流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 3·Part 1·Video 4·Evolving Our Bodies 4


Evolving Our Bodies 4

Now, we can't even begin to imagine what that might look like, but we're beginning to get glimpses of instruments that might take us even that far.


even甚至,连,即使; 甚至更,愈加,还; 甚至可以说,其实,实际上; 平滑的; 平的; 平坦的; 变化不大的,均匀的,平稳的; 相等的; 均等的; 平; 相等; 变平

begin开始; 启动; 起始; 开始存在; 起初是; 本来是

imagine想象; 设想; 误以为; 胡乱猜想; 猜测; 料想; 认为

might(may的过去时,用于间接引语)可能,可以; 可能; 可以; 强大力量; 威力

look like看起来与相像或相似; 很可能出现或引起

beginning开头; 开端; 开始部分; 原始思想; 前兆; 初级阶段; 开始; 启动; 起始; 开始存在; 起初是; 本来是; begin的现在分词

glimpses一瞥; 一看; 短暂的感受; 瞥见; 看一眼; 开始领悟; 开始认识到; glimpse的第三人称单数和复数

instruments器械; 仪器; 器具; 仪器,仪表; 促成某事的人; 手段; instrument的复数

take携带; 拿走; 取走; 运走; 带去; 引领; 使达到,把…推向,把…带到; 场景,镜头; 收入额; 进项; 看法; 意见

that far那么远,到那里为止

And let me give you two examples. 

So this is the wonderful Floyd Romesberg,  and one of the things that Floyd's been doing is he's been playing with the basic chemistry of life. 


wonderful精彩的; 绝妙的; 令人高兴的; 使人愉快的; 令人惊奇的; 令人赞叹的


one of…之一

things东西; 物; 物件; 物品; 事物; 用品,衣服; 用具; thing的复数

been曾经到过; are的过去分词; be的过去分词

doing所做的事; 发生的事; 所作所为; 做,干,办; 做; 行动; 表现; 进展,进行; do的现在分词

playing表现,风格; 演奏; 玩耍; 游戏; 玩乐; 假装,假扮; 捉弄; 戏弄; play的现在分词

basic基本的; 基础的; 最简单的; 初级的; 初步的; 必需的; 基本需要的; 基础; 基本; 基本原则; 基本原理; 基本规律; 要素; 基础训练

chemistry化学; 物质的化学组成; 两人间的关系

So all life on this planet is made in ATCGs, the four letters of DNA. 


all所有; 全部; 全体; 一切; 全部的,整个的; 唯一的事物; 所有的事物; 完全; 很; 十分; 非常; 太; 过分

life生命; 人命; 性命; 人的存活; 生物; 活物

planet行星; 地球

made…制造的; 制作…的; 制造; 做; 组装; 写; 出产; 制订; 铺床; make的过去分词和过去式

four四; 四个; 第四四的; 四个一组之物

letters信; 函; 字母; 校运动队字母标志; 用字母标明; 把字母印刷于; 领取到学校运动队布制字母标志; letter的第三人称单数和复数


All bacteria, all plants, all animals, all humans, all cows, everything else. 

And what Floyd did is he changed out two of those base pairs, so it's ATXY. 


And和; 与; 同; 又; 而; 加; 加上; 然后; 接着

what什么; …的事物; 无论什么; 凡是…的事物; 多么; 真; 太


out出来; 不在家; 不在工作地点; 外出; 出去; 离开边缘; 回避的方法; 托词; 出路; 揭露,公布


those用来对已经提及的事物作补充说明; 人们;人; 那些; 用于提供更多的细节、信息

base根基; 基底; 底座; 根据; 出发点; 来源,源泉,基础; 以…为据点; 把设在; 卑鄙的; 不道德的

pairs一双; 一对; 分两个相连接部分的物体; 两个共事的人; 俩; 对; 使成对; 配对; 交配

And that means that you now have a parallel system to make life, to make babies, to reproduce, to evolve, that doesn't mate with most things on Earth or in fact maybe with nothing on Earth. 


And that而且,并且

parallel system并行系统

babies婴儿; 动物幼崽; 最年幼的成员; 幼稚的人; 孩子气的人; 婴儿般对待; 百般呵护; baby的第三人称单数和复数

reproduce复制; 再生产; 再制造; 使再次发生; 再现; 繁殖; 生育

evolve逐渐形成,逐步发展,逐渐演变; 进化; 进化形成

mate with;与…交配

in fact事实上,其实; 准确地说;确切地说

maybe大概,或许,可能; 或许,也许; 或许

Maybe you make plants that are immune to all bacteria. Maybe you make plants that are immune to all viruses. 


