It‘'s very impressive. 真是叹为观止啊
Can I hide out here for a while? 我能在这边待会儿吗
The next thing I know she's invited herself out here to stay with me. 然后她居然自己跑过来 要和我一起住
He's kind of a sore loser, isn't he? 他就这么输不起吗
To be fair, he's also a rather unpleasant winner. 公平点说 他赢了也不会开心
Howard and Christy are ... kind of hooking up in my bedroom.
Hold that though. Leonard, a moment. 暂停一下 Leonard 过来说话
You have a problem with this. 你有点意见
No one ever thinks it'll happen until it does. 事情没发生 谁也说不准
I suggest no liquids after 11:00 P.M. 建议你晚上11点后不要喝水
Anything else should I know? 还有什么要提醒的吗
Sorry about that. 很抱歉
Let me walk you through it. 我跟你解释