

In May seventeen years of the Republic of China, the national revolutionary army commander of the 25 army and provincial government chairman Zhou Xi be celebrating Guiyang Tongzi highway bus, at the Guizhou Mint about 50 thousand cars with the national currency, fifty thousand gold coins are turbulent, the car is seriously insufficient, the currency in Chinese modern currency mechanism it is with a great reputation. And this coin has eight odd, more will it to the peak. What is the eight odd?


As a group of design, designers create new styles unique in modern coins.


The resident dispute triggered the spring altar debate, corrected before about Guizhou in 1939 before there is no mint speculation.


Three hidden markings, the markings too wonderful for words.


Four meaning, the number of cars in the spokes of grass, represents a year and 12 months of peace auspicious, smoothly.


Five for round two and, in a silver dollar is the currency unit circle, and the Qing Dynasty monetary unit two, is only one example of this.


Six for the wrong person, the lotus flower is the five generation of Shu in Chengdu wall that Chengdu is famous for the lock, Chengdu name, and now it appears the positive center on this coin.


Seven for carving good, the carving proceeds favorably to the foreign engraver, and in particular who cannot fathom.


Eight Jerry, Jerry was the most obvious car coins, mint warlords in order to raise funds officially pay, to obtain high profits this shoddy example, can not be said to be a miracle.


Ocean Station in 1917 had been out of silver tepid state, but in the past two years of a sudden turn price highs, which makes the hidden coin lovers touzhuoyue really a wise, standing behind the ocean silver prices, comes from the people to the ocean station of love, people love it because what is it?


Exquisite pattern, rich connotation, who does not love? 1917 ocean station is a foreign foreign currency dollar had spread, it is brought from England, which also represents the history cultural background and the background of trade to a certain extent, has a profound significance to commemorate the history. The silver is a product of the combination of Chinese and western, British coins in front of the minds of the goddess, the uniqueness of the coin, it is different in the same period of silver collection value.


1917 silver prices ocean station another important factor is its unique historical production background, was China people suffering from alien invasion, silver style has been a great impact, because of unique, so precious.On the other hand, because of the special historical period was in turmoil, so the spread of the ocean station dollar amount is less, because of scarcity, so more precious.


Become the contemporary silver treasure goods reason generally have the following points: first, the contemporary silver making excellent, elegant designs, shiny silver, people fondle admiringly. Two, several precious metal silver lines, making the number less than copper, iron coins and paper money, a limited number of surviving. Three, after the liberation of silver is a lot more loss, now are more rare. Four, the contemporary silver collection of small investment risk, the value of firm. Plus is a kind of investment, trading contest innocence. The coins of the growing ranks of tibet.

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