Maybe大概,或许,可能; 或许,也许; 或许

make制造; 做; 组装; 写; 出产; 制订; 铺床; 品牌,型号

plants植物; 发电厂; 工厂; 大型机器,设备; 栽种; 种植; 播种; 在栽种; 立稳; 竖立; 安放; plant的第三人称单数和复数

immune to对…免疫; 不受…感染

all所有; 全部; 全体; 一切; 全部的,整个的; 唯一的事物; 所有的事物; 完全; 很; 十分; 非常; 太; 过分

bacteria细菌; bacterium的复数

immune有免疫力; 不受影响; 受保护; 免除; 豁免

viruses病毒; 滤过性病毒; 病毒性疾病; 病毒病; virus的复数

But why is that so interesting? It means that we are not a unique solution. 

It means you can create alternate chemistries to us that could be chemistries adaptable to a very different planet that could create life and heredity.


means方式; 方法; 途径; 财富; 钱财; 表示…的意思; 意思是; 本意是; 打算; 意欲; 有…的目的; mean的第三人称单数和复数

create创造; 创作; 创建; 造成,引起,产生; 授予; 册封

alternate交替的; 轮流的; 间隔的; 每隔的; 使交替; 使轮流; 交替; 轮流; 代替者; 代理人; 候补者

chemistries化学; 物质的化学组成; 两人间的关系; chemistry的复数

could用于can的过去时; 能,可以; 能; 把装罐保存; 让…卷铺盖走人; 炒…的鱿鱼; can的过去分词和过去式

adaptable有适应能力的; 能适应的

planet行星; 地球

life生命; 人命; 性命; 人的存活; 生物; 活物

heredity遗传; 遗传特征


1.What is Floyd Romesberg known for?

He developed a parallel system to make life.

Fill in the blanks:

Now, we can't even begin to imagine what that might look like, but we're beginning to get glimpses of instruments that might take us even that far.

The second experiment, or the other implication of this experiment, is that all of you, all life is based on 20 amino acids. 


second第二; 居第二位的; 另外的; 外加的; 以第二名; 以第二位; 第二,其次; 秒; 片刻; 瞬间; 支持,赞成; 附议; 临时调派; 短期调任

experiment实验; 试验; 尝试; 实践; 做试验; 进行实验; 试用

other另外; 其他; 那个,另一个; 其余的,另外的

implication可能的影响; 含意; 暗指; 牵连,牵涉

all of you你们全体

all所有; 全部; 全体; 一切; 全部的,整个的; 唯一的事物; 所有的事物; 完全; 很; 十分; 非常; 太; 过分

life生命; 人命; 性命; 人的存活; 生物; 活物

based on以……为基础;在……基础上,以……为依据

amino acids氨基酸; amino acid的复数

If you don't substitute two amino acids, if you don't say ATXY, if you say ATCG + XY, then you go from 20 building blocks to 172,  and all of a sudden you've got 172 building blocks of amino acids to build life-forms in very different shapes.

ps:如果你不替换两种氨基酸,如果你不说a t XY,如果你说ATCG+XY,那么你从20个构建块变成172个,突然你就有172个氨基酸构建块来构建形状迥异的生命形式。

substitute代替者; 代替物; 代用品; 替补; 代替; 取代

amino acids氨基酸; amino acid的复数

you say你说

go from从…处出发

building blocks积木; 塑料积木; 组成部分; 构成要素; building block的复数

and all等等; 甚至包括

've(=value engineering)价值工程学; 同“have”

amino氨基 H2N—

The second experiment to think about is a really weird experiment that's been taking place in China. 

So this guy has been transplanting hundreds of mouse heads. Right? 

And why is that an interesting experiment? 

Well, think of the first heart transplants. 

One of the things they used to do is they used to bring in the wife or the daughter of the donor , so the donee could tell the doctors, "Do you recognize this person? Do you love this person? Do you feel anything for this person?" 


One of…之一

used to do过去常常做某事

used to曾经

bring in推行,采用; 赚得,挣; 引入; 请来; 邀请

donor捐赠者; 捐赠机构; 献血者; 器官捐献者


doctors医生; 大夫; 诊所; 博士; 篡改; 伪造; 将有害物掺入中; 阉割; doctor的第三人称单数和复数

Do you你愿意吗

recognize认识; 认出; 辨别出; 承认; 意识到; 认可,接受,赞成

for this为此

We laugh about that today. 

We laugh because we know the heart is a muscle, but for hundreds of thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years, "I gave her my heart. She took my heart. She broke my heart." We thought this was emotion and we thought maybe emotions were transplanted with the heart. Nope. 


laugh笑; 发笑; 处于有利地位; 笑声; 令人开心的时刻; 引人发笑的事; 笑料; 引人发笑的人; 逗笑好玩的人

but for倘没有; 要不是

my heart真我

broke没钱; 囊中羞涩; 破产; 破,裂,碎; 弄坏; 损坏; 坏掉; 弄破; 使流血; break的过去式

emotion强烈的感情; 激情; 情感; 情绪

emotions强烈的感情; 激情; 情感; 情绪; emotion的复数

transplanted移植; 移栽,移种,移植; 使迁移; 使移居; transplant的过去分词和过去式

Nope不; 不行; 没有

So how about the brain? Two possible outcomes to this experiment. 

