Language: a structured system used for communication meaning.语言就是用来交流意思的有组织的系统。
Denotative本义的:a words literal meaning (就是这个词本来的意思)
Connotative: a words implied(暗示的) or secondary in addition to literal meaning也就是引申意义
Loaded language:鼓动性语言。Words with strong positive or negative communication meaning(例如广告上的OPEN HOUSE:当然不是开房的意思,在美国是卖房子的人欢迎买家去看房子的意思)还有1.beyond literal meaning 比如relief tax:refers literally to changes that reduce the amount to tax citizens must pay.However, use of the emotive word relief implies that all tax is an unreasonable burden to begin with. 2.明显的比如:“You want to go to the mall,don't you?”
Hear: Auditory cortex听觉皮层 and Wernicke"s 失语症
See:visual cortex 视觉皮层 and angular gyrus 角形脑回
Speak:Broca‘’s area 布罗卡氏区,大脑左前下部控制语言的部分and motor cortex皮质层
1.Language is a symbolic 象征
为什么这么说呢,原因有两个①representation of object物体 or idea ② symbolic nature of words never static 一个词没有静态的不变的象征,不同语境下可能有不同的意思
2.Language is arbitrary 主观的
connection between meaning and it's word
Exceptiom:Onomcatopoetic拟声的 -word formed by imitating the sound of its meaning (和它相对的是象形的iconic)
3.Language is governed by rules
②syntatic句法的:the way we put word together in proper order for an intended meaning我们有目的地把词按照一定的顺序排列
③semantic语义的:gover the words of individual meaning 句子有它独特的含义
④pragmatic实际的情况:how we use social and cultural information in order to do the insertion meaning, context 语境tone of voices 语气
语义三角semantic triangle 三要素
①symbol or form:语言形式或符号是言语中的词、句子等构成要素