2018-11-16 Video Game Report


守望先锋是一款暴雪娱乐于2016年推出的多人在线第一人称射击游戏。游戏内玩家被分为两队,每队六人,在十余张地图上扮演数十名英雄互相合作、对抗,并完成不同模式下的胜利目标。该游戏是暴雪娱乐近20年来的首个全新IP, 也是暴雪尝试的首款第一人称射击游戏。该游戏制作组来自于暴雪搁浅的次世代MMO项目”泰坦“,守望先锋在该项目遗留的Origin引擎上进行改进,并沿袭了泰坦项目的部分艺术风格及设计理念。











Video Game Report: Overwatch

Overwatch is a multiplayer online first person shooting game launched by Blizzard Entertainment in 2016. In the game, players are divided into two teams, each team of six, acting as dozens of heroes on more than ten maps to cooperate or fight against each other, complete goals for victory in different modes. Overwatch is Blizzard Entertainment's first new IP in the past 20 years, as well as Blizzard's first first-person shooting game. The production team of Overwatch came from the next-generation MMO project "Titan", which was stranded by Blizzard. Overwatch is developed on the engine ‘Origin’ from Titan, and  it also referenced some artistic styles and design concepts of the Titan project.

Although Blizzard has several large project teams and also little groups responsible for all aspects of gaming development, every project has been following the original company thinking since the first generation of online games like Starcraft and Warcraft. From the hundreds of pages of "The Art of Blizzard", we can summarize Blizzard's core artistic idea into five aspects: readability, exaggerated proportions, deep stories, immersion and artistry.

Readability means that art is the most intuitive aspect to express the idea of the game designer. It needs to present the game's creativity and distinction in the most "readable" way, and the way of expression includes not only the character's model, but also the design of the scene, including lighting, tone, music and sound effects. For example, the opposite races in StarCraft: Zerg and Protoss adopt completely different artistic styles. The Zerg's art style is inspired from X-rays of arthropods and human skulls, and also adds barbed and exoskeleton of deep-sea fish to show their wildness, greed and evil ethnicity. On the other hand, Protoss uses lasers, holographic projections and ecstasy particle effects  to create the sense of highly developed civilization of the race. They also use the anti-gravity movement, the facial outlook without mouth to shape the indifferent and conceited character of the race. In Overwatch, The villains always have aggressive facial patterns and tattoos, and they always use darker color tone, spikes and fangs to highlight their aggressiveness, while the positive characters have a softer outline and brighter color combinations.

Blizzard's game also makes extensive use of exaggerated proportion. Male characters are full of tight muscles, orcs have abnormal teeth protruding from abnormal angles, Tyranid human races have body scale out of proportion, etc. This exaggerated proportion can shape the sense of power and oppression of "heroic characters." In Overwatch, tank characters who are responsible for absorbing damage, always stand in front of their teammates have a large body, fearful weapons with lethality, such as a three-meter war-hammer, a one-person-high laser cannon or a formidable slaughter. With exaggerated body proportions and equipment elements, players can be easily brought in their characters and understand which role they are acting in the game.

Blizzard also has the same artistic creation team responsible for the background story of every game. Games like World of Warcraft, StarCraft or Diablo that lead players through the entire storyline need a large and robust story background, characters with distinctive characters and a large number of events that players want to participate in and change the result. As a strong competitive game, Overwatch has a limited chance to bring players into the complete storyline, while animated short films, comics and other artworks outside the game as well as details in the game scene play important roles to express the story that the entire writer team wants to tell. Nine short films since the game's release in 2016 all happened in the battle zone of existing maps in the game. The victory mechanic of these maps (such as escorting payload, scrambling for control) are consistent with the stories that occur in the short films. Therefore, when watching short films of Overwatch, players will gain a stronger sense of substitution  with the familiarity with the scenes in the movie. In turn, they will also play  their heroic roles more committed when completing mission goals because of the infection of the story and films.

