我的职业生涯 My Career (2)

Sept. 12th is the Big Day for Apple, all media focus on this event. That's because Apple announced new products, in that day.


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Apple style with the clear black background, our company logo shown on the with IPhone. I should be at least exciting about it. But I found myself is very quiet. "m"is not a company, just a brand now. For me during 3 years with this brand, from Product Development Assistant to Product Development Manger ,live through several rounds layoffs, aquisition, and layoff again.

黑色简洁的PPT是苹果的一贯风格。公司Logo 能亮相在PPT里,应该有一丝兴奋才对。我发现自己内心格外平静,m 已经不是一个公司,而只是一个品牌。在这里的三年,我从产品开发助理成长为产品开发经理,经历了几轮裁员到公司并购,以及并购后的裁员,我依旧在这。

It's the first time let me feel,my personal growth is bundled with a company or a brand,and awarded of the special meaning to me.


Many companies and suppliers lived on Apple and these famous cell-phone brands, it's the main live line.  Sept. 12 is the exciting  also helpless day to them. 3 months is the development cycle for these accessories products. Turn over your IPhone, there is always a sentence  "Designed by Apple in California Assembled in China", it's laser etching on the metal housing. Our proudct is the same style, designed by CA, assembled in CN.

作为倚靠苹果和其他手机大品牌为生存主线的电子周边产品的品牌商,有着生存的无奈和欣喜。电子产品每三个月为一个 开发周期,节奏较快。翻转一下你手握的苹果手机,手机背面的金属壳下端镭雕的文字:"Designed by Apple in California Assembled in China". 我们公司的产品和苹果的模式一样。设计在加州,组装在中国。

From ID design to market research, fesibility analysis, quote, finalize factory, engneering verification, EVT/DVT/PVT build , complete all kinds of test and verify, then fianl to mass production. From product limit color confirm to MP material prepareation and confirm shipment plan.


Color Review“看色”

This job required lots of communication and coordination,with US headquarter, supppliers, factories, also internal communication with engineering team: EE,ME.Sourcing, package, quality and planning for shipment.

这份工作需要大量的沟通协调,和美国总部、和供应商、工厂,和内部的工程团队EE、ME, 到采购、包装、品质、出货。

From each components, processing technic, test standard, lead time confirm, safety certification. I found I graduated from liberal art, but working for a job need science education background.


You can found, if keep curious, you can learning new knowledge each day.


This week visit factories with US colleagues, on production line these MP products, produced smoothly and workers follow SOP step by step. Finish assemble, test, burn-in, pack out, inspection and ship out. Then through HK warehouse, and dispatch to each channel and customer. 

这周陪同美国同事参观工厂,在产线看着顺利进入量产的案子,在产线跟着SOP 一个个工位完成组装,测试,老化到最后包装验货出货。再经由香港仓库,分发至每个渠道商和客户。

If you ask me, can you get achievability from your job?  Sure! Various tastes in it.


But each time, visit production line in factory. Watching young worker repeated simple operations every day. I feel so bad. The other voice questioned myself , do you like this job? But one of the purposes of my job, it making products have features to support mass production.


Do you really like this job? I just can say, I have learnt a lot from it. 3 years ago, if you ask me, do you have to be a PDM (Product Development Manager)? I will shaking my head vigorously. I can't do it!


I have ever been labeled myself: introversion, not good at communication and coordination, and most important I am not aggressive.


If your goal is really clear, many issues or difficulty can be broken one by one. Whey suppliers & factories told you, they can do nothing. I learnt to  analysis the issues, disassemble it and double confirm, to find out, maybe we can co something to improve it. Usually, we can get positive result.


While , I found, when facing the issues in my daily life,  I have not shown this stamina. That's the strange phenomenon . Maybe this job trigger my potential capacity.


When you look back every  difficult moment, actually it is just a split second。


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