the press and public were atwitter, anticipating that'd he do something spectacular and at odds with the traditions of the automotive industry.
㊀ atwitter:adj. 紧张的,兴奋的
例:A crowd atwitter with expectation
㊁be at odds with sth/ be at odds with sb over sth
释义:to be different from something, when the two things should be the same:与…争执,意见不一致;与…不和;差异
同义: conflict, disagree with
反义:align with, concur with, agree with
例句:These findings are at odds with what is going on in the rest of the country.
例句:Heʼs always at odds with his father over politics.
仿写:His behavior is at odds with the social security.
✏️ odds and ends:small items that are not valuable or are not part of a larger set 零碎的东西
例句:She spent the day sorting through a box full of odds and ends.
✏️ odds 还可译为“机会”, the odds that...很可能...
同义:possibility, chance, likelihood, probability
例句:The odds are against him.
仿写:The odds that she will win this game.
All seemed to be going well for Musk, and he savored the moment.
释义:to enjoy the full taste or flavour of something, especially by eating or drinking its lowly; to enjoy a feeling or an experience thoroughly 尽情享受;加调料于...;
同义:enjoy, relish, revel in, glory in, delight in,
例句:It's an opportunity to savour the delights of snowboarding
仿写:She savored the life with her children.
they heard about upcoming features
While the doubters placed huge wagers on Tesla's impending failure,
两词均表示"that is going to happen very soon"即将发生的,迫在眉睫的
同义:imminent, approaching, forthcoming, prospective
例句: They were all filled with a sense of impending doom.
仿写:He is atwitter with the upcoming danger.
兵来将挡,水来土掩,遇到的问题总会被解决。每当Elon刚步入事业辉煌时刻或者劫后逢生总会有新的问题困难出现,Elon 不是思前恐后,而是针对要害,尽己所能重点解决,也并没有去衡量自己的付出是否一定会度过难关,是否功亏一篑等诸多杂念。而或许恰是这份纯粹的的付出和拼搏,每次都化险为夷度过难关。会有人担心“全心去做某事要是万一失败了岂不是一无所获”,而当你有此权衡时某种程度早已分心,再则真的全心投入做到极致最终还没成功,这可能要归咎点一点运气吧,而这几率也是少之又少吧。事实是,我们所付出的程度还没达到谈及运气的层级,自己却各种实力甩锅。