函电归纳 中英文对照版

Business Correspondences

Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations

Writing steps

1. To state the source of information(告知信息来源)

2. To express your purpose of writing (表明与对方建立贸易关系)

3. To introduce briefly your company and provide the reference as to your firm’s financial standing if necessary(简单介绍公司及资信状况)

4. To express your expectation of cooperation and early reply(希望合作,盼回复)

Useful sentences

(1) We are writing to …我们现在去函是想……

(2) enter into direct relations with you /transact business with you/build up business relations with you 与贵方建立直接的贸易关系

(3) with the headquarters in …  总部在……

(4) range from… to …  产品的范围从…到…

(5) be well received both at home and abroad在国内外深受欢迎

(6) the leading manufacturers主要的生产商

(7) in this line在这一行业

(8) financial standing = money status 资信状况

(9) at your convenience 在您方便的时候;尽早

(10) note/obtain/learnt/got one’s name and address… in/from从…获悉贵方的名称和地址

(11) business director 业务总监

(12) further details 详情

(13) be interested in有意做…

(14) We would appreciate your… 对于您的…我们将不胜感激

(15) be willing to do 愿意做…

(16) the latest catalogue 最新的目录

(17) comply with 按照,符合

(18) catalogues and quotations 产品目录和报价单

a. illustrated catalogues 带有插图或相片的商品目录

b. brochure, pamphlet 小册子,宣传册

c. leaflet 传单

d. sample book 样品本

(19) price:

a. competitive price 有竞争力的价格

b. moderate price 适中的价格

c. favorable price 优惠的价格

d. reasonable price 合理的价格

e. attractive price 有吸引力的价格

(20) extend one’s range 扩大业务范围

(21) in compliance with your request 根据您的要求

(22) payment should be made by … 用…付款

(23) to make/effect/arrange payment by 凭…支付

(24) price list 价格单

(25) export range 出口商品范围

(26) confirmed irrevocable letter of credit 保兑不可撤销信用证

(27) place an order 订购

(28) enclose =send sb. with sth. 随函所附

(29) covering包括…的

Unit 2 Enquiry

Writing steps

1. telling the addressee the source of information and making a brief self- introduction(告知信息来源并做简要自我介绍)

2. indicating the intention of writing the letter, ask for a catalogue, samples or a pricelist(说明写信目的,如索要目录,样品或价目表)

3. stating the possibility of placing an order and expectation of an offer(说明订购的可能性并期待得到发盘)

Useful sentences

(1) We are experienced and well connected with many customers at our end.我们有丰富的经验且与本地客户有密切联系

(2) We shall be grateful if you will send us… 如贵方能寄来…我方将不胜感激

(3) If the goods and trade terms prove satisfactory…如果货物和贸易条件令人满意的话……

(4) deal in 经营

(5) be specialized in 专门经营

(6) acquaint us with … 供我方了解

(7) substantial orders 大量订单

(8) fashion accessories 时尚配件

(9) free sample 免费样品

(10) workmanship 制作工艺

(11) trade terms 交易条件

(12) airmail sb. sth …. 通过航空邮寄给某人某物

(13) at one’s end 在…地方

(14) discount 折扣

(15) commission 佣金

(16) best price 最低价

(17) … ask us to approach you for quotations and samples of the goods available for export now. … 要求我方与目前可出口货物的报价和样品之事与您接洽

(18) … competition form similar makes is very keen here. 此地来自类似产品的竞争非常激烈

(19) Please see to it that your price is in line with the current market.务必保持你方价格与现行行市相符

(20) available for export 可供出口的

(21) the captioned products 标题产品

(22) for your information 顺告

(23) CIP= Carriage and Insurance Paid to …运费和保险付至

(24) date of shipment / time of shipment / shipping date 装运期

(25) payment terms / terms of payment 支付条件

(26) keen 竞争激烈的

(27) current market / prevailing market 现行行市

(28) secure=get 得到

(29) quote sb. a price for sth. 向某人报某物的价格

(30) indicate=state指出

(31) anticipate doing sth. 预料做某事

Unit 3 Offer

Writing steps

1. to express your thankfulness for the enquiry(感谢对方的询盘)

