




Iwas born  in 1949 and grew up in a middle-class Long Island neighborhood, the only son  of a professional jazz musician and a stay-at-home mom. I was an ordinary kid  in an ordinary house and a worse-than-ordinary student. I loved playing  around with my pals—touch football in the streets and baseball in a  neighbor’s backyard when I was young, and chasing girls when I got older.

我出生于1949年,成长在一个长岛附近的中产阶级家庭。是家里唯一的男孩,父亲一个是职业爵士音乐家而我母亲是一个不怎么爱出门的家庭主妇。我是一个普通家庭的普通孩子  但却是一个中等偏差的学生。年少的时候,我喜欢和同伴们在街头玩足球或者在邻居家的后院玩篮球,稍大一点就到处追求女孩了。

Our DNA gives us our  innate strengths and weaknesses. My most obvious weakness was my bad rote  memory. I couldn’t, and still can’t, remember facts that don’t have reasons  for being what they are (like phone numbers), and I don’t like following  instructions. At the same time, I was very curious and loved to figure things  out for myself, though that was less obvious at the time.


I didn’t like  school, not just because it required a lot of memorization, but because I  wasn’t interested in most of the things my teachers thought were important. I  never understood what doing well in school would get me other than my  mother’s approval.


My mother adored me  and worried about my poor grades. Up until middle school, she would make me  go to my room and study for a couple of hours before going out to play, but I  couldn’t bring myself to do it. She was always there for me. She folded and  rubber-banded the newspapers I delivered and baked cookies for the two of us  to eat while we watched horror movies together on Saturday nights. She died  when I was nineteen. At the time, I couldn’t imagine ever laughing again. Now  when I think of her I smile.


My dad worked very  late hours as a musician—until about three in the morning—so he slept late on  weekends. As a result, we didn’t have much of a relationship when I was young  other than him constantly nagging me to take care of chores like mowing the  lawn and cutting the hedges, which I hated. He was a responsible man dealing  with an irresponsible kid. Memories of how we interacted seem funny to me  today. For example, one time he told me to cut the grass and I decided to do  just the front yard and postpone doing the back, but then it rained for a  couple of days and the backyard grass became so high I had to cut it with a  sickle. That took so long that by the time I was finished, the front yard was  too high to mow, and so on.


After my mother  died, my dad and I became very close, especially when I started my own  family. I both liked and loved him.He had a casual, fun way about him the way musicians  tend to, and I admired his strong character, which I assume came from  living through the Great Depression and fighting in both World War II and the  Korean War. I have memories of him from when he was in his seventies, not  hesitating to drive through big snowstorms, shoveling himself out whenever he  got stuck like it was no big deal. After playing in clubs and cutting records  for most of his life, he began a second career in his midsixties, teaching  music in high school and at a local community college, which he continued  until he had a heart attack at eighty-one. He lived another decade after  that, as sharp as ever mentally.


When I didn’t want  to do something, I would fight it, but when I was excited about something,  nothing could hold me back. For example, while I resisted doing chores at  home, I eagerly did them outside the house to earn money. Starting at age  eight, I had a newspaper route, shoveled snow off people’s driveways,caddied, bussed tablesand washed dishes at a local restaurant, and stocked shelves at a nearby  department store. I don’t remember my parents encouraging me to do these jobs  so I can’t say how I came by them. But I do know that having those jobs and  having some money to handle independently in those early years taught me many  valuable lessons I wouldn’t have learned in school or at play.


In my early years  the psychology of the 1960s U.S. wasaspirationaland inspirational—to achieve great  and noble goals. It was like nothing I have seen since. One of my earliest  memories was of John F. Kennedy, an intelligent, charismatic man who painted  vivid pictures of changing the world for the better—exploring outer space,  achieving equal rights, and eliminating poverty. He and his ideas had a major  effect on my thinking.


The United States  was then at its peak relative to the rest of the world, accounting for 40  percent of its economy compared to about 20 percent today; the dollar was the  world’s currency; and the U.S. was the dominant military power. Being  “liberal” meant being committed to moving forward in a fast and fair way,  while being “conservative” meant being stuck in old and unfair ways—at least  that’s how it seemed to me and to most of the people around me. As we saw it,  the U.S. was rich, progressive, well managed, and on a mission to improve  quickly at everything. I might have been naive but I wasn’t alone.


In those years,  everyone was talking about the stock market, because it was doing great and  people were making money. This included the people playing at a local golf  course called Links where I started caddying when I was twelve. So I took my  caddying money and started playing the stockmarket. My first investment was  in Northeast Airlines. I bought it because it was the only company I’d heard  of that was selling for less than $5 a share. I figured the more shares I  bought, the more money I would make. That was a dumb strategy, but I tripled  my money. Northeast Airlines was actually about to go broke and another  company acquired it. I got lucky, but I didn’t know it at the time. I just  thought making money in the markets was easy, so I was hooked.


In those days, Fortune magazine had a little  tear-out coupon you could mail in to get free annual reports from Fortune 500  companies. I ordered them all. I can still remember watching the mailman  unhappily lugging all those reports to our door, and Idug intoevery one of  them. That was how I began building an investment library. As the stock  market continued to climb, World War II and the Depression seemed like  distant memories and investing seemed like simply a matter of buying anything  and watching it go up. It would certainly go up, the common knowledge held,  because managing the economy had developed into a science. After all, stocks  had nearly quadrupled over the previous ten years, and some had done much  better than that.


As a  result, “dollar-cost averaging”—investing essentially the same dollar amount  in the market every month, no matter how few or many shares it could buy—was  the strategy most people followed. Of course, picking the best stocks was  even better, so that’s what I and everyone else tried to do. There were  thousands to choose from, all neatly listed on the last few pages of the  newspaper.


While I liked playing the markets, I also loved playing  around with my friends, whether in the neighborhood when I was a kid, using  fake IDs to get into bars when we were teens, or, nowadays, going to music  festivals and on scuba-diving trips together. I’ve always been an independent  thinker inclined to take risks in search of rewards—not just in the markets,  but in most everything. I also fearedboredomand mediocrity much more than I feared  failure. For me, great is better than terrible, and terrible is better than  mediocre, because terrible at least gives life flavor. The high school  yearbookquote my  friends chose for mewas from Thoreau: “If a man does not keep pace  with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let  him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”


高中年鉴中有一句话我很喜欢,来自亨利大卫梭罗:  “如果一个人不能和他的同伴同步,也许是因为他听到了不同的鼓点,就让他继续按着音乐走下去吧,无论合拍还是渐行渐远”。

In 1966, my senior year of high school, the stock market  was still booming and I was making money and having a blast, cutting school  with my best friend Phil to go surfing, and doing what fun-loving high school  boys usually do. Of course I didn’t know it then, but that year was to be the  stock market’s top. After that, almost everything I thought I knew about the  markets was proven wrong.








60年代航空公司是非常兴旺的,可以看看汤姆汉克斯和小李子主演的《catch me if you can-- 逍遥法外》电影,就知道那时候整个航空业蒸蒸日上,股价是很好的,属于朝阳产业。








DCA   学到的第一个经济学概念:我猜作者在本节提到这个概念也为他后来的失败埋下了伏笔,就像后来的经融危机是因为发行货币和对应的黄金储备引发的,也就是货币超发。




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