If you can get a mouse that is functional, then you can see, is the new brain a blank slate? 


mouse老鼠; 耗子; 鼠标

that is即; 用于纠正之前说过的内容

functional实用的; 作用的; 功能的; 机能的; 职能的; 起作用的,工作的,运转的

then当时,那时; 到那时,届时; 然后; 接着; 其后; 后来; 那么; 因此; 既然如此; 当时的

see看见; 见到; 看出; 看得见; 看; 有视力; 观看; 主教教区; 主教权限; 牧座

new刚出现的; 新的; 新近推出的; 新东西; 新事物; 新买的

brain脑; 动物脑髓; 智力; 脑力; 逻辑思维能力; 猛击…的脑袋致死

blank空白的; 空的; 无图画的; 没表情的; 不理解的; 不感兴趣的; 空白处,空格; 空白,遗忘; 空弹; 毫不理睬; 突然忘掉; 突然思路模糊

slate板岩; 石板; 石板瓦; 候选人名单; 批评,抨击; 预定; 计划; 安排; 推举; 选定

And boy, does that have implications. 


boy男孩; 男青年; 年少的儿子; 做某工作的男孩; 伙计; 表示惊奇、高兴、痛苦等

doesdo 的第三人称单数现在时形式

have有; 持有; 占有; 由…组成; 显示出,带有; 与过去分词连用构成完成时

implications可能的影响; 含意; 暗指; 牵连,牵涉; implication的复数

Second option: the new mouse recognizes Minnie Mouse. 

The new mouse remembers what it's afraid of, remembers how to navigate the maze,  and if that is true, then you can transplant memory and consciousness. 


mouse老鼠; 耗子; 鼠标

remembers回想起; 记得; 记起; 想起; 记住; 把…牢记在心; remember的第三人称单数

afraid of难; 怕; 害怕; 不敢正视

navigate导航; 确定的位置和方向; 航行; 航海; 横渡; 找到正确方法

maze迷宫; 纷繁复杂的规则; 复杂难懂的细节; 迷宫图; 使困惑; 使混乱; 迷失

that is即; 用于纠正之前说过的内容

transplant移植; 移栽,移种,移植; 使迁移; 使移居; 移植器官

memory记忆力; 记性; 记忆所及的时期; 回忆所及的范围; 回忆; 记忆

consciousness清醒状态; 知觉; 觉察; 感觉; 意识; 观念; 看法

And then the really interesting question is, if you can transplant this, is the only input-output mechanism this down here? 


And then然后

really事实上,真正地,真实地; 确实,的确; 加强形容词或副词的语气

interesting有趣的; 有吸引力的; 使感兴趣; 使关注; interest的现在分词

question问题; 疑问; 事情; 议题; 课题; 怀疑; 困惑; 正式提问; 质询; 问; 表示疑问

transplant移植; 移栽,移种,移植; 使迁移; 使移居; 移植器官

only仅有的; 唯一的; 最好的; 最适当的; 只; 只有; 仅; 仅在…情况下; 只不过; 仅…而已; 不过; 但是; 可是


mechanism机械装置; 机件; 方法; 机制; 机制,构造

down向下; 朝下; 在下面; 下; 在较低水平; 下降; 下跌; 向下,往下; 沿着; 顺着; 朝着; 贯穿…时间; 遍及…时期; 喝下,吃下,咽下; 使倒下; 击倒; 悲哀; 沮丧; 情绪低落; 停机; 停止运行; 绒羽; 绒毛; 软毛; 汗毛; 进攻分段,10码进攻(球队可向前推进10码持球进攻的四次机会。球队在连续四次进攻中失球或未能推进10码即不能继续)

here在这里,向这里; 现在; 在这一点上; 给某人东西或指出某物时说; 喂,嘿; 主动提议

Or could you transplant that consciousness into something that would be very different,  that would last in space, that would last tens of thousands of years, that would be a completely redesigned body that could hold consciousness for a long, long period of time?


transplant移植; 移栽,移种,移植; 使迁移; 使移居; 移植器官

consciousness清醒状态; 知觉; 觉察; 感觉; 意识; 观念; 看法

something某事; 某物; 想来重要的事物; 大致,左右; 很,非常

be very different大不相同

in space宇宙中;空中

completely彻底地; 完全地; 完整地

redesigned重新设计; redesign的过去分词和过去式

hold拿着; 抓住; 抱住; 托住; 捂住,按住; 使保持; 抓; 握; 拿; 支撑; 持; 抱;

And let's come back to the first question: why would you ever want to do that? 

