T8-Notes on Ivankanomics and the Art of Being Cheap

Day 25:


Notes on Ivankanomics and the Art of Being Cheap

1/ fuss 公开出行,展现


Public outing 公开发布,展现

2/ it transpires that 人们发现,现已清楚,泄露,本人所知

Eg:It transpires that Kareem had left his driving license at home.

3/ bangle 手镯

= bracelet

4/ part with 与...分开,舍弃,送掉,卖掉,“割肉”

= spare, dispense with

Eg:In order to raise funds, Jane had to part with all her property.

5/ aide 副手,助理,助手

= assistance,aid

Eg:Former Bush aide and CNN political commentator Ana spoke highly of the move.

6/prime time 黄金时间,收视高峰

= peak viewing time

Eg: In two hours of prime time TV you might see ads for two to three different brands

of cars.

7/ aspirational 高端品,奢侈品;(笃师翻成“魅惑系列”,很有趣,算是创译


Aspiration 渴望,强烈愿望

8/prized example 一流的样板

9/ fold into 把... 调入

Fold into the mainline,make accessible

Going cheap 走平价路线

10/federal ethics laws 联邦道德法规

11/ another woe in the catalogue of ills 病上加病,雪上加霜;又遭重创

12/ dwindling 减少,缩小

Dwindling interest 兴趣衰减

Eg:Their foo supply dwindled when they were lost in the woods.

13/ in the wake of 作为... 结果,紧随而来

= after the manner of

In the wake of development in science and technology, man has become more capable of conquering nature.

14/ take on irremediable whiff of toxicity

Take on具有

Irremediable 不可救药的,无法补救的,无法弥补的,

= irremovable,uncorrectable,remediless

Eg: Became in this problem before irremediable, he thinks of a method to prevent.

A whiff of... ...些许迹象,一阵儿

Whiff= puff,sniff

Eg:If that idea has the whiff of failure about it, well sniff again.

When my nose first got a whiff of its pungent, acidic odor,my stomach began to churn.

15/ injunction 禁令,强制令

= ban

Eg: Following a nonjury trail in august 2007, the district court issued a permanent injunction against BCBG.

16/ Bust 失败,破产,倒闭,不利,不景气

= flop

Snowflake “矫情,傲娇”;小资

Snowflake is used to describe a person perceived as overly sensitive and fragile, often in a mocking way.

Offloading 卸货

Sackful 满带,多量 offloading by sackful

Booming 大受欢迎

Eg: The coal boom has spurred a sackful of deals

17/ aggregator 整合者,聚合器,信息采集商业组织,集合体

= collector

E-commerce aggregator 电商平台

Eg:If the state polls are correct, the aggregator gets credits for his insight in trusting them .

18/outstrip 数量上大于,比... 做得好,快与

= surpass,outmatch,surmount,outperform,top, cap

Eg:It very well maybe that your expected life style costs will outstrip your assets.

19/ purge of 清除,清洗

= clean out

Eg:There was also a purge of the local political leadership blamed for losing public confidence.

20/ imbue 灌输,使充满,渗透,感染

= permeate, penetrate, soak ,infuse

Eg:Together, we can imbue ourselves with the power and freedom we deserve.

21 / echelone 阶层,梯队,等级

= degree, layer,strata

Eg: Liang was recently included to the upper echelone of the party leadership.

22/ big-ticket 昂贵的,高价的,

High street 商业街,高街

Bounce into 蹦进,闯入,

23/ gilt-lacquered 表层镀金的



1.Last week, it was announced by the brand’s new president Abigail Klem (who stepped into the role in January) that the aspirational, fine-jewellery collection of which this bracelet was a prized example will henceforward be folded into the main line and made more accessible.


笃师译:上周, 一月份正式上任的品牌新总裁Abigail Klem宣布:以此款手镯为经典产品的高端魅惑系列珠宝将融入主流产品线,更显亲民。

(亲民哈哈,居然和笃师想到一块去了,开心!!魅惑,这个可是把aspirational 的精髓都捕捉到了。)

Fine-jewelry高端珠宝,和fashion jewelry时尚珠宝形成对比,fine jewelry未必是能够有现货的,如果有需求甚至需要提前预定,在宝石材质上一般也都是以五大贵宝石为主,对于追求品质的客户,甚至可以提出对宝石级别的要求,这样也基本等同于高级定制的范畴了。而fashion jewelry一般是指款式比较时尚的珠宝,在宝石材质上也会采用五大贵宝石,但也有半宝石作为主石,一般都是批量的成品生产,有库存的现货,基本不会接受客户的特定要求。

类似的表达还有Fine art, Fine dining,自行拓展

建议内化的常见词组: Step into the role:进入角色

be made accessible: easy to obtain or use

eg. The need for a health service that is accessible to all


Main line是和fine jewelry collection形成对比,指针对大多数人群的主流产品线

2.It’s tempting to read this as yet another woe in the catalogue of ills that have befallen the brand since President Donald Trump’s ascension to power.