2. state the trade terms and the validity(列明交易条件)

3. to express your intention of concluding a transaction(表达订立合同的愿望,或盼回复)

Useful sentences

(1) offer: firm offer / non-firm offer 发盘 实盘/虚盘

(2) This is to confirm…兹确认

(3) make sb. an offer for sth./send sb. an offer on sth./ give sb. an offer on sth.向某人报某商品的盘

(4) the fews lots we have at present are under offer elsewhere.我们目前仅有的几批货物已近向别处发盘

(5) be subject to 以…为条件

(6) with regard to 关于

(7) bid 出价,递盘

(8) result in 导致

(9) take advantage of 利用…的机会

(10) entertain the counter offer 对还盘予以考虑

(11) There has been/is a heavy demand for sth.对…有大量的需求

(12) uptrend market市场价格上扬

(13) We are now making you an offer as follows: 兹向贵方发盘如下

(14) To be effected by seller for 110% of full invoice value covering All

Risks and War Risk.  由卖方按发票金额的110%投保一切险和战争险

(15) shipping mark 唛头

(16) at seller’s option 由卖方选择

(17) at sight 即期

(18) transshipment 转运

(19) confirmation确认

(20) delivery time / time of delivery / date of delivery 交货时间

(21) invoice value 发票金额

(22) All Risks一切险

(23) War Risk战争险

(24) Strike Risk 罢工险

(25) to make/effect/arrange insurance by 投保

(26) Our products are excellent in quality and favorable in price.我们的产品物美价廉

(27) in reply 此复

(28) under separate cover 另函

(29) detailed requirement 详细要求

(30) sample:

a. standard sample 标准样

b. counter sample 对等样,回样

c. duplicate sample 复样

d. seller’s/ buyers’ sample 卖方/买方样

Unit 4 Counter-offer

Writing steps

1. to express your thankfulness(致谢)

2. to express regret, state the reason and your trade terms(致歉,说明不能接受的原因并提出建议)

3. to express your intention of cooperation(说服对方接受你提出的交易条件,表达合作的愿望)

Useful sentences

(1) we are in receipt of 兹收到

(2) … find your price to be on the high side 发现贵方价格偏高

(3) Information indicates 有消息显示

(4) To step up trade … 为了促进交易

(5) in no case  无论如何都不

(6) on behalf of 代表

(7) as per 按照,依照

(8) at our end = on our side = in our place = in our country 在我国

(9) xxx(country) origin  XX国产的

(10) parcels = lots (交易)批/笔

(11) at a level = at a price 同一价格

(12) We do not deny that the quality of xxx is slightly better, but the difference in price should, in no case, be as big as xx%. 无可否认….的质量略好些,但无论如何价差也不应有XX%

(13) As the market piece is falling / going down, we recommend your immediate acceptance.鉴于市场价格在不断下跌,拟请立即接受上述还盘为宜

(14) We are of the opinion that …  我们认为

(15) make a reduction of … in …  在哪方面减少多少

(16) We hope you will direct the attention of your customers to the superior quality of our products … 希望贵方能引导客户关注我们产品的卓越质量

(17) Origin 产地

(18) meet sb. half way 同…妥协,各让一步

(19) measure up to 比得上,赶得上

(20) … your bid is out of line with the price ruling in the present market, …贵方所出价格与现行市场明显不符

(21) in your interest 为贵方利益考虑

(22) without any delay 毫不迟延地

(23) buy freely 大量地购买

(24) firm / upward tendency / downward tendency (市场价格)稳定的/上涨的/下跌的趋势

(25) in the foreseeable future 可以遇见的未来

(26) there is little / no likelihood of …  没有可能性的

Unit 5 Terms of Packing, Shipment and Insurance

Writing steps

1. to refer to the purpose of the letter(说明写信意图)

2. to state the packing terms, shipments terms and reasons, risks coverage to insurance against and the amount of the insured value (告知装运条款/原因/投保险别)

3. to clarify the payment of the charge/premium(阐明费用)

4. to express wishes(表明愿望)