Well, I'll tell you why. 

Because this is the ultimate selfie.



ultimate最后的; 最终的; 终极的; 极端的; 最好的; 根本的; 基本的; 基础性的; 最好的事物; 极品; 精华


This is taken from six billion miles away, and that's Earth. 

And that's all of us. And if that little thing goes, all of humanity goes. 

And the reason you want to alter the human body is because you eventually want a picture that says, that's us, and that's us, and that's us, because that's the way humanity survives long-term extinction. 


want to应该

alter改变,更改,改动; 修改

human body人体

and that而且,并且

because that因为,由于

humanity人; 人类; 人性; 人道; 仁慈

survives生存; 存活; 继续存在; 幸存; 幸免于难; 艰难度过; 比…活的时间长; survive的第三人称单数

long-term长期的; 长远的; 长期有效的; 近期不大可能改变的; 不大可能很快解决的


And that's the reason why it turns out it's actually unethical not to evolve the human body even though it can be scary, even though it can be challenging, but it's what's going to allow us to explore, live, and get to places we can't even dream of today, but which our great-great-great-great- grandchildren might someday.


And that而且,并且


evolve逐渐形成,逐步发展,逐渐演变; 进化; 进化形成

human body人体

even though即使; 尽管; 纵然

get to开始; 到达,抵达; 抓住;接触,和…取得联系

dream of梦见; 梦想,渴望; 考虑,会做得出

grandchildren孙子; 孙女; grandchild的复数


Thank you very much.


1.Why does Enriquez think transplanting consciousness is important?

 It could facilitate long-term space travel.

2.According to Enriquez why is an ethical to modify the human body?

 It's essential for the survival of the human species.

3.According to Enriques, if a transplanted mouse head keeps its memory...

scientists might be able to transplant consciousness.

4.what's the purpose of transplanting mouse's heads?

to see if they will keep their memory.

Put the sentences into correct order:

Well, think of the first heart transplants. One of the things they used to do is they used to bring in the wife or the daughter of the donor , so the donee could tell the doctors, "Do you recognize this person? Do you love this person? Do you feel anything for this person?" We laugh about that today. We laugh because we know the heart is a muscle, but for hundreds of thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years, "I gave her my heart. She took my heart. She broke my heart." We thought this was emotion and we thought maybe emotions were transplanted with the heart.

Fill in the blanks:

And that's the reason why it turns out it's actually unethical not to evolve the human body even though it can be scary, even though it can be challenging, but it's what's going to allow us to explore, live, and get to places we can't even dream of today.

Read and repeat the sentences:

1.By changing our DNA, we can create chemistries that are adaptable to different planets.

2.If humans are to survive long-term extinction, they will need to live beyond the Earth.

3.It means you can create alternate chemistries to us that could be chemistries adaptable to a very different planet that could create life and heredity.

4.he believes that while it may be scary, we need to modify the human body in order to survive.

5.Floyd's been doing is he's been playing with the basic chemistry of life.

6.Those are the order of magnitude of changes you're talking about.

7.Why would we really want to alter the human body in a fundamental way?

8.Maybe you make those organs more efficient to filter out stuff that you don't want in your body. 

prosthetics have evolved further to become not just nice to have but essential to have.





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    沈念sama阅读 36,461评论 3 381
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我猛地睁开眼,长吁一口气:“原来是场噩梦啊……” “哼!你这毒妇竟也来了?” 一声冷哼从身侧响起,我...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 35,150评论 0 253
  • 序言:老挝万荣一对情侣失踪,失踪者是张志新(化名)和其女友刘颖,没想到半个月后,有当地人在树林里发现了一具尸体,经...
    沈念sama阅读 39,413评论 1 290
  • 正文 独居荒郊野岭守林人离奇死亡,尸身上长有42处带血的脓包…… 初始之章·张勋 以下内容为张勋视角 年9月15日...
    茶点故事阅读 34,501评论 2 307
  • 正文 我和宋清朗相恋三年,在试婚纱的时候发现自己被绿了。 大学时的朋友给我发了我未婚夫和他白月光在一起吃饭的照片。...
    茶点故事阅读 36,277评论 1 325
  • 序言:一个原本活蹦乱跳的男人离奇死亡,死状恐怖,灵堂内的尸体忽然破棺而出,到底是诈尸还是另有隐情,我是刑警宁泽,带...
    沈念sama阅读 32,159评论 3 312
  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
    茶点故事阅读 37,528评论 3 298
  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 28,868评论 0 17
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 30,143评论 1 250
  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 41,407评论 2 341
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 40,615评论 2 335