【1】Mirror and Me

Almost everyone looks in the mirror every day, and I am no exception.

In the Summer, When I have a buzz cut wearing a white T-shirt, I feel OK about myself looking in the mirror. But, I begin to diss my haircut and my dress style when it is getting colder. I usually talk to myself,”Hey! man , Can’t you have a good haircut and match some suitable clothes?” Sometimes when i was naked in front of the mirror after shower, I would talk to myself, ”Hi Austin! You should go to gym twice every week”. Now it come true and I come to gym 1.5 times on average every week!

Although I am not the best person yet, i am on the way. I have reduced impulsively purchases of clothes items. And I make decision to go to a better barber shop next time!

This type of mirror makes me become more and more handsome. And there is an other mirror which is in my heart. I feel it when i am alone.

Last time, I walked in the dark alley in Beijing. These alleys were not far from the bustling streets. Walking there, I felt very familiar with it because it reminded me of my hometown! It was so quiet that I can heard the rustle of my clothing. At that time, I found the mirror in my heart. Through the mirror, I saw a boy, once had no idea  who he was, lost in the mist, trying to find a way out. Through the mirror, I saw a youngman, a little bit shy, but have a tough mind and wild ambitions, willing to create a better world. Through the mirror, I saw a man, looks like he had walked a long way, tried,while still moving on, never give up. Now I understand what I should do in the future.I know myself better. I am still growing up although my puberty have stayed at yesterday.

Friend is mirror. History is a mirror. Life is a mirror. Mirror is in everywhere. Looking in a mirror can be something to be proud of, or it can be something full of diss!

Now I will choose the former!

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