笃学奖-Topic 2-A13436-甘比精读

Day 1 精读阅读笔记


1. Alone adv.

If you say thatone person or thing alone is responsible for part of an amount, you areemphasizing the size of that part and the size of the total amount.


E.g The BBC aloneis sending 300 technicians, directors and commentators.

Megastars like Jack Nicholson, who made £50million from Batman alone, are unlikely to be affected.



Klarna的联合创始人兼CEOSebastian Siemiatkowski。Klarna由Sebastian Siemiatkowski、Victor Jacobsson以及Niklas



A mortgageis a loan of money which you get from a bank or building society in order to buy a house.

4. account holder

the person whosename is on a bank account


5. predetermined(预先设定好的)

If you say thatsomething ispredetermined,you mean that itsform or nature was decided by previous events or by people rather than bychance.

e.g The Prince'sdestiny was predetermined from the moment of his birth.

The capsules(胶囊) can be

made to release the pesticides(杀虫剂)at a predetermined time.

Synonyms:prearranged, set, agreed, set up

6. nudge


If younudgesomeone, you push them gently, usually withyour elbow, in order to draw their attention to something.

e.g I nudged Stanand pointed again.

Synonyms: push,touch, dig, jog

Nudge isalso a noun.

Sheslipped her arm under his and gave him a nudge.


If you nudgesomeone or something into a place or position, you gently push them there.

e.g Edna Swinsonnudgedhimintothesitting room.

The civil servant nudged him forward.

Nudgeis also a noun.


gave the wheel another slight nudge.


If you nudgesomeone into doing something, you gentlypersuadethem to do it.

e.g Bit by bit Bobhad nudged Fritz into selling his controlling interest.

Foreigners must use their power to nudgethe country towards greater tolerance.

British tour companies are nudging clientsto travel further afield.

Synonyms: prompt,influence, urge, persuade

Nudge isalso a noun.

I had afeeling that the challenge appealed to him. All he needed was a nudge.

4)verb(上一个专题Amazon’s empire有出现过,描述沃尔玛的财政收入有讲到这个词)

If someone orsomething is nudging a particular amount, level, or state, they have almostreached it.

...a little-knownstage plays writer and actress who was nudging 40 and going nowhere.

The temperaturewhen we were there was nudging80°F.

7. To date

It means up untilthe present time

Synonyms: up tonow, yet, so far, until now

e.g 'Dottie' is byfar his best novel to date.

She is without question the craziest personI've met to date.

To date we have spent eight thousand poundsbetween us.

8. dire严重的

9. unscathed毫发无损的,未受到伤害的

If you areunscathed after a dangerous experience, you have not been injured or harmed byit.

10. mount

If you mount acampaign or event, you organize it and make it take place.

Synonyms: launch,stage, prepare, deliver

11. conspicuously

If someone orsomething is conspicuous, people can see or notice them very easily.

12. incumbent在职者

1)An incumbent is someone who holds an official post ata particular time.


If it isincumbent uponyoutodo something, it is your duty or responsibility to do it.


It isincumbent uponall of ustomake an extra effort.

Synonyms: obligatory, required, necessary, essential

13. resilient


Something that isresilientis strong andnot

easily damaged by being hit, stretched, or squeezed.

e.g Cotton is moreresistant to being squashed and polyester is more resilient.

...an armchair of some resilient plasticmaterial.

resilienceuncountable noun

Do yourmuscles have the strength and resilience that they should have?

Synonyms: suppleness, give, spring, flexibility

Synonyms: strength, toughness, adaptability, hardiness


People and thingsthat areresilientare able to recovereasily and quickly from unpleasant or damaging events.

e.gGeorge Fraser was clearly a good soldier,calm and resilient.

When theU.S.stock market collapsed inOctober 1987, the Japanese stock market was the most resilient.

resilienceuncountable noun

...theresilience of human beings to fight after they've been attacked.

Synonyms:suppleness, give, spring, flexibility   More Synonyms of resilient

Synonyms:strength, toughness, adaptability, hardiness


A cumbersomesystem or process is very complicated and inefficient.

