



虎妈,本名蔡美儿(Amy Lynn Chua),女,1962年生,祖籍福建。其父获麻省理工学院博士,就职于加利福尼亚大学。蔡美儿幼年随父母移民美国,获哈佛大学文学学士、法学博士,现任耶鲁大学法学院终身教授。
但是,这种苛刻的教育方法,被一位美国耶鲁大学华裔教授蔡美儿写在自己育儿经的一本书上,这本名为《虎妈战歌》(Battle Hymn of theTiger Mother)的书籍一出版,引爆了全世界对东西方教育方式的大讨论。









“As I've said, raising kids the Chinese way is much harder than raising them the Western way. There is simply no respite. Just as I'd finally finished working with Sophia around the clock for two months on her pieces, I had to turn right around and do the same for Lulu.”




Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother

Day16  核心笔记整理


1.原句:As Mrs. Vamos had suggested, Lulu would audition for the Pre-College program at the Juilliard School in New York, open to highly talented kidsbetween the ages of roughly seven and eighteen.


讨论:as引导的是一个非限制性定语从句。as常用“正如”含义,常用的结构有as we know(众所周知);as often happens(正如常发生的那样);as is often the case(情况常常如此); as we all can see(正如我们看到的); be announced/expected/known/imagined/mentioned/said/shown/reported等。这些结构常放句首,偶尔也可以放句中或句末。which引导的非限制性定语从句,这里应该是which is open to highly ...系表结构,省略which is;open to highly talented kids between the ages of roughly seven and eighteen后置定语修饰program;翻译为对那些年龄大约在7~18岁的才华横溢的孩子开放的项目。


2.原句:Every year, thousands of high-achieving kids from all over the world—especially Asia and most recently Russia and eastern Europe—try out for a handful of spots.

疑难点:try out for a handful of spots这里怎么理解?

讨论:try out for :为取得(职位,会员资格)而进行竞争,参加选拔;a handful of sth:a very small number of people or things 几个人[物],少数人[物];spots [口语]职位,职务,这里指入学名额a handful of spots:这里指极少的进入茱莉亚音乐学院参加大学预科项目的名额。

3.原句:But what he was really worried about was thepressure-cooker atmosphere and sometimes dog-eat-dog mentality that Juilliard is famous for.

疑难点: the pressure-cooker atmosphere and sometimes dog-eat-dog mentality 这里怎么理解?

讨论:pressure-cooker:N-COUNT A pressure cooker is a large metal container with a lid that fits tightly, in which you can cook food quickly using steam at high pressure. 高压锅;【非正式用语】压力重重:充满困难,压力或焦虑的情形或气氛;pressure-cooker atmosphere:高压的氛围(英语中很常见的名词修饰名词);dog-eat-dog:自相残杀的,竞争激烈的;dog-eat-dog mentality:竞争激烈的心态。但是杰德真正担心的是茱莉亚著名的高压氛围和竞争激烈的心态,让露露到这样的一个环境下学习可能会对孩子来说,心理承受能力还不够,不利于孩子的成长。


4.原句:I could tell he had a picture in his head of Jed in a booth stamping forms at the Department of Motor Vehicles.


参考理解:Department of Motor Vehicles: DMV是美国负责管理机动车辆,颁发驾驶执照部门的基本称呼;booth: A booth is a small area separated from a larger public area by screens or thin walls where, for example, people can make a telephone call or vote in private.小隔间,电话亭,投票间;在这里应该指的是办公的小隔间;stamp: VERB If you stamp a mark or word on an object, you press the mark or word onto the object using a stamp or other device.盖(章),打(戳记);stamp forms在这里应该理解为给别人办证,在申请表格上盖章之类的。


5.原句:It was especially hard to help Lulu prepare, because she was still maintaining that she would never in a million years do the audition.

疑难点:如何理解she would never in a million years do the audition?

参考理解:in a million years即一百万年;audition: a short performance given by an actor, a singer, etc., so that sb can decide whether they are suitable to act in a play, sing in a concert, etc.(拟进行表演者的)试演,试唱,试音



1.原句:There’s also something about insubordinationand getting kicked out that Americans love. By contrast, when we told the story to my parents, it didn’t go over

well at all.


讨论:insubordination: N-UNCOUNT Insubordination is a refusal to obey someone of higher rank. 不服从 getting kicked out:被开除,getting kicked out名词短语。go over: To gain acceptance or approval: a new style that didn't go over.获得认可

这句话是说美国人崇尚叛逆精神,也喜欢听到有人被学校开除这样的戏码(参考Bill Gates, Steve Jobs,都是退学创业),然而Amy把Jed这些经历告诉她爸妈时,他们根本不认可。

2.原句:Two days later, Jed was told by the chairman of the Drama Division (who happened to be married to the director Jed had offended) that he should find something else to do. After a year of waiting tables in New York, that something turned out to be Harvard law school.


