一 .词汇
As they chatted late into the night, Stfaubel and the solar team kept fixating on one topic.
fixate on n. to an extreme and excessive degree. 注视,迷恋.
例句:she has for some time been fixated on photography..
# 动词+ on#~一周所见
grate on:激怒...to annoy someone;
stumble on:无意中发现;偶然遇到:They stumbled on less-trodden path
venture on :冒险前进:venture on exploration
tread on: 践踏:tread on dedicated ground
reckon on: 依靠,指望,when at a bay,he reckoned on friends
sponge on:依赖: sponge on his parents :啃老
elaborate on:详细说明:elaborate on your proposals a little
trade on: 利用(贬义):trade on the good will,利用别人善意
practice on :利用 (贬义):practice on the kindness
Justie chalked up Musk's reaction to a defence mechanism that he'd learned from years of suffering as a kid.
chalk up to 归咎于,归因于
例句:You can chalk up his mistake to carelessness.
【总结】attribute to,put down to,ascribe to ,impute,due to,owing to,account for
【复习】PEAK 中所学
① chalk and cheese英式completely different from each other
②apples and oranges美式 used when saying that twopeople or things are very different:
例子:The two brothers are as different as chalk and cheese
① off-the-books : 不一般的;例如: It is an off-the-books thing, but good money .
②rank-and-file n 普通成员
③Know-how :专业技能
④right of way:通行权,许可
⑤devious solution : 另辟蹊径
⑥ the aftermath of... 的后果
⑦the writing is on the wall“有大难临头的预兆”
From Chapter 6 to Chapter 7, there were crazy stories depicted by Elon Musk,his teammates and a group of younger know-how engineers.
In chapter 6,Elon and his partners struck me as being unflinching and aspiring.In 2001, Elon was obsessed with the exploration of space.After several fail trades with Russian,having adept technologies of satellites,he built SpacesX,a company of Space Exploration Technologies ,with his tirelessly all-star crew. These engineers had devoted several twenty-four hours working on end,without any complaints,to tackle some thorny issues. When Kestrel and Merlin came with challenges,for example,they wholeheartedly endeavored to improve them by trial and error,rarely paying attention to humble conditions of a bunker.Admittedly,Launching Falcon1 was a equivalently devious project. They failed twice on the ground of some neglectful and lethal details,for instance,the first time failure was ascribed to a salty nut.During this period, Elon had claimed his employees severely and goad them vigorously,though he struck by continually failure,he never flinched or gave ground to the opponent.
In chapter7,there were a group of budding engineers peppering with creation and ambition akin to Elon Musk,such as Straubel, Eberehard and Tarpenning.They made their way through challenges to a new field of electric car with lithium battery,cofounding an electric motor company,namely Tesla Motor. At the outset,the company survived from series of tricky plights,such as improvement of battery and lacking fundings.Even it had caught public attention by arrival of the Roadster, a electric vehicle,with the help of its biggest share holder, Elon Musk. Yet,in 2008,the company came with various problems, Tesla was on the verge of breakdown. Whether Elon can survive it again with his powerful team?
Pygmalion effect. 金诚所至,金石为开塞浦路斯国王~每天除忙政务还喜欢雕塑,倾注大量时间精力心血雕塑一位女神,美妙绝伦、惟妙惟肖,甚至活在幻想中希望女神能复活和自己生活在一起,外人觉得他是疯子太过痴迷。但正因太过痴迷打动上苍,女神复活了,最终幸福的生活在一起。"Pygmalion effect" is means that you're doing something with great determination,other people think it's crazy and foolish,but you are harder to go there and finally go there .虽自己所做的事别人不能理解,但内心足够强一定能够得到你想要的东西。
痴迷有痴迷的益处,神话中Pygmalion 的痴迷使女神复活,蒲松龄《聊斋志异》“性痴则志凝,故书痴者文必恭,艺痴者技必良。”对于Elon Musk那份执着坚韧是否也可以理解为一种“痴”。对于"Science and and Spaces”的痴迷,Elon最终了成立Spaces X;Eberhard and Tarpenning对于 "electric cars" 的痴迷 ,也才有Tesla的出现,汽车能源等方面的改变。 They both have a crazy idea,and they both make it finally.心至坚强,志诚专致,一定会迎来光明绽放的时刻。
人生中什么最可怕,不知道暗夜中要走多久不知道灯火在哪。一种活力的人生,是你能看见希望而且心生向往,尽管博大而无边际,但你知道你的诞生不是平白无故,你知道你为一件大事而来。Elon Musk ,曾经,这位南非儿童相信自己一定会为世界带来什么,梦想追求"collective enlightenment",极度痴迷“science and spaces”,从SpaceX到Tesla,深切感受到了这位可能性格不好、情商不高的硅谷传奇人物的可敬之处——性痴。
最近读书时看到一段文字:“ ".... awakened by our own newly acquired force and aspirations from within, accompanied by the undulations of celestial music, instead of factory bells, and a fragrance filling the air -- to a higher life than we fell asleep from; and thus the darkness bear its fruit, and prove itself to be good, no less than the light"——不是乏味的钟声,而是心间蓬勃的力量、野心,花间氤氲,圣乐飘荡,这不是睡眠以外的时间,而是更为崇高的一次重生。”想到了Elon,觉得之前把他成就过多归咎于没日夜工作比我们多出睡眠时间的拼搏,有些肤浅。他比我们多的 是看见自己灯塔。
.....gawky South African boy who talked with the utmost sincerity about pursuing "collective enlightenment" ....
SpaceX is in this for the long haul and, come hell or high water, we are going to make this work.”
每个人小时候都是梦想家想当一位科学家、文学家,本科毕业了可能变为考个名校研究生、出国,后来工作了梦想可以住在喜欢的国家、能在所在城市买房,当儿时的梦想变为现实的梦想, 渐渐发现,所谓成长就是梦想逐渐禁足的过程。《孟子 离娄下》:“孟子曰:‘大人者,不失其赤子之心者也,常怀赤子之心"always cover a child heart,inasant,cute and perfect".
Jane 分享谈:自己少年不知愁滋味的儿子说自己长大了所做的能为社会做贡献"。心生敬佩不知愁滋味的敢言。更加佩服Elon Musk,站在山巅,望断天涯,不管经历多少挫折失败困难,都还相信自己会为世界带来什么,这个世界是自己的!for the long haul and, come hell or high water, we are going to make this work . 肃然起敬!
No one else knew what it was like to be on critical path