Synonyms:inefficient, unwieldy, badly organized

15. landscape

countable noun

A landscape is allthe features that are important in a particular situation.

e.gJune's events completely altered the politicallandscape.

...a landscape of unparalleled ignorance.

16. kick-start

To kick-start aprocess that has stopped working or progressing is to take a course of actionthat will quickly start it going again.

Synonyms:stimulate, encourage, prompt, spur


If you kick-starta motorcycle, you press the lever that starts it with your foot.

e.g He lifted thebike off its stand and kick-started it.

17.explicit 利用

Something that isexplicit is expressed or shown clearly and openly, without any attempt to hideanything.


The play was thefirst commercially successful work dealing explicitly with homosexuality.

Their intention isnot to become involved in explicitly political activities.

explicitnessuncountable noun

When the book waspublished, the energy and explicitness caught the popular imagination.

补充:If you areexplicit aboutsomething, you speak about it very openly and clearly.

He was explicitabout his intention to overhaul the party's internal voting system.

explicitly adverb

She has beentalking very explicitly about AIDS to these groups.

18. authenticate 证明是真实的、可靠的或有效的;鉴定,使生效

If you authenticate something, you state officially that it is genuine after examiningit.

1.He says he'll have no problem authenticating the stamp



2.Documentaries offered the chance to authenticate the accuracy of the various details in these models.



Something that ishandy is useful.


pwc(普华永道会计事务所)普华永道国际会计事务所,成立于英国伦敦。全球顶级会计公司,位居四大会计师事务所之首。是由原六大会计事务所中规模最小但声望最高的Price Waterhouse(普华)与Coopers & Lybrand(永道)成功合并组成的。于1998年1月1日公司更名为PricewaterhouseCoopers。


Something that islegitimate is acceptable according to the law.

Synonyms: lawful,real, true, legal   More Synonyms of legitimate

Legitimacyuncountable noun

The oppositionparties do not recognize the political legitimacy of his government.


The government hasbeen legitimately elected by the people.

2)If you say thatsomething such as a feeling or claim islegitimate,you think that it is reasonable and justified.

22. robust

1) adjective

Someone orsomething that is robust is very strong or healthy.

More women thanmen go to the doctor. Perhaps men are more robust or worry less?

We've always specializedin making very robust, simply designed machinery.


He became robustlyhealthy.

robustnessuncountable noun

...the robustnessof diesel engines.

2) adjective

Robust views oropinions are strongly held and forcefully expressed.

A British ForeignOffice minister has made a robust defence of the agreement.

He has the keeneye and robust approach needed.


In the decisionswe have to make aboutEurope, we have todefend our position very robustly indeed.

robustnessuncountable noun

...a prominentindustrialist renowned for the robustness of his right-wing views.

23.water down

If something suchas a proposal, speech, or statement is watered down, it is made much weaker andless forceful, or less likely to make people angry.

24. bare someone’steeth

If you baresomething, you uncover it and show it.




An invoice is adocument that lists goods that have been supplied or services that have beendone, and says how much money you owe for them.

e.gWe will then send you an invoice for thetotal course fees.

His £700 invoice was settled immediately incash.

Synonyms: account,charge, bill, statement


1) verb

If you say thatsomeone is exploiting you, you think that they are treating you unfairly byusing your work or ideas and giving you very little in return.

e.g Critics claimhe exploited black musicians for personal gain.

...the plight of the exploited sugar caneworkers.

Exploitationuncountable noun

Extra paymentsshould be made to protect the interests of the staff and prevent exploitation.

Synonyms: misuse,abuse, manipulation, imposition   More Synonyms of exploit

2) verb

If you say thatsomeone is exploiting a situation, you disapprove of them because they areusing it to gain an advantage for themselves, rather than trying to help otherpeople or do what is right.

The government andits opponents compete to exploit the troubles to their advantage.

Synonyms: make thebest use of, use, make use of, and utilize exploitationsingular noun

...theexploitation of the famine by local politicians.

