in various systems. 几乎所有轴突都可以算是。轴突从神经核出去,连接到不同的神经核上
corticospinal tract 皮层-脊髓通道
Cortical - the origin of the cell body
Spinal - where the axon ends
Retinogeniculate pathway 视网膜-膝状体通道