Day7--Summary of reading "Space and Time"


1. The natural state of a body was to beat restand that it moved only if driven by a force or impulse . 亚里士多德的观点, 自然状态下的物体是静止的,只有在外力或推动力的驱使下才会运动。

At rest: adj.  in a state of repose or especially sleep 静止的 Synonyms : asleep

2. The situation is similar to that of heavy bodies fallingvertically.

vertically :adv. in a vertical direction 以垂直的方向 Antonyms:  horizontally

3.  Galileo's measurements were used by Newtonas the basis of his laws of motion.

as the basis of ....以..为基础

laws of motion : 运动定律(指下文要提及的牛顿第一和第二定律)

4.This idea was first statedexplicitlyin Newton's "Principia Mathematica", published in 1687.

explicitly:adv. in an explicit manner .  When you explain somethingexplicitly, you do it in great detail, leaving no room for misunderstanding. Synonyms :implicitly,without ever expressing so clearly

5. a rate that isproportionalto the force

proportional: adj. properly related in size or degree or other measurable characteristics; usually followed by `to'  , which describes something that has a relative size or amount to something else. Synonyms : relative .  E.g. That being, a statement of probability that isproportionalto the amount of available evidence and subject to an informal system of peer review.

6.In addition tohis laws of motion, Newton discovered a law to describe the force ofgravity.

In addtion to: compare to "besides ";  E.g. In addition to health and longevity, she said education is a factor.

gravity:In physics,gravityis the natural force that causes things to fall toward the earth. The noungravitycan also mean seriousness or solemnity(庄严).

7. The orbits of the planets would not beelliptical,they would eitherspiralin to the sun or escape from the sun.

elliptical: adj. rounded like an egg  E.g. Many comets have anellipticalorbit around the Sun that brings them closer at some times and farther away at others.

spiral:n. a structure consisting of something wound in a continuous series of loops 螺旋形. 在这里做V,使成螺旋形

8. He was severelycriticizedfor thisirrationalbelief by many people.

criticized: v. find fault with; express criticism of; point out real or perceived flaws 被批判

Irrational: adj. not consistent with or using reason 不合理的 Usually you useirrationalto describe ideas and thoughts that are not based on reason, although emotions and behavior can be irrational too if they don't seem reasonable.

9....they believed that one couldunambiguouslymeasure the interval of time between two events......

unambiguous: adj. having or exhibiting a single clearly defined meaning 明确的,不含糊的。此为副词。

interval of time: 时间间距 interval means the distance between things

10. A proper theory of thepropagationof light didn't come until 1865.

propagation:n. the movement of a wave through a medium 传播。 同时它还有繁殖的意思

11.Maxwell'sequationspredicted that there could be wavelike disturbances in the combinedelectromagetic field.

equations:a mathematical statement that two expressions are equal方程式 In anequation, the quantities on both sides of the equal sign are equal. That's the mathematical meaning ofequation

disturbances:n. activity that is a malfunction, intrusion, or interruption 干扰Synonyms : perturbation.   E.g.there was adisturbanceof neural function

electromagetic:adj. pertaining to or exhibiting magnetism produced by electric charge in motion. E.g.electromagneticenergy 电磁能

12. ..and that these would travel as a fixed speed, likeripples on a pond.  池塘里的涟漪

13....ahithertounknown clerk in the Swiss patent office, Albert Einstein....

hitherto:adv. used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time 前无古人,横空出世,好一个爱因斯坦 Use the adverbhithertowhen you're describing a state or circumstance that existed up until now.  E.g. A rush of electric-car launches over the next three years is likely to hasten theirhithertoslow adoption by consumers.

14: the fundamentalpostulateof the theory of relativity.相对论

postulate: .n. (logic) a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning. 基本条件

E.g.Kant’s keypostulatewas “the creation of an international community based on commerce and free trade.”

15. only light, or other waves that have nointrinsic mass, can move at the speed of light.

intrinsic: adj. belonging to a thing by its very nature 本质的,固有的。e.g. Clearly, the stock was way ahead of itself and likely to eventually fall closer to itsintrinsicvalue.

Synonyms : intrinsical      Antonyms: extrinsic.

16.cesium clock: an atomic clock based on the energy difference between two states of the caesium nucleus in a magnetic field 原子钟

17.the choice ofcoordinatesisarbitrary坐标

arbitrary:adj. based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice ;  Something that'sarbitraryseems like it's chosen at random instead of following a consistent rule. 任意的,随机的。E.g.Critics say that ending voter registration 20 days before Election Day isarbitrary.

18.this cone is called the future light cone of the event. In the same way we can draw another cone, called  the past light cone.

cone : n.a shape whose base is a circle and whose sides taper up to a point 圆锥体

By wikipedia, which wrote like this : alight coneis the path that a flash of light, emanating from a singleevent(localized to a single point in space and a single moment in time) and traveling in all directions, would take throughspacetime.  To get what's future light cone and past light cone via below picture :

19. the light cones will be identical and will all point in the same direction.

identical: adj. being the exact same one; not any other . Synonyms : very, same . E.g. All of them sharedidenticalmitochondrial genomes, which are inherited from the mother.

20. and has a rather elongated orbit .

elongated:adj.  drawn out or made longer spatially .  Something that'selongatedis stretched out, or extended so that it's longer than usual.  Synonyms: extended, prolonged. E.g. “People are asked a question, and they preface their answer with an elongated ‘ so. which the moonds of Jupiter appeared to pass behind Jupiter were not evenly spaced. 

spaced: v, be divied into space. 这里理解为均匀分布的 terms of objects contracting and clocks slowing down when they moved through the ether.

contracting:  膨胀的

23.provided he knows the other observer's relative velocity

velocity: distance travelled per unit time . synonyms: speed terms of = with regard to , conserning 就..而言

25. gravitational effects: 重力效应,万有引力

26. the special theory of relativity 狭义相对论

  the general theory of relativity 广义相对论

minding map





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