1.To Kindergarten make a advertisement for 11. (Wednesday)
2.Go to Dongfeng have a avertisement(Thursday)
3. Call the studuents for have a Demo class (Friday)
For teaching
1. Preapare the lesson for Friday (Wednesday)
2. Preapare the classes for Sunday(Thurday and Friday)
3. Preapare the class for Grade 4.
For adminastration
1. Send the message to all of the teachers
2. Send the salaries for Sandy
For life
1. Go to take the tomatoes for brother(Wednesday)
2. Clearn up the balcony (Thursday)
3. Finish all of the information(Friday)
4. Go to elder brother’s house to take the cake card.(Saturday)
5. Go to my husband barber shop to protect my hair
For studay
1. At least to three of the videoes
2. Look at the books(Relate the videoes content)
3. Write the daly plan and the daily report
4. I want to practice me handwriting for 10 mintues.
For family
1. Communicate with family memebers’ father’s health
2. To communicate about my wedding
3. Communicate with the elder parents
For friends
1. Try to communicate with my teachers: Teacher Gao,Teacher Ma, English Teacher
2. Communicate with my good friend: Lida, Huan huan, Monkey
Engjoy the work, study, and life.