Day3 进度:p29/164
1. It’s my belief that we never we do anything for one another I love that kind of energy everybody losses. When we receive something given all of that kind of energy we know we are going to have to pay for it because it was done at the other person‘s expense. I’m interested in a process in which we give to each other from the heart
用非暴力方式沟通 可以让人感受到是真心跟他人链接。不要用“应该”“必须”这些词,向对方提要求,而是看到对方的需求是什么?因为如果不用这些批判的方式沟通,就会发现当你给予理解,就感觉收获同样的理解和真心。
2.I like you to tell me why you feel as you do in terms for your needs. I feel as I do because I would have like …or because I was wanting wishing or hoping for…
write down your unmet needs in that format
3.However if the other person speak a judging language, then we need to put on ’NVC’ ear.