

Graduation Speech_腾讯视频

An Engineer's Guide to the Artificial Intelligence Galaxy


By Dr. Kai-Fu Lee

Founder & CEO, Sinovation Ventures


President, Sinovation Ventures Artificial Intelligence Institute


May 