Spelling: Why can't we officially remove silent letters from English words and otherwise make English more consistent?
As others have already noted, silent letters in English often do have an impact:
They may change the pronunciation of a nearby vowel (e.g., mop vs. mope, at vs. ate). This often drastically changes the meaning, as you can see.
不发音字母能够改变临近的元音的读音(比如:mop vs. mope, at vs. ate)。而这点通常能够带来单词意义上的极大变化。
They may indicate a word's origin within another language and thereby give clues to its meaning (e.g., the silent p at the start of words like "psychology" reminds us of the Greek origin of the word and the connection to the story of Cupid & Psyche -- which hints at the meaning).
不发音字母能帮助我们了解一个单词在其他语言中的来源并帮助我们猜测单词的涵义(比如:在“psychology”中不发音的 P 能让我们知道这个单词来源于希腊关于丘比特与普塞克的故事,并由此能让我们猜测单词的涵义。)
In addition, a silent letter that doesn't change the sound of a word can still affect its meaning or usage. For instance:
- pleas (a plural noun)
- pleas (复数名词,请求)
- please (a verb)
- please (动词,请)
Not only would it be difficult to erase all the silent letters from English (as others have convincingly argued), but I think we'd lose a great deal culturally and linguistically by doing so.