2022-01-03 Java 24小时第1-15章笔记



  • 解释器

The interpreter examines each line of a computer program and executes that line, then proceeds to the next line.

The biggest advantage of interpreted languages is that they are faster to test.

The primary disadvantage is that interpreted languages run slower than other programs. Each line has to be translated into instructions the computer can run, one line at a time.

  • 编译器

The compiler takes a program and translates it into a form that the computer can understand. It also makes the program run as efficiently as possible.

Compiled programs run more quickly than interpreted programs but take more time to test.

  • JAVA虚拟机

Java is unusual because it requires both a compiler and an interpreter. The compiler converts the statements that make up the program into bytecode. Once this bytecode has been created successfully, it can be run by an interpreter called the Java Virtual Machine.

The Java Virtual Machine, also called a JVM, is the thing that makes it possible for the same Java program to run without modification on different operating systems and different kinds of computing devices. The virtual machine turns bytecode into instructions that a particular device's operating system can execute.


The main statement is the entry point to most Java programs. The exceptions are applets, programs that are run on a web page by a web browser; servlets, programs run by a web server; and apps, programs run by a mobile device.

编译:源代码(.java) -> 类文件(.class)


Q. Why are Java applets no longer popular?
A. When the Java language was introduced in the mid-1990s, most people were learning the language to write applets. Java was the only way to create interactive programs that ran in a web browser. Over the years, alternatives emerged. Macromedia Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, and the new web publishing HTML5 standard all offer ways to put programs on web pages. Applets were hampered by poor loading times, slow support for new versions of Java by browser developers, and security holes exploited by hackers. Though applets are disappearing from the web, Java has outgrown its origins as a web browser enhancement and is now a sophisticated general-purpose programming language.

Q. 为何Java Applet不再流行?
A. 当Java语言在1990年代中期被引入时,大多数人学习这个语言是为了写applet。Java曾经是创建可以在web浏览器中运行的交互式程序的唯一方式。这么多年过去了,替代方案出现了。Macromedia Flash, Microsoft Silverlight,以及新的网页发布HTML5标准都提供了在网页中放置程序的办法。由于加载速度慢,浏览器开发者对Java新版本的支持慢,以及会被黑客利用的安全漏洞等缺陷都阻碍了applet的发展。虽然applet逐渐从web中消失,Java已经从初始用于web浏览器功能增强,发展为了如今的复杂的通用编程语言。



import java.util.Random;

Random generator = new Random();
int value = generator.nextInt();


命令 /exit 退出
Read-Eval-Print Loop = REPL



final int PAT = 1;


递增和递减变量: ++, --
后缀postfix vs 前缀prefix
When a postfixed operator is used on a variable inside an expression, the variable's value doesn't change until after the expression has been completely evaluated.

int x = 3;
int ans = x++ * 10;;


int x = 3;
int ans = ++x * 10;;


如何指定整数为二进制:在前面加 0b

int z = 0b0000_1101;




boolean A.equals(B)
int A.length()
String A.toUpperCase()
String A.toLowerCase()
int A.indexOf(B) //找不到返回-1
boolean A.contains(B) //找不到返回false

When you call a String object's toUpperCase() method, it doesn't actually change the String object it is called on. Instead, it creates a new string that is set in all uppercase letters.
Strings do not change in value in Java after they are created.

String a = "Apple";
String b = "Apple";
a.equals(b); //true
a == b; //true 

String c = new String("Apple");
a.equals(c); //true
a == c; //false


三元运算符 ternary operator




int points = 0;
int target = 100;
while (target <= 100) {
    for (int i = 0; i < target; i++) {
        if (points > 50) {
            break targetLoop;
        points = points + i;



String[] naughtchild;
String niceChild[];


int[] selfSeniority = new int[250];


  • 数值数组:初始值0
  • 字符型数组:'\0'
  • 布尔型数组:false
  • 字符串型数组和所有其他对象:null


String[] reindeerNames = { "Dasher", "Dancer", "Prancer", "Vixen", "Comet", "Cupid", "Donner", "Blitzen" };


A.length //数组长度

char[] myCharArr = myString.toCharArray()

import java.util.*;


Converting information to a new form is called casting. Casting produces a new value that is a different type of variable or object than its source. You don't actually change the value when casting. Instead, a new variable or object is created in the format you need.