Useful sentences

(1) in transit 在运输中

(2) indicative marks 指示性标志

(3) seaworthy wooden case 适合于海运的木箱

(4) port of destination 目的港

(5) in consideration of 考虑到,由于

(6) inner and outer packing  内/外包装

(7) waterproof paper 防水纸

(8) packing instructions 包装要求;包装须知

(9) packing charges 包装费用

(10) neutral packing 中性包装

(11) All kinds of packing

a. Bag 袋,包

b. gunny bag 麻袋

c. poly-bag 塑料袋

d. bale 包,布包

e. barrel 琵琶桶

f. box 盒,箱

g. bundle  捆

h. carton 纸板箱

i. case 箱

j. wooden case 木箱

k. cask 木桶

l. crate 板条箱

m. drum 铁皮圆筒

n. keg 小圆筒

o. tin = can 听,罐头

(12) be packed in 装于

(13) repack 重新包装

(14) The packages are intact. 包装完整无损

(15) lined with … 内衬

(16) be susceptible to (breakage, moisture, hear or dampness, rust)可破损,潮湿,潮湿或潮湿,生锈的

(17) as for 至于

(18) make sure…确保…

(19) prevent from …阻止…

(20) to the contrary 相反

(21) stipulated terms 规定条款

(22) gross / net weight 毛/净重

(23) execute one’s order 执行订单

(24) be secured / strapped / reinforced / fortified by用…加固

(25) partial shipment 分批装运

(26) transshipment 转运

(27) initial shipment 首批装运

(28) as to 关于

(29) advance the shipment 提前装运

(30) the remaining goods 剩下的,其余的

(31) book shipping space 订舱位

(32) have great difficulties in doing sth. 难以做某事

(33) Owing to 由于

(34) delay = postpone 延迟,拖延

(35) concerning 关于

(36) premium 保险费

(37) for 110% of the invoice value 按发票金额的110%

(38) Cover insurance +prep.

(39) We have covered insurance on the 400 cases of medical instruments for 110% of the invoice value against of All Risks with PICC.  我以按发票金额的110%为贵方400台医疗器械向中国人民保险公司投保一切险

(40) Three basic insurances 三种基本险别

a. Free from Particular Average (F.P.A. or FPA) 平安险

b. With Particular Average (W.P.A. or WPA) 水渍险

c. All Risks 一切险

(41) General additional risks 一般附加险

a. Theft, Pilferage & Non-Delivery Risks 偷窃,提货不着险

b. Fresh Water Rain Damage (F.W.R.D.) 淡水雨淋险

c. Risk of Shortage 短量险

d. Risk of Intermixture & Contamination 混杂,玷污险

e. Risk of Leakage 渗漏险

f. Risk of Clash & Breakage 碰损,破碎险

g. Risk of Odor 串味险

h. Damage Caused by Heating & Sweating 受潮受热险

i. Hook Damage 钩损险

j. Rust risk 锈损险

k. Breakage of Packing Risk 包装破裂险

(42) Special additional risks特殊附加险

a. War Risk 战争险

b. Strikes Risk 罢工险

(43) in the absence of 没有…的情况下

(44) debit note 借记通知书

(45) draw on sb. at sight for … 向某人开出XX(金额)即期汇票

(46) refund 退税

(47) policy 保险单

(48) for one’s account 由某人支付

(49) to be due to sail on 预计应到的,预定的

Unit 6 Payment Terms

Writing steps

1. state directly and clearly what goods you have ordered(表明所要购买的商品)

2. state the method of payment you usually adopt or express the acceptance or refusal to the payment terms and state the reasons (说明你的付款条件,或者接受或者拒绝对方的条件,并说明原因)

3. express your hope that the method of payment will be accepted(希望对方接受你的付款条件)

Useful sentences

(1) prompt attention bank interest 银行利息

(2) easier payment terms 易于接受的付款条件

(3) negotiation credit 议付信用证

(4) confirmed / sight / usance / transferable/ documentary L/C 保兑/即期/远期/可转让/跟单信用证

(5) open an L/C 开立信用证

(6) tie-up 束缚,停顿,资金占压

(7) tight money / market 占压资金

(8) agree to 同意

(9) conversion rate 汇率

(10) ask for payment by采用某种支付方式

(11) advisable 明智的

(12) equivalent等价物,相等物

(13) a special accommodation 作为通融

(14) CNY 人民币/ AUD 澳大利亚元 / CHF瑞士法郎 / GBP英镑 / JPY日元 / USD美元 / CAD加拿大元 / EUR欧元 / HKD港币 / SGD新加坡元

