“因我活着就是基督,我死了就有益处。 但我在肉身活着,若成就我工夫的果子,我就不知道该挑选什么。 我正在两难之间,情愿离世与基督同在,因为这是好得无比的。 然而,我在肉身活着,为你们更是要紧的。 我既然这样深信,就知道仍要住在世间,且与你们众人同住,使你们在所信的道上又长进又喜乐, 叫你们在基督耶稣里的欢乐,因我再到你们那里去,就越发加增。” 腓立比书 1:21-26
Philippians 1: 21-26.
For me, to live is Christ, to die is gain. What a strong life Mission, a life statement. He elaborates, in verse 22. 'To live is Christ' suggests Paul’s desire to depend on Christ while he engages in fruitful labor, while to die is to finally rest from his labors and be with Christ physically. While the Christian can experience Jesus’s spiritual presence in life, yet it is only a foretaste of the true physical relationship we can have with him in death. That shows us Paul's dilemma now: ‘In Christ and For Christ' in life or 'with Christ' in death. In life, Paul is challenging himself to do things in the power of Christ and for Christ’s glory: he teaches, preaches, helps, shares with others in the midst of suffering; while in death, to depart from suffering and enjoy his physical presence. Paul must have wished to run away from life’s problems and just enjoy the presence of Jesus, hence in verse 23, Paul would rather depart (die) and be with Jesus, but knowing the heart of Jesus (as suggested by his prayer in verse 9-11), he chooses to serve the people in Christ’s power and for Christ's glory ('so that your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me' verse 25). This is Paul's challenge in his life, and perhaps our challenge as well: knowing what is good for others and choosing it in the few years we have left because we know Christ’s heart for the people. After all we will have eternity with Jesus when we die.