  • Boolean
  • Byte
  • Character
  • Double
  • Float
  • Integer
  • Long
  • Short

Java's capability to use the basic data type and object forms of a value interchangeably is made possible through autoboxing and unboxing.
Autoboxing casts a simple variable value to the corresponding class.
Unboxing casts an object to the corresponding simple value.

Q. Can classes inherit from more than one class?
A. It's possible with classes in some programming languages (such as C++), but not Java. Multiple inheritance is a powerful feature, but it also makes OOP harder to learn and use. Java's developers decided to limit inheritance to one superclass for any class, although a class can have numerous subclasses. One way to compensate for this limitation is to inherit methods from a special type of class called an interface.

Q. 类可以继承多个类吗?
A. 在某些编程语言(比如C++)中是可以的,但是Java不行。多重继承是一个强大的特征,但同时也让OOP变得更加难学和难用。因此Java的开发者决定限制每个类只能继承一个超类,虽然一个类可以有无数个子类。弥补这种限制的一个方法是从一种特殊的类(称为接口)中继承方法。


You can use a protected variable only in the same class as the variable, any subclasses of that class, or by classes in the same package. A package is a group of related classes that serve a common purpose.

A private variable is restricted even further than a protected variable—you can use it only in the same class.

There also is another type of access control: the lack of any public, private, or protected statement when the variable is created.
When no access control is set, the variable is available only to classes in the same package. This is called default or package access.
还有另一种访问控制的方法:在变量创建时无任何public, private, 或者protected语句。

There are times when an attribute should describe an entire class of objects instead of a specific object itself. These are called class variables.
Class variables also are called static variables.
Although class variables are useful, you must take care not to overuse them. These variables exist for as long as the class is running. If a large array of objects is stored in class variables, it will take up a sizeable chunk of memory and never release it.

static int gremlinCount = 0;

accessor methods 访问器方法

Different methods in a class can have different names, but methods also can have the same name if they have different arguments.
Two methods can have the same name if they have a different number of arguments or the arguments are of different variable types.
The arguments to a method are called the method's signature. A class can have different methods with the same name as long as each method has a different signature.


If you don't include any constructors in a class, it inherits a single constructor with no arguments from its superclass.
If your subclass defines a constructor with one or more arguments, the class will no longer inherit a constructor with no arguments from its superclass. For this reason, you must always define a no-argument constructor when your class has other constructors.

Like class variables, class methods are a way to provide functionality associated with an entire class instead of a specific object.

static void showGremlinCount() {
    System.out.println("There are " + gremlinCount + " gremlins");

If more than one class is defined in the same source file, only one of the classes can be public.
The other classes should not have public in their class statements. The name of the source code file must match the public class that it defines.

辅助类 vs 内部类



import java.util.ArrayList;

ArrayList<String> myArrayList = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> myArrayList = new ArrayList<String>(100);
myArrayList.add(1, "Second");
myArrayList.add(0, "Test"))

int n = myArrayList.size();

int i = myArrayList.indexOf("Second");

for (String name : myArrayList) {



HashMap 散列映射

Two things can be specified in a new hash map that control how efficient it is: the initial capacity and the load factor. 在散列映射中,两件事可以用来控制效率:初始容量和负载系数。

The capacity is the number of buckets in which hash map values can be stored. The load factor is the number of buckets that can be used before the capacity automatically is increased. The value is a floating-point number ranging from 0 (empty) to 1.0 (full), so a 0.7 means that when the buckets are 70 percent full, the capacity increases. The defaults are a capacity of 16 and load factor of .75, which often are sufficient.

HashMap phonebook = new HashMap(30, 0.7F);

HashMap<String, Long> phonebook = new HashMap<>();
phonebook.put("Butterball Turkey Line", 8002888372L);

long number = phonebook.get("Butterball Turkey Line"); //没有匹配到,则返回null
long number = phonebook.getOrDefault("Butterball Turkey Line", -1L);
Long number = phonebook.get("Butterball Turkey Line"); 

phonebook.containsKey("Butterball Turkey Line"); 

int n = phonebook.size();

for(Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : phonebook.entrySet()) {
    String key = entry.getKey();
    Long value = entry.getValue();
    System.out.println(key + "=" + value);

Array lists and hash maps are two of the more useful data structures in the java.util package. The array list class expands on the functionality of arrays, making it possible to overcome the fixed-size limitation of that data type. Hash maps enable any kind of object to be used as the key to retrieve a value.
There also are bit sets (the BitSet class), which hold the bit values of 0 and 1; stacks (Stack), which are a last-in, first-out collection of data similar to array lists; the sorted structures TreeMap and TreeSet; and properties (Properties), a specialized hash map that holds configuration properties for a program in a file or another permanent storage place.