It’s tempting to 也是第二次出现了,原意是:…有诱惑力,衍生为倾向于…

Another woe in the catalogue of ills:很有意思的比喻,值得好好体会,但无需内化,作为被动储备即可。Ills不幸,疾病,catalogue of ills: 一系列的不幸,都能成册了~~


3.In particular, the brand’s inventory is skyrocketing on second-hand resale sites such as ThredUP, where demand for Ivanka Trump-branded products in conservative cities such as Houston in Texas is massively outstripping the rate at which more liberal-minded coastal-dwelling urbanites are purging themselves of them.




从句套从句,需要多读几遍才能吃透, demand in conservative cities is massively outstripping the rate( 后面都是对此rate的解释,即东西岸城市人群摒弃该品牌的速度。)

建议内化:inventory skyrocketing/surging

Outstrip/surpass the rate

Purge of: clean out清洗,清除,也是一个比喻,并不常见,建议作为被动储备。


4.The business of fashion, accessories and especially jewellery is built on the basis, like those of cars and houses, that they are imbued with various life-enhancing qualities.



Be imbued with:高频词组----使充满,eg. The film is imbued with the star’s rebellious spirit.这部电影充满了那位明星的反叛精神。/ He is imbued with patriotism.他充满爱国热忱。

5.By buying into a brand, so the retail culture has it, we buy into a society of similarly-minded sophisticates who share our values and wallet size.




A sophisticate is someone who knows about culture, fashion, and other matters that are considered socially important.

6.Most brands recognize that their survival depends on partnering with high-street retailers in collaborations that will bounce them into a broader market.



High-street retailers: The term "High Street" is used to describe stores found on a typical high street to differentiate them from more specialised, exclusive and expensive outlets (often independent stores) — for example, "High Street banks" (instead of the less-common private or investment banks) or "High Street shops" (instead of boutiques).高街,指英国(在美国被称为Main Street)城市的主要商业街,商店品牌都比较大众化,都是批量生产的产品。High Street shops高街店和boutique精品店是一组对比,前者基本都是连锁店,而后者则更高端,甚至提供私人定制。


1. Show an intense passion for 对…表现出极大热情;对...热情洋溢,十分感兴趣,表示十分感冒,

2. Poor sales 销售业绩惨淡;销售状况不佳

3. Increased publicity 曝光率激增;上升的曝光率

4. Give an unfair advantage over other competitors 给与不公平的竞争优势,对其他对手不利。其优势对于其他竞争者构成不公平竞争

5. Permanent injunction 永久禁令

6. Metropolitan, liberal, latte-drinking snowflakes 生活在大都市,崇尚自由,手捧拿铁,自命不凡的矫情们;都市自由派,喝着拿铁的小资们。Snowflake is used to describe a person perceived as overly sensitive and fragile, often in a mocking way.

7. Sales increased/surged/skyrocketed: 销售额爆涨表示业绩增长的各种动词,都是高频词,务必反复内化

8. Just as….so is… 正如...,...也是如此。正如A…., B也是…

9. pitch themselves at the highest echelons of luxury 标榜自己是高端奢侈品;以顶级奢侈品为标准

10. make them accessible to more ordinary folk 走平价路线,大众消费的起;更贴近普通民众

11. accessible price  准入价格;亲民的价格

12. collaboration with/team-up with: 与...合作,协作

13. Expand one’s entry-level offering 放低准入门槛价格;拓宽入门级产品种类

14. accessible wilderness: 平价旋涡;品牌定位盲区

Day 27:


1/外刊只接触过TE 和NT,没想到Financial Times 的预言这么活泼,读着读着都笑出声了,特别是那句take on irremediable whiff of toxicity,,好像再说这个牌子中了毒而且无解,很是形象生动。第一遍读,没读懂,看了两遍才知道了大意,说明平时的输入真的太少了,手生的很。

2/学到了一些biz知识,比如关于品牌市场定位fold into the main line品牌融入大众产品主线;metropolitan,liberal,latte-drinking snowflake这个形象画面感的说;渴望效应;通阶层入场券。