(15) the goods are already for shipment 货物以备妥待运

(16) customary practice 习惯做法

(17) to meet one’s requirement 满足某方要求

(18) D/P = Document against Payment 付款交单

(19) D/A = Document against Acceptance承兑交单

(20) adhere to opinions 坚持我方意见

Unit 7 Acceptance

Writing steps


1. confirm receipt of the offer and express thanks(确认收到报盘并表达感谢)

2. favorable comments on the goods or the market(对该商品或市场进行有利的评价)

3. express his acceptance and the desire to place an order(表示接受及表达下订单的意愿)

4. express hope of receiving the sales confirmation or sales contract(表达希望收到销售确认书或销售合同的愿望)


1. thank the importer for his counteroffer(感谢对方的还盘)

2. favorable comments on the goods or the market(对该商品或市场进行有利的评价)

3. state his willingness of accepting the importer’s counter offer(表示愿意接受对方的还盘)

4. enclose the S/C and ask the importer to sign it(随函附上销售合同并要求对方会签)

Useful sentences

(1) sales confirmation 销售合同

(2) countersignature 会签

(3) demand for 对…的需求

(4) There is a great demand for such product. 这种商品的需求量很大

(5) Please countersign it and return one copy for our file. 请签退一份供我方存档

(6) take pleasure in 高兴做,乐于做

(7) market share 市场份额

(8) punctual 按时

(9) purchase contract 购买合同

(10) sales contract 销售合同

(11) purchase confirmation 购买确认书

(12) sales confirmation 销售确认书

(13) to + verb. a contract

(14) originals of the contract 合同正本

(15) copies of contract 合同副本

(16) a written contract 书面合同

(17) contract terms 合同条款

(18) breach of contract 违反合同

(19) performance of contract 履行合同

(20) Insurance Clause保险条款

(21) Arbitration Clause 仲裁条款

(22) Packed in cartons of ten pieces each. = Packed in cartons, each containing 10 pieces. 用纸箱装,每箱装10件

(23) at one’s option按某方意见

Unit 8 Letter of Credit

Useful sentences

(1) we wish to draw your attention to the fact that …我们想提请贵方注意

(2) up till / to now / the present至今,知道现在

(3) in (exact / full / strict) accordance with = be in conformity with与…相符

(4) execute the order 执行订单

(5) subsequent 随后的

(6) make amendment to… 修改

(7) within the time prescribed 在规定的时间内

(8) wording 措辞

(9) insert 插入

(10) issue 开立

(11) instruct sb. to do sth. 通知某人做某事

(12) This is to bring your attention to 兹提请贵方注意

(13) not later than 不迟于

(14) under the circumstances 在这种情况下

(15) to extend 延长…的期限

(16) in advance 预先,提前

(17) respectively 分别的,各自的

(18) The seller must pack the goods as stipulated / requested in the contract. 卖方必须按合同规定包装这批货物

(19) Provided 假如,倘使

(20) Parties concerned in L/C business

a. applicant

b. issuing / establishing / opening bank开证行

c. advising bank / notifying bank 通知行

d. beneficiary受益人

e. negotiation bank 议付行

f. paying bank / accepting bank 付款银行/承兑银行

g. confirming bank 保兑银行

Unit 9 Urging Shipment, Shipping, and Insurance Instructions

Useful sentences

(1) Since our customers are desirous to get the goods within next month, it is our hope that you could ship the goods by the next steamer “peace”, which is due to sail from your city on or about October 25th to our port.