Two terms are used to describe this process: throw and catch. Objects throw exceptions to alert other objects that they have occurred. These exceptions are caught by other objects or the Java Virtual Machine.
两个术语用来描述这个过程:抛出 和 捕获。

五个关键词:try, catch, finally, throw, and throws(忽略异常)

Whenever you see an error stating that an exception "must be caught or declared to be thrown," it indicates the method you are trying to use throws that exception. Any class that calls these methods must do one of the following things:

  • Handle the exception with a try-catch block 通过try-catch块处理异常
  • Throw the exception 抛出异常
  • Handle the exception with a try-catch block and then throw it 通过try-catch块处理异常,并抛出
float principal;
try {
    principal = Float.parseFloat(loanText) * 1.1F;
} catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Error " + e.getMessage());
    throw e;

When you use throw in a catch block that catches a parent class, such as Exception, throwing the exception throws that class. This loses some detail of what kind of error occurred, because a subclass such as NumberFormatException tells you a lot more about the problem than simply the Exception class.
Java offers a way to keep this detail: the final keyword in a catch statement.

try {
principal = Float.parseFloat(loanText) * 1.1F;
} catch (final Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error " + e.getMessage());
throw e;

That final keyword in catch causes throw to behave differently. The specific class that was caught is thrown.

You can create your own exceptions easily by making them a subclass of an existing exception, such as Exception, the superclass of all exceptions. In a subclass of Exception, there are only two constructors you might want to override: Exception() with no arguments and Exception() with a String as an argument. In the latter, the string should be a message describing the error that has occurred.


Threads are represented by the Thread class and the Runnable interface, which are both part of the java.lang package of classes.

Two ways to place a task in its own thread include 两种将任务放入线程的方法

  • Putting the task in a class that implements the Runnable interface 将任务放入实现Runnable接口的类中 implements Runnable
  • Putting the task in a class that is a subclass of Thread 将任务放入Thread类的子类中 extends Thread
public class LoadStocks implements Runnable {
// body of the class


public void run() {
// body of the method

When a threaded application is run, the statements in its run() method are not executed automatically. Threads can be started and stopped in Java, and a thread doesn't begin running until you do two things

  • Create an object of the threaded class by calling the Thread constructor 调用Thread构造函数,来创建线程类的对象
  • Start the thread by calling its start() method 通过调用start()方法来启动线程。


There are three reasons that Java includes inner classes: Java包含内部类的三个原因

  1. When a helper class is only used by one other class, it makes sense to define it within that class. 如果一个辅助类只被一个类所用,那在该类中定义它是合理的。
  2. They enable a helper class to access private methods and variables it could not access as a separate class. 使得辅助类可以访问private方法和变量;如果作为独立的类则不行。
  3. They put a helper class as close as possible to where it is being used in another class. 将内部类尽可能近地放置在它在另一个类中被使用的地方。
public class Outer {
    class Inner {
        Inner() {
            System.out.println("I am an inner class!");

    public Outer() {
    // empty constructor
    public static void main(String[] arguments) {
        Outer out = new Outer(); // 实例化外部类
        Outer.Inner in = out.new Inner(); //实例化内部类
        //Inner in = new Outer().new Inner();

类名称 = 外部类名称.内部类名称

anonymous inner class 匿名内部类
An anonymous inner class is one that has no name and is declared and created at the same time.


WorkerClass worker = new WorkerClass();
Thread main = new Thread(worker);


Thread main = new Thread(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
        // thread's work to perform goes here

closure [闭包] / lambda expression [lambda表达式]

Runnable runner = () -> { System.out.println("Run!"); };
ActionListener al = (ActionEvent act) -> {

In a lambda expression, the statement to the right of the arrow operator -> becomes the method that implements the interface.
This can be done only when the interface has a single method to implement, such as Runnable, which just contains run(). An interface in Java that has one method is now called a functional interface.

Target typing[目标类型]
In a lambda expression, it's possible to infer the class of the argument or arguments sent to the method.
Consider the last example. Because the ActionListener functional interface has a method that takes an ActionEvent object as its only argument, the name of that class can be omitted.

ActionListener al = (act) -> {
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