
28 Amazing JavaScript Projects for the Past Year (v.2018)

(Click the numbers below. Credit given to the biggest contributor.)

No 1

Prettier: An opinionated JavaScript formatter. [19356 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Vjeux

No 2

Parcel: Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler [14672 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Devon Govett, Software Engineer at Adobe and Badass JavaScript

No 3

Prepack: A tool for making JavaScript code run faster. [10717 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Herman Venter at Facebook Engineering

No 4

Draggable: The JavaScript Drag & Drop library your grandparents warned you about. [9622 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Shopify

No 5

AR.js: Efficient Augmented Reality for the Web using ARToolKit — 60fps on mobile! [9275 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Jerome Etienne

No 6

JS-xlsx (v0.10): SheetJS Community Edition — Spreadsheet Parser and Writer [8561 stars on Github].

No 7

Reaction (v 1.0): A customizable, real-time reactive, JavaScript commerce platform. [6231 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Aaron Judd at Reaction Commerce

No 8

deeplearn.js: A hardware-accelerated machine intelligence library for the web [5504 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Google Brain

No 9

Luxon: A library for working with dates and times in JS [5099 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Isaac Cambron

No 10

Reason: Simple, fast & type safe code that leverages the JavaScript & OCaml ecosystems — Facebook Engineering [4450 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Cheng Lou

No 11

G2 (v 3.0): The Grammar of Graphics in JavaScript [4050 stars on Github].

No 12

Workbox: JavaScript libraries for Offline Caching [3810 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Matt Gaunt and Addy Osmani at Google

No 13

Tone.js (verson r11): A Web Audio framework for making interactive music in the browser. [3737 stars on Github].

No 14

Nanoid: A tiny, secure URL-friendly unique string ID generator for JavaScript [3542 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Andrey Sitnik

No 15

Lozad.js: Advanced performant Lazy Loader using Intersection Observer API(1 million downloads!) [3426 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Apoorv Saxena

No 16

Rythm.js: A javascript library that makes your page dance. [2857 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Benjamin Plouzennec

No 17

Superstruct: A simple and composable way to validate data in Javascript. [2793 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Ian Storm Taylor, Co-founder at Segment

No 18

Scrollama: A JavaScript library for scrollytelling using IntersectionObserver in favor of scroll events. [2783 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Russell Goldenberg

No 19

Zuck.js: A javascript library that lets you add stories EVERYWHERE [2374 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Ramon Souza

No 20

Amplitude.JS (v 3.0): HTML5 Audio Player for the modern era. No dependencies required. [2198 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Dan Pastori

No 21

Buttercup (v 0.2): Javascript Password Vault — Multi-Platform Desktop Application [1910 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Sallar Kaboli

No 22

Bottender: Make Bots in Your Way, Fast and Flexibly [1894 stars on Github]. Courtesy of C.T. Lin

No 23

Webpackmonitor: A tool for monitoring webpack optimization metrics through the development process [1877 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Jon Roach, Gordon Yu and Bzuhair at Webpackmonitor Team

No 24

Nearley (v 2): Simple, fast, powerful parser toolkit for JavaScript [1661 stars on Github].

No 25

Spacetime: A lightweight javascript timezone library [1488 stars on Github]. Courtesy of spencer kelly

No 26

Maptalks.js: A light and plugable JavaScript library for integrated 2D/3D maps [1123 stars on Github].

No 27 (v 5.0): A JavaScript WebGL Framework for Data Visualization — UBER [872 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Uber Engineering

No 28

Quokka.js: Live Scratchpad for JavaScript. Run your code immediately as you type and display various execution results in your code editor. [355 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Artem Govorov

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