The lawyer’s Tale

There is a young mother who has a credible job, a considerate husband and a cute kid. This is a sunny afternoon. While she is sitting on the deck chair, watching the latest TV show, her phone rings.

She picks up the phone, an alarmed voice comes through her phone, “ Is there Lauri? Tommy may have been in an accident… I can’t find him now!  I’ve searched for him for nearly half an hour. Almost two hours ago, I went to buy an ice-cream for him. There is a long line, so he stayed by himself.”

The person who calls obviously is the baby-sitter of the young woman’s kid. At the other side of phone, she appears to be extremely confusedly, she makes up, “Where he can go? He said he would wait me at the original point! You know, he is always so obedient. ”

Lauri’s fingers turn into ice-cold. She tries to let her thoughts calm down. After a few seconds, she utters, “Do not be rushed. Tell me where he was lost and you can go back home.”

As soon as she hang up, Lauri calls the police and reports this case. She records a policeman’s contact information. After that, she doesn’t drive to the address that Tommy lost. Lauri is a careful mother who has given her son a satellite-positioning watch which can trace his position by her phone. However, Tommy’s location stops at a place and disappears. Her shoulders tremble, she doesn’t want to think more — she cannot afford it.

When Lauri arrived at the site Tommy last appeared is one hour later. The sun is sinking in the west. It seems a normal township, but Lauri notices there is a big gap between the wealthy and the poor in this small town. She can clearly see that one group of people lives affluent, relaxed, and cosy, while on the other side people are passionate and excited, but they are in rags and seem to be in poor health.

Lauri walks into a grocery store. “ A pack of cigarettes,” she says and gives a skinny man a hundred dollars, “keep the change.” The man smiles, like a blooming chrysanthemum. Lauri smiles too, “Is there something ‘fun’ here?” She pauses and says, “I like this place. It seems a good choice of investment.” The skinny man’s smile gets bigger, his eyes turn into two lines, “Sure, beautiful young lady, if you can show your economical strength. There is an auction tonight, all are welcome. Here is the invitation card.”

The young mother takes the invitation card with firm handshake. A child trafficking criminal group! She has already known what kind of place it is, when she saw the unusual indoor settings, and when she saw people were over-excited about investment and making a fortune on the streets.  Nearly all the residents in this town have illegal behaviors. They cover their sins under the ‘investment’. The local government may notice something, but the criminals are foxy, officer’s official life need achievements, not the stains. No one wants to be responsible for this chaotic place. Now it’s the end, Lauri thinks, I will give them proof.

It’s too late to wait until the auction began. The chance to save all the kids from the auction is slight. She finds the place of the auction. It’s located at a fancy hotel. She shows her invitation to the guard and goes inside. Unexpectedly, she turns into the monitor room, where no one pays attention to her. In the monitoring platform, it clearly shows many kids of different ages  hidden in the basement. She knows where her son is, but she can’t save him right now. There are many other kids in the poky basement. If she saves him now, the commotion will alert the criminals.

Lauri stares at the dirty floors for a second. Then she accelerates her motions, she sends these videos to the police and copies one down. After all these behaviors done, she walks outside in the average speed until she goes out of the hotel.

Ten minutes later, the police arrive and rescue all the kids. The young mother finds her son and wins gratitude from all the parents. Good and evil will always be rewarded.

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