Synonyms:misuse, abuse, manipulation, imposition   More Synonyms of exploit

Synonyms:capitalization, utilization, using to good advantage, trading upon   MoreSynonyms of exploit

3) verb

If you exploitsomething, you use it well, and achieve something or gain an advantage from it.

You'll need a goodaerial to exploit the radio's performance.

Caryis hoping to exploit new opportunities inEurope.

So you feel thatyour skills have never been fully appreciated or exploited?

4) verb

To exploitresources or raw materials means to develop them and use them for industry orcommercial activities.

I think we'rebeing very short sighted in not exploiting our own coal.

exploitationuncountable noun

...the plannedexploitation of its potential oil and natural gas reserves.

Synonyms: misuse,abuse, manipulation, imposition   More Synonyms of exploit

5) countable noun

If you refer tosomeone's exploits, you mean the brave, interesting, or amusing things thatthey have done.

His wartimeexploits were later made into a film.

Synonyms: feat,act, achievement, enterprise

27. shake up(phrasal verb)

If someone shakesup something such as an organization, an institution, or a profession, theymake major changes to it.

28.Rock bottom最低点

29.Retail banking

banking forindividual customers

Day2 Topic 2 Levelling the Paying Field

1.New European payments regulation has the potential to shake up the banks.



2.European rules willopen the door toa host of innovative servicesthat analyze transactions.


Host:a great number;


Open the door to:to give someone new opportunities (sometimes + for )The success of that film opened new doors for him.(sometimes + to )Early results show that the new system would open doors to disadvantaged people.

3.Customers needbarely everinteract with their bank.





提醒大家双向思考,当你要表达“不需要通过银行”的时候,能否想起interact with the bank这么地道的用法呢?

4.European retail banking has beenremarkably unscathed by technology-driven disruption.


5.Fintech companies are beginning tomount a challenge, mostconspicuouslyin the online-payments industry in northern Europe. But theirreach is more limitedelsewhere in Europe.




我看到群里很多同学对mount a challenge表示不解,记住这个常见搭配,表达的意思就是发起挑战,构成威胁。我要提醒大家的是最后那里的reach,用作名词时候和influence一个意思,用来表达影响的范围,简短好用,建议化作积极储备。Eg. Victory is now out of her reach. /The company has now overtaken IBM in terms of size and reach./Such matters are beyond the reach of the law.

6.Regulators, however, are about totransform the landscape.


7.Banks’ lockhold on payments serves as a handy source of income.




lockhold难住了很多同学,这种用法很少见,大家作为被动词汇即可。lock锁住,hold紧握,加在一起就是牢牢把控的意思,同样需要大家联想体会哦。倒是后面的handy这一形容词值得重视,表示就在手边,方便容易,唾手可得,联想它的原形hand好好体会一下。Eg. Always keep a first-aid kit handy.跟前要常备急救箱/handy little tool好用小工具

8.Resistance ismanifested asa concern about data protection. Suchconcerns are legitimatebut also, argue fintech supporters,offer a convenient excuse forbanks toblock competition.


9.Yetfor all their complaints, customersstilltrust banks with their money.



become overdrawn:超支

nudge them to save more提醒他们要省钱(错啦!)鼓励他们增加储蓄

have easy access to:更容易去做某事

kick-start competition:引发竞争

give explicit consent明确同意

one-click bank transfer:一键转账

low-value payments:金额低的支付(小额支付)

tighten up security:强化安保

guide them toward:引导他们

rich data:丰富的数据

leave them in a weaker position:弱化他们的地位

robust data-protection system:强大的数据保护系统

insured against losses from fraud:避免诈骗损失(投保以防欺诈造成的损失)

perfect on paper:纸上谈兵(理论完美!暗示实际操作起来可能困难重重。)

team up with:与….合作

exploit newcomers technology:开发新技术(理解错了)(利用后来者的技术)

Day 3 整理总结



再来呢,就是表白一下Jane女神,听声音就感觉是一个很有活力的一位笃师,又是一个从事同传(我的dream job)的笃师。膜拜膜拜!!













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