讨论:that something指代的前文的something else to do,Jed被学院开除后,被说去找找别的事情做,Jed在纽约当了一年的侍应生之后,就去了哈佛法学院。

3.原句:The names Val Kilmer and Kelly McGillis didn’t seem to mean anything to my parents.



三、生词、短语 New Words and Phrases

1. get up to speed

moving, operating, or functioning a normal or desired rate.  跟上进度

原句:Kiwon wasn’t sure Lulu was quite ready technically, but I was confident we could get up to speed.

2. try out for

to audition for a part in some performance or other activity requiring skill.  竞争;参加选拔

原句:Every year, thousands of high-achieving kids from all over the world—especially Asia and most recently Russia and eastern Europe—try out for a handful of spots.

3. dog-eat-dog

A dog-eat-dog situation is one in which people are willing to harm each other or to use dishonest methods in orderto achieve what they want.残酷的;凶狠的,你死我活的,自相残杀的,

4. mentality  /mɛnˈtælɪtɪ/

Your mentality is your attitudes and your way of thinking. 心态

原句:But what he was really worried about was the pressure-cooker atmosphere and sometimes dog-eat-dogmentality that Juilliard is famous for

5. notorious  /nəʊˈtɔːrɪəs/

To be notorious means to be well known for something bad. 声名狼藉的

原句:After graduating from Princeton, he’d been accepted to Juilliard’s Drama Division, notoriously even harder to get into than their world-famous Music Division.

6. alexander technique

a technique for developing awareness of one's posture and movement in order to improve it 亚历山大健身技术; 通过增强对姿势和动作的意识对其进行促进的技术

原句:He dated ballet dancers, learned the Alexander Technique, and played the lead role in King Lear.

7. kick out

to kick someone out of a place or an organization means to force them to leave it. 撵走; 开除

8. insubordination  /ˌɪnsəbɔːˌdɪˈneɪʃən/

Insubordination is a refusal to obey someone of higher rank. 不服从

原句:And then Jed got kicked out—for “insubordination.”

9. out of the blue

晴天霹雳地;出乎意外地;突然地[亦作 out of a clear (blue) sky]

10. sneer  /snɪə/

If you sneer at someone or something, you express your contempt for them by the expression on your face or by what you say. 嘲笑

原句:Several weeks later, out of the blue at a rehearsal, she became furiously angry at Jed, snapping pencils in half, declaring that she couldn’t work with someone who “just stands there, sneering at me, criticizing every word I say.”

11. embellish  /ɪmˈbɛlɪʃ/

If you embellish a story, you make it more interesting by adding details that may be untrue. 添油加醋

原句:I’ve told this story at party after party, where it’s always a big hit, especially after I embellish it.

12. spring on

To present or disclose something to someone unexpectedly or suddenly突然向…提出(或宣布等):

原句:After hiding him for two years, I had finally sprung on my parents that I was seriously dating Jed, and they were in shock.

13. anguished  /ˈæŋɡwɪʃt/

Anguished means showing or feeling great mental suffering or physical pain. 极为痛苦的

原句:“Kicked out?” she said, throwing my father an anguished glance.

14. burst out

If someone bursts out laughing, crying, or making another noise, they suddenly start making that noise. You can also say that a noise bursts out. 突然爆发出

原句:“Eighty percent!” my mother burst out.

15. indelible  /ɪnˈdɛlɪbəl/

impossible to remove or forget难以去掉的;难以忘记的;永恒的

原句:This last word she spat out, as if it carried an indelible moral stain.

16. respite  /ˈrɛspɪt/

A respite is a short delay before a very unpleasant or difficult situation which may or may not take place. 暂缓

原句:As I’ve said, raising kids the Chinese way is much harder than raising them the Western way. There is simply no respite.

17. concertmaster  /ˈkɒnsətˌmɑːstə/

the most important violin player in an orchestra 〔管弦乐队中的〕首席小提琴手

原句:The Pre-College violin faculty includes big names like Itzhak Perlman and the New York Philharmonic’s concertmaster Glenn Dicterow, as well as some of the most prominent teachers of young violinists in the world.

18. hunker down

to bend your knees so that you are sitting on your heels very close to the ground蹲坐,蹲

原句:But I hunkered down. “It will be your decision in the end, Lulu,”

19. pontificate  [pɒn'tɪfɪkeɪt]

to give your opinion about something in a way that shows you think you are always right武断地谈论,自以为是地发表意见

原句:I would pontificate at other times.


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