英文篇| Our ''birthdays'



Due to the outbreak of coronavirus, everyone has to stay home to avoid being infected.

It is honestly the first time in my life that witness China to be this "empty". Only a few people are walking in the street. And everyone has to wear a mask, better N95 mask to protect themselves from being attacked by the horrible virus.

So this is the background of the beginning of 2020. Indeed, even the beginning year seems quite tough and devastating. And while we were staying in this community where we are living right now, Usama also experienced the 5.1 degrees of an earthquake that occurred somewhere near Longquanyi when we were sitting home at night time.

We still cannot believe the beginning of 2020 happened to be like this. Seldom can you see any shops operating , even they do, they would only run for a short period of time. The delivery service got delayed. Flights got canceled. Small and medium companies went bankrupt due to this disaster. And to make things worse, all the masks on all online shopping platforms have been sold out, which means people have to be forced to stay home to qurantize themselves and are not able to go to any place.

Even after the 8th of February, all the companies are still waiting for the government's notice to go back to work again. Therefore, lots of companies have to stay at home to work.


It is under this kind of circumstance, on the 12th of February, we decided to go to the hospital, Longquanyi No.1 People's hospital to do my regular pregnancy check as I have not been able to go there and was stuck at home since the outbreak. 

Today in the early morning, we booked a DIDI, made sure that we were equipped with masks, gloves, and goggles, and for the whole trip to the hospital, we were so attentive about the didi driver's movement in the car. The good part is that all the didi drivers have to wear masks and disinfect their cars before going to pick up their customers. But still, we were quite nervous when heard the driver sneezing even when he was equipped with his mask. Finally, we arrived at the hospital gate, and everyone entering the gate had a body temperature check-up and were asked by the doctors of their traveling history and symptoms in recently.

We went to the 2nd floor, obstetrics department, to see my doctor, Qin and was given the ultrasound test, blood test, and baby's heart monitoring test. When we got all the reports back, I handed them to the doctor, the next thing I got to know was that my amniotic fluid has gotten less, which was quite dangerous as told by the doctor. So the next decision she made was to let me be hospitalized. I got quite shocked when she started to give me the form of being hospitalized, she signed it and handed over to me and asked me to go to the inpatient department to process it today.

I went out from the doctor's office, recalling what Usama was discussing with me yesterday that he had a feeling that there might be a chance I would be hospitalized and he would have to run back home to get all of my necessities and the new born's necessities. And the assumption had turned out to be true, so when I repeated what the doctor told me to him, he did not seem to be quite shocked. We went to the 7th floor to book the patient room and went back to the 1st floor to get the procedure done. When I had been hospitalized, I called my mom and she brought lunch for me and meanwhile, Usama went back to get all my stuff and prepared dinner for both of us.


The first couple of checks I was asked to do after being hospitalized were 内检,drawing blood, and contraction test, to check whether the baby can withstand contraction or not.

The baby happened to be able to withstand the contraction test, so the doctor Sun asked us to sign the documents of agreeing to give birth naturally.

At night time, around 9 p.m. 我被医生叫去安装『宫颈球囊』,一种帮助软化宫颈,安装的过程就已经让我痛得有点失去知觉了。安装结束时也流了很多血,医生告诉我之后就不会流血了,有的人会慢慢开始感觉到阵痛,有的人则痛一会便没什么感觉了。而我则是前者,不仅之后回去卧床躺着的时候感受到了一股一股来自小腹的阵痛,还是越来越厉害,直到晚上护士不得不过来给我打了一针帮助睡眠的针,我才能在阵痛中睡上一会儿。

Anyway, the night before giving birth was filled with these continuous pain and craving for sleep. Usama was also not able to sleep due to my situation and the break-in of nurses who were checking the baby's heartbeat at late night.

Finally when it was today's morning, around 10 am, the doctor came to my room to ask me to change my clothes, get the baby's clothes prepared, and to get ready to go to the delivery room. And Usama was told by the doctor to go get some breakfast for me.

Everything happened so fast that we almost got no time to think about what we should do, but rather, we were just acting like robots at that moment to do the things that were asked by the doctors and nurses.

I was lying on the patient bed in the labor room, together with another woman who was also about to give birth. The doctor did 人工破水 to me, in which they took the 宫颈球囊 out and then all of a sudden, my water broke and I was lying there feeling the warmth of the water flowing outside and my mind just totally went blank. The next thing the doctor as I would soon feel contraction pain and the real thing would start to happen.

Yes the real thing, more and more severe pain in my abdomen and 开指,which the 宫颈 starts to gradually open to ten-finger length.. 直到现在,回想起在病床上的宫缩痛和开指痛还心有余悸,在此感谢在病房指导我换气并且喂我吃了几口粮已帮助我保持体力的赵护士,如果说痛经能让人昏过去,那开指的痛真的是可以让人昏过去又被疼得清醒过来了。而我就是在这种痛得有点昏睡过去与下一波阵痛让我又清醒过来的『旅程』中发出歇斯底里的呐喊--『医生啊,我受不了了!什么时候给我打无痛啊??』然后医生看了我开指的状态,手又伸进去探测了几次,告诉我,『你的宫颈条件很好,不用打无痛。』好吧,我也没有呐喊的力气了,而医生此时居然叫我这个疼得在翻来滚去的人坐起来去到分娩球上帮助开指,一坐上去,更多羊水哗啦啦地往下流,然后就是疼痛感继续往上升,直到我没啥力气,被搀扶着又回到了床上躺着,而这时,肚子像被拖拉机撵过,能够很明显感受到骨头开始扩张,腰背快断的感觉,以及一股力气想要从我宫颈内喷涌而出。


这辈子的力气恐怕都使在生孩子上了,而且还是在没有打 epidural 的情况下,发现母爱的力量真的是天生的,当听到医生说胎心不好时,我想使上这辈子的力气也要把胎儿给生出来。

连续憋气,忍住,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,然后大吸口氧气,再忍住,而且这期间不能发出声音,不然气会漏出去。。连续憋气,吸氧,又憋气,又拼命用力push everything out, yes literally everything out including poop,不过总算是找到了感觉,最后一次,终于听到以前看电视上给女性接生的产婆说的最常见的,『加油,看见头了,再使劲。。。』



我一边忍着,让护士给我缝伤口,一边侧头看着一边的宝宝。发现他也正看着我,眼睛滴溜溜的朝着我的方向嘴角上扬。护士把宝宝裹在蓝色的包被里,抱了出去给在产房外等候的老公看。之后小朋友被抱了回来,放在了我身边。 小家伙小小一只,我用手臂搂着他,然后被医生推出了生产室,回到了待产室输液,并且护士也在帮着小宝宝吸上了第一口母乳。而此时的我早已精疲力尽。不过内心却如释重负,方才再怎么难以承受的痛,在孩子被生出来的一瞬间,就似乎烟消云散。

May God keep you healthy and happy.  And may you become someone who can have positive influence on others and help others with your heart. 


Haroon Usama, born on February 13th, 2020. 12:20 P.M.

Haroon with Papa  一月大

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