看到@可乐橙_ColaChan 发的一条微博,
人们打开天气应用,很大程度上希望决定今天需要怎样穿着。而人们或许对昨天的着装还留有印象,似乎可以在 affordance(可供性)上作文章。加入与昨天同一时间的温度对比,将怎么穿的问题简化成一个是非题——是否要比昨天穿得更多。
这份答卷最后得到了面试官的认可,但因一些特殊原因没有顺利入职。贴一下原题目,这是其中一道,总共两道,限时两天提交,似乎在 2015、16 年的 intern 和 vendor 社招都用到了这一题:
Background Information
Your task is to design the weather search experience on Bing.com on mobile phones.
Please go to cn.bing.com from your laptop or desktop, and search for weather information (e.g. ‘北京天气’). You should see something similar to the image below. This special result is called a weather answer. Feel free to interact with the weather answer to see what the current user experience is.
The Design Challenge
Searching for weather is also common on mobile phones. Please redesign the weather answer to make sure it works well on mobile phone.
Weather answer on a target mobile phone of your choice
A set of at least 5 weather icons (e.g. sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy, snow).
Please submit your response in English. If you have any questions, feel free to make any design assumptions and list your reasoning.