better-scroll 上拉加载 下拉刷新的问题

当数据不足一个页面时 better-scroll 无法滚动,是因为只有content的高度大于wrapper高度时候,才可以滚动。
在这个时候可以打印 this.scroll 看看
当this.scroll.hasVerticalScroll 为fasle的时候就是content的高度小于wrapper高度

直接强制修改 this.scroll.hasVerticalScroll = true
<div class="main">
<div class="herder">
<div @click="modelisshow" ><i v-if="ishow" class="on">金额不限</i><i v-else>金额不限</i><img v-if="ishow" src="~assets/images/icon-v.png" /><img v-else src="~assets/images/icon-v-i.png" /></div>
<div @click="modemonshow"><i v-if="monshow" class="on">所有贷款类型</i><i v-else>所有贷款类型</i><img v-if="monshow" src="~assets/images/icon-v.png"><img v-else src="~assets/images/icon-v-i.png" /></div>
<div class="min-show" v-if="ishow">
<li v-for="(item, index) in list" :key="index" v-bind:class="{ active: index == sumIndex }" @click="sumclike(item,index)">{{}}</li>
<div class="bg-color" @click="modelisshow"></div>
<div class="min-show" v-if="monshow">
<li v-for="(item, index) in mon" :key="index" v-bind:class="{ active: index == typeIndex }" @click="typeclike(item,index)">{{}}</li>
<div class="bg-color" @click="modemonshow"></div>
<div class="wrapper" ref="wrapper">
<div class="content">
<div class="newxin" v-if="down">
<img src="~assets/images/loading.gif" />
<div v-for="(items, index) of main" :key="index">
<div class="home-box" v-for="(item, index) of items" :key="index" @click="ApplyBtn(">
<img :src="item.logo" alt="" />
<div class="home-list">
<div class="top-list">
<div class="num-tit"><i>{{item.hit}}</i>已放款</div>
<div class="top-line">
<span class="tit">额度范围(元)</span>
<span class="num">{{item.loan_limit}}</span>
<div class="center-line">
<span class="tit">贷款周期(天)</span>
<span class="num">{{item.loan_during}}</span>
<div class="right-line">
<span class="tit">参考利率</span>
<span class="num">{{item.loan_rate}}%</span>
<div class="newxin-bottom" v-if="up"></div>
<div v-show="showtit">
<p class="notit"><img src="~assets/images/61542708710.jpg" alt=""></p>
<div v-show="loading" class="loading">
<img src="~assets/images/loading.gif" alt="">
<div v-show="showloading" class="loading">
<img src="~assets/images/loading.gif" alt="">
<div class="seize"></div>
import axios from 'axios'
import BScroll from 'better-scroll'
import util from '../../../util/util'
let page = 1
export default {
name: 'BorrowMain',
data () {
return {
main: [],
list: [],
mon: [],
msg: '',
showtit: false,
ishow: false,
monshow: false,
loading: false,
sumIndex: 0,
typeIndex: 0,
sum: '',
dropDown: false,
type: '',
showloading: '',
loadingConnecting: false,
down: false,
up: true,
pulldownTip: {
text: '下拉刷新',
textup: '上拉加载更多',
rotate: ''
methods: {
minlist () { + 'api/v1/product/getscreen', {
loanKey: this.route.params.loanKey }) .then(this.minlistSucc) }, minlistSucc (res) { res = if (res.code === 200) { this.list = this.mon =[1].value } }, modelisshow () { this.ishow = !this.ishow if (this.monshow === true) { this.monshow = false } }, modemonshow () { this.monshow = !this.monshow if (this.ishow === true) { this.ishow = false } }, sumclike (data, index) { this.sumIndex = index this.sum = data.screen_id this.ishow = !this.ishow + 'api/v1/product/getList', { loanKey: this.route.params.loanKey,
choose: this.sum,
position: this.type
sumSucc (res) {
res =
if (res.code === 200) {
this.main = []
this.showtit = false
if (JSON.stringify( === '{}') {
this.showtit = true
typeclike (data, index) {
this.typeIndex = index
this.type = data.position
this.monshow = !this.monshow + 'api/v1/product/getList', {
loanKey: this.route.params.loanKey, choose: this.sum, position: this.type }) .then(this.typeSucc) }, typeSucc (res) { res = if (res.code === 200) { this.main = [] this.showtit = false } if (JSON.stringify( === '{}') { this.showtit = true } }, ApplyBtn (id) { + 'api/v1/product/hit', { loanKey: this.route.params.loanKey,
product_id: id,
client: 'wechat',
openid: sessionStorage.getItem('openid')
ApplyBtnSucc (res) {
res =
if (res.code === 200) {
window.location.href =
getMainInfo () {
this.showloading = true + 'api/v1/product/getList', {
page: page++,
loanKey: this.route.params.loanKey, choose: this.sum, position: this.type }) .then(this.getMainInfoSucc) }, getMainInfoSucc (res) { this.showloading = false res = if (res.code === 200) { this.main.push( } if (JSON.stringify( === '{}') { this.msg = res.msg this.openBottom() } if (JSON.stringify( !== '{}') { this.showtit = false } }, openBottom () { this.toast(this.msg)
BS () {
if (!this.refs.wrapper) { return } // better-scroll的初始化 this.scroll = new BScroll(this.refs.wrapper, {
probeType: this.probeType,
scrollX: this.scrollX,
scrollY: this.scrollY
this.scroll.on('scroll', pos => {
this.scroll.hasVerticalScroll = true
if (pos.y > 50) {
this.down = true
} else {
this.down = false
this.scroll.on('touchEnd', pos => {
if (pos.y > 50) { + 'api/v1/product/getList', {
page: '1',
loanKey: this.route.params.loanKey, choose: this.sum, position: this.type }).then(function (res) { res = if (res.code === 200) { this.toast('刷新成功!')
this.main = []
this.down = false
if (this.scroll.maxScrollY > pos.y + 10) {
this.toast('加载成功!') } }) } }, mounted () { setTimeout(() => { this.BS() }, 20) this.minlist() this.getMainInfo() util.getwechat(this.route.params.loanKey)
watch: {
data () {
setTimeout(() => {
}, this.refreshDelay)
props: {
* 1 滚动的时候会派发scroll事件,会截流。
* 2 滚动的时候实时派发scroll事件,不会截流。
* 3 除了实时派发scroll事件,在swipe的情况下仍然能实时派发scroll事件
probeType: {
type: Number,
default: 3
* 点击列表是否派发click事件
click: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
* 是否开启横向滚动
scrollX: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
scrollY: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
* 是否派发滚动事件
listenScroll: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
* 列表的数据
data: {
type: Array,
default: null
* 是否派发滚动到底部的事件,用于上拉加载
pullup: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
* 是否派发顶部下拉的事件,用于下拉刷新
pulldown: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
* 是否派发列表滚动开始的事件
beforeScroll: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
* 当数据更新后,刷新scroll的延时。
refreshDelay: {
type: Number,
default: 30
beforeDestroy () {
page = 1

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