(2) in your favor 以你方为受益人

(3) on one’s way to 在去…的路上

(4) ship … by …由…轮装运

(5) steamer汽船

(6) vessel 船,船舶

(7) steamship (S.S. or s.s.) 汽轮

(8) sailing date 启航日期

(9) sail for / to …开往…

(10) sail from … to …从…开往…

(11) sailing 航行,船期

(12) mark … with … 作标记

(13) shipping marks 运输标志

(14) warning marks 警告标志

(15) indicative marks指示性标志

(16) be in urgent need of 急需

(17) source of supply 货源

(18) shipping advice 装运通知

(19) seek 另辟

(20) resolve the matter 解决问题

(21) The L/C expires on December 16th . 信用证于12月6日期满

(22) shipping documents 装船单据

(23) bill of lading 提单

(24) packing list 装箱单

(25) certificate of origin 一般原产地证

(26) have a close cooperation with sb. 与某人密切合作

(27) invoice

a. signed invoice 已签署的发票

b. commercial invoice 商业发票

c. proforma invoice 形式发票

d. customs invoice 海关发票

e. consular invoice 领事发票

f. manufacturer’s invoice 厂商发票

(28) shipped B/L 已装船提单

(29) simplify procedures 简化手续

(30) lie within (责任等)属于

(31) PICC = the People’s Insurance Co. of China 中国人民保险公司

Unit 10 Complaints and Claims

Writing steps

1. informing the receiver of details related to the goods to be claimed(说明据以索赔货物的详情)

2. stating the reasons for dissatisfaction, and let the seller know the loss caused(说明不满的理由及造成的损失)

3. your proposal (提出解决方案)

4. expressing your expectation of the settlement(表达对解决问题的期盼)

Useful sentences

(1) we observed that the quality is far below the samples 我们注意到货物质量比样品低很多

(2) it was the inferior material used that caused the quality deterioration 是因为所用原材料较差导致的质量下降

(3) ask for compensation 要求赔偿

(4) make a claim 要求索赔

(5) reinspect 重新复查,再检验

(6) surveyor 检查员

(7) Entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 出入境检验检疫局

(8) lodge (raise, file, register, put in) a claim +

(9) take delivery 提货

(10) at one’s disposal 由…支配

(11) complain about … 对…的投诉

(12) appear to 似乎,好像

(13) in good condition 状况良好

(14) in the meantime 在此期间,同时

(15) replace A with B 用B替换A

(16) bring the case to a satisfactory close 圆满的解决此事

(17) upon going into the matter 经过调查此事

(18) forwarding agent 货代

(19) occur发生,出现

(20) confusion of something 混淆

(21) apologize for 为…而道歉

(22) reoccurrence 再次发生的事情

(23) dispatch 派遣,发出

(24) cause sb. so much trouble 给某人带来这么多麻烦

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  • 文/花漫 我一把揭开白布。 她就那样静静地躺着,像睡着了一般。 火红的嫁衣衬着肌肤如雪。 梳的纹丝不乱的头发上,一...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 48,069评论 1 276
  • 那天,我揣着相机与录音,去河边找鬼。 笑死,一个胖子当着我的面吹牛,可吹牛的内容都是我干的。 我是一名探鬼主播,决...
    沈念sama阅读 37,535评论 3 390
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我猛地睁开眼,长吁一口气:“原来是场噩梦啊……” “哼!你这毒妇竟也来了?” 一声冷哼从身侧响起,我...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 36,200评论 0 254
  • 序言:老挝万荣一对情侣失踪,失踪者是张志新(化名)和其女友刘颖,没想到半个月后,有当地人在树林里发现了一具尸体,经...
    沈念sama阅读 40,353评论 1 294
  • 正文 独居荒郊野岭守林人离奇死亡,尸身上长有42处带血的脓包…… 初始之章·张勋 以下内容为张勋视角 年9月15日...
    茶点故事阅读 35,290评论 2 317
  • 正文 我和宋清朗相恋三年,在试婚纱的时候发现自己被绿了。 大学时的朋友给我发了我未婚夫和他白月光在一起吃饭的照片。...
    茶点故事阅读 37,331评论 1 329
  • 序言:一个原本活蹦乱跳的男人离奇死亡,死状恐怖,灵堂内的尸体忽然破棺而出,到底是诈尸还是另有隐情,我是刑警宁泽,带...
    沈念sama阅读 33,020评论 3 315
  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
    茶点故事阅读 38,610评论 3 303
  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 29,694评论 0 19
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 30,927评论 1 255
  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 42,330评论 2 346
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 41,904评论 2 341