3/私有点小感慨: 作为万千雪花中的一片,收入平平的我,再辞奉劝自己还是对大牌少存妄念,其实也没有啥,都是套路,不需要神化高端品牌,提醒自己少用品牌奢侈品识人贴标签。人往往越是平凡越是妄想。

有word 版本,所以附上原文

Ivankanomics and the Art of Being Cheap

Financial Times April 21, 2017

After all the fuss that surrounded its first public outing, it transpires that no one was very interested in wearing Ivanka Trump’s “favourite bangle.” At least, not when it came to parting with $10,800 for the diamond bracelet worn by the US president’s second child and unofficial political aide on prime time television last November. Last week, it was announced by the brand’s new president Abigail Klem (who stepped into the role in January) that the aspirational, fine-jewellery collection of which this bracelet was a prized example will hence forward be folded into the main line and made more accessible. In other words, Ivanka Trump is going cheap.

The Ivanka Trump brand has many admirers. Kellyanne Conway, counsellor to the president, has shown a passion for her boss’s daughter’s “wonderful” brand so intense that she has been accused of violating federal ethics laws in order to encourage folks to “go and buy her stuff”. But few folks, it seems, are prepared to part with the cost of a small car to get the look.

It’s tempting to read this as yet another woe in the catalogue of ills that have befallen the brand since President Donald Trump’s ascension to power. In January, it was removed from the US department store Nordstrom. It was then dropped by Neiman Marcus, which cited poor sales in its decision to remove it from its website.

In the wake of dwindling consumer interest and a social media campaign, #grabherwallet, encouraging shoppers to boycott stores carrying Trump-related products, the brand seemed to have taken on the irremediable whiff of toxicity. This toxicity has been further compounded by California retailer Modern Appealing Clothing this week, which has gone to court to claim that the brand’s increased publicity in recent months has given Ivanka Trump an unfair advantage over other retail competitors in the state of California. The family-owned business is seeking a permanent injunction barring Ivanka Trump goods from sale in California.

The Ivanka Trump Collection shop in the lobby at Trump Tower in New York City © Getty

So, is brand Ivanka Trump a bust? Not likely, you metropolitan, liberal, latte-drinking snowflakes. Ivankanomics are not so simple as that. Yes, the east coast metropolitan elites have been offloading their striped cotton shirt-dresses, Hopewell Mini Chain Crossbody bags and Karita Lace-Up Block-Heel Sandals by the sackful. But, elsewhere, the brand is booming.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, ecommerce aggregator Lyst reported that sales of Ivanka Trump increased 219 per cent in one day in early February, and have surged in the past six months. In particular, the brand’s inventory is skyrocketing on second-hand resale sites such as ThredUP, where demand for Ivanka Trump-branded products in conservative cities such as Houston in Texas is massively outstripping the rate at which more liberal-minded coastal-dwelling urbanites are purging themselves of them. Just as the geopolitical spread among Trump’s support is split between urban and rural, coastal and central, so, unsurprisingly, is interest in his daughter’s clothes and bangles.

Perhaps more interesting, however, is the development regarding pricing. Many of the Ivanka Trump products are simply too expensive for the sort of people who might want to buy them.

It’s all a question of aspiration. The business of fashion, accessories and especially jewellery is built on the basis, like those of cars and houses, that they are imbued with various life-enhancing qualities. A certain brand’s clothing will make you seem stronger, chicer and more sophisticated. An accessory will elevate you among your peers. By buying into a brand, so the retail culture has it, we buy into a society of similarly-minded sophisticates who share our values and wallet size.

Currently, there’s a trend for new labels launching themselves into the marketplace to pitch themselves at the highest echelons of luxury, with starting prices reaching into the hundreds, and big-ticket items costing several thousands. At the same time, luxury labels are increasingly working with bigger, more mainstream companies to produce lines that might make them accessible to more ordinary folk.

Hence, fans of Victoria Beckham who may not be able to afford the designer’s asymmetric satin twill floral wrap-dress, which retails for £1,995 in her Mayfair store in London, are now able to buy a black floral satin dress for the far more accessible price of $40 from the range she has just debuted for the American retailer Target. Most brands recognise that their survival depends on partnering with high-street retailers in collaborations that will bounce them into a broader market. (Victoria Beckham’s recent collaboration with Estée Lauder on a make-up collection is another great example of how to expand one’s entry-level offering — see also Alexander Wang’s team-up with Adidas, and Comme des Garçons’ AW17 Nikes.)

Brand Ivanka Trump is now stuck in the accessible wilderness. She can jangle that $10,000 bangle as much as she wants, but it seems the only people who aspire to her brand of gilt-lacquered, super-shiny luxury are the ones who can’t afford it.

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