Therefore, Blizzard provides immersive experience for players not only through storytelling, but also through the music, lighting effects and graphical interface of the game. From the Warcraft series to the eight DLCs of World of Warcraft, the story happens in a background with elements including magic, dragons and demons. Therefore, its user interface has dark gray background and bright colors such as yellow and red in display of text and buttons in non-flat style. There's also beautiful reliefs as the boundaries of the window. As a card game supported by World of Warcraft, Hearthstone not only inherits the artistic style of World of Warcraft, but also extracts the design elements of real life jewelry boxes and music boxes, and designs the game scene as a chest with magic cards. The card's box, with the addition of keys, vines and other elements, uses the anti-trend quasi-materialized UI to give traditional 2D desktop card games a more stereoscopic, 3D gaming environment for more immersive experience. StarCraft has even designed three different user interface themes for three races. The Zerg's window boundary consists of tentacles, sharp teeth and mucus, while the Protoss uses bright gold and translucent fluorescent blue materials to simulate the high-tech operation panel of space shuttles, and the Terran uses black and yellow color of cordon and iron conveyer belts to display characteristic of high mechanization in the future. In the early years when the graphics rendering capability was slightly rough, the quasi-materialized delicate UI does not consume so much hardware rendering resources and can make the game look more exquisite at the same time. As a brand new game published in 2016, Overwatch borns in the age with increasd iteration of graphics technology, therefore flat UI will significantly shorten the time for users to identify information, and improve the user's gaming experience from design perspective. The primary goal of the game user interface is to allow players who focus on the game itself to gain information from UI canvas without thinking. Overwatch obviously did this: UI elements such as cooldown, health bar and timers all used flat, borderless art style, and the insertion of light gray text UI in high contrast also made players only need extremely short time to get valid information from UI canvas and focus more on the game itself.

The so-called artistry is reflected in the visual effects of the game. Compared with the vast majority of games developed in engines like Frostbite and Unreal pursuing reality, Blizzard games often use exaggerated proportions and fuzzy edges while preserving the realism, so that scenes and characters are realistic enough and have a certain artistic color at the same time. From  characters in the early years games like StarCraft and World of Warcraft to the heroes of Overwatch, Blizzard has never spent too much time in shaping a "real and convincing" human image. In contrast, Blizzard concentrates more in describing the characteristics of specific characters. For example, Angels in Diablo series has no face, many humanoid characters in World of Warcraft have facial structure that is completely different from humans, and Protoss in StarCraft does not have a complete face either. Blizzard enhances the realism of the characters by adding memorable clothing and equipment, exaggerated but appropriate body language, and voice actors to these characters to display their characteristics. In Overwatch, the initial draft will settle the hero's portrait, and art groups will add animation, sound effects and model details to polish the hero. For example, heroic characters with powerful abilities, such as mercy who saved uncountable lives, the veterans who have experienced wars for decades, and the crusaders full of honor and fearless, they all have a confident A-type standing, backward shoulders, straight neck and tight muscles. Blizzard uses these elements to create a character with a strong, fearless and wary character. In contrast, a young female scientist character Mei who is far away from the battlefield, kind, lively and lacking self-confidence, has a staggered position and several apologetic voicelines, her upper limb swings back and forth while running, and her right hand stretch out to maintain balance. 

There is no doubt that every Blizzard game has very strong artistic effects, smooth operation system, intuitive and beautiful user interface and a fascinating storyline. The reason why Overwatch is much more popular than expected and is continually ranked as the best game of the year, is not only the excellent game mechanics and high-intensity gaming flow, but also the huge,attracting and immersive world view. Different from the aerial world created by previous Blizzard games. Overwatch sets the game background as the future earth itself, a world full of war but still hopeful, with beautiful scenery from different countries around the world, heroes of different races, characteristics and nationalities, as well as stories of people from different cultural backgrounds. These can make players match the world of Overwatch with the real world better, and enhance the immersion when players acting as heroes themselves and fight for the future of this world.

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