Current Affairs Reviews

1. Bicycle-Share System / 

Bike-sharing services  operated by platforms such as Mobike and ofo  have become an effective solution to the "last mile" problem for urban commuters, many of whom  use them to cover the distance between subway station or bus stops and office or home. Bicycles are made available for shared use to individuals on a very short term basis, and for many systems, smartphone mapping apps show nearby stations with available bikes and open docks.

Bike-sharing services have boomed since the middle of last year and swept across country in just a few months. 

Once known as the "Kingdom of Bicycles", China has experience in bicycle management.

Bicycles are the easiest way to get about.

Bike-sharing services can serve people very well, considering that the underground system in this city is still under construction, which has to block many roads and worsen the already terrible traffic.  So, these bikes are welcome  to the public considering that it can be very cheap. Furthermore, people are doing exercising while peddling and can make some contribution to environmental This is more like shooting a few birds with one stone. 一箭双雕

The central concept of these systems is to provide free or affordable access to bicycles for short-distance trips in an urban area as an alternative to motorized public transport or private vehicles, thereby reducing traffic congestion, noise, and air pollution.

It is also in line with the government's philosophy of green, sharing and innovative development.

It would be really nice to see China become a kingdom of bikes again. This will undoubtedly help address the urgent air pollution and meanwhile help improve public health. But still a lot more measures should be taken  by both the government and public before desirable goals are achieved.

From my personal perspective, it's pretty risky to ride a bike in Chinese cities. Things are probably much better  in  some big cities.

The business model of station-less bikes is designed to help urban commuters the "last mile" more effiiently. To protect users' legal interests, ensuring their bikes  are in satisfactory  condition is the least  the bike providers can do.

Apart from building more parking lots and bicycle lanes, the government should also, for instance, ask the bike-sharing operators to record user's irresponsible behavior and deduct points from offenders' personal credit records.

Reports of all kinds bad behavior:

① lock up the bike or take it home , so that no one else can use them.

②  theft

③ Users illegally parking ;disorderly parking 乱停车

④ A huge number of bikes simply disappear or are badly damaged 

⑤ Some bikes are misused by children

⑥ The bikes are targeted by fraudsters 骗子

⑦ rising maintenance costs


共享单车带给交通管理部门最大的烦恼就是乱停乱放,其次没有进行好规划, 对市容市貌会有影响。一位知名的传统自行车品牌的董事长认为,共享单车是个好事情,但企业需要考虑社会责任。

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