Gilbert的ScalersTalk第四轮新感念朗读持续训练 Day7 20181014


Lesson 7 Too late


Did the detectives save the diamonds?

The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.

They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.

A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds.

When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.

Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House.

While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others openedthe parcel.

To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand!


[dɪd] [ðə] [dɪˈtɛktɪvz] [seɪv] [ðə] [ˈdaɪməndz]? 3S

[ðə] [pleɪn] [wʌz] [leɪt] [ænd] [dɪˈtɛktɪvz] [wɜr] [ˈweɪtɪŋ] [æt] [ði] [ˈɛrˌpɔrt] [ɔl] [ˈmɔrnɪŋ]. 6S

[ðeɪ] [wɜr] [ɪkˈspɛktɪŋ] [ə] [ˈvæljəbəl] [ˈpɑrsəl] [ʌv] [ˈdaɪməndz] [frʌm] [saʊθ] [ˈæfrəkə]. 5S

[ə] [fju] [ˈaʊərz] [ˈɜrliər], [ˈsʌmˌwʌn] [hæd] [toʊld] [ðə] [pəˈlis] [ðæt] [θivz] [wʊd] [traɪ] [tu] [stil] [ðə] [ˈdaɪməndz]. 7S

[wɛn] [ðə] [pleɪn] [əˈraɪvd], [sʌm] [ʌv] [ðə] [dɪˈtɛktɪvz] [wɜr] [ˈweɪtɪŋ] [ɪnˈsaɪd] [ðə] [meɪn] [ˈbɪldɪŋ] [waɪl] [ˈʌðərz] [wɜr] [ˈweɪtɪŋ] [ɑn] [ði] [ˈɛrˌfild]. 10S

[tu] [mɛn] [tʊk] [ðə] [ˈpɑrsəl] [ɔf] [ðə] [pleɪn] [ænd] [ˈkærid] [ɪt] [ˈɪntu] [ðə] [ˈkʌstəmz] [haʊs]. 6S

[waɪl] [tu] [dɪˈtɛktɪvz] [wɜr] [ˈkipɪŋ] [gɑrd] [æt] [ðə] [dɔr], [tu] [ˈʌðərz] [ˈoʊpənd] [ðə] [ˈpɑrsəl]. 7S

[tu] [ðɛr] [sərˈpraɪz], [ðə] [ˈprɛʃəs] [ˈpɑrsəl] [wʌz] [fʊl] [ʌv] [stoʊnz] [ænd] [sænd]! 6S

本次音频时长:49S  = 0.0136111H








连读:carried it  full of



a person, especially a police officer , whose job is to examine crimes and catch criminals.

A person employed by sb to find out information about sb/sth.

Airport: N. A place where planes land and take off and that has buildings for passengers to wait in.


to think or believe that sth will happen or that sb will do sth.

To be waiting to sb/sth to arrive, as this has been arranged.

To demand that sb will do sth because it is their duty or responsibility.

Used when you think sth is probably.


N. much sth is worth in money or other goods for which it can be exchanged. much sth is worth compared with its price.

3.the quality of being useful of important.

4.beliefs about what is right and wrong and what is important in life.

5.the amount represented by a letter or symbol.


to think that sb/sth is important.

To decide that sth is worth a particular amount of money.



something that is wrapped in paper or put into a thick envelope so that it can be sent by mail, carried easily, or given as a present.

A piece of land

V. To wrap sth up and make it into a parcel.



a clear colourless precious stone of pure CARBON, the hardest substance known. Diamonds are used in jewellery and also in industry, especially for cutting glass.

A she with four straight sides of equal length and with angles that are not RIGHT ANGLES.

One of the four SUIT in a pack/desk of cards. The cards are marked with red diamond shapes.

A card of this SUIT.

The space inside the lines that connect the four BASES; also used to mean the whole baseball field.

Steal:to take sth from a person, shop/store, etc . without permission and without intending to return it or pay for it.

Main:adj.being the largest or most important of its kind.

Airfield:an area of flat ground where military or private planes can take off an land.

Guard:a person ,such as a soldier, a police officer or a prison officer, who protects a place or people, or prevents prisoners from escaping.

Precious:1.rare and worth a lot of money. 2.valuable or important and not to be wasted.

Stone:1.a hard solid mineral substance that is found in the ground, often used for building.  2.a small piece of rock of any shape.

Sand:1.a substance that consists of very small fine grains of rock.Sand is found on beaches, in deserts, etc. 2.a large area of sand on a beach.


Expect to do sth(expect sb to do sth)期望做某事

At the airport 在机场

Keep guard 站岗

Now is going your turn to keep guard(现在轮到你站岗了)

To one’s surprise 令某人吃惊的是……;

Be full of  sth = be filled with sth表示充满,装满;


Hannh- 河北 - 学生

@Gilbert(耐烦) 亲,整体发音偏降调,可以尝试模仿原音,语速较快,可以尝试慢慢朗诵,Too late,  plane,  hours, main, guard at连读  opened the连读 以上发音出现轻微偏差,麻烦请参考原文or词典发音。

冬冬 - 成都 - 早教










突然感觉今天联系的句子长了,明明是很简单的句子但是结构感觉和前几天读的内容不一样,所以没有之前读的那么随和;今天还有小伙伴点评说我读的快,也许是我真的着急读完着急上班去吧!更可能是我对这篇文章的练习熟练度不够。晚上回来又把字典搬出来查了一下这些基础的单词,看看释义发现diamond 还有纸牌的方块意思stone 有果实的果核意思,突然感觉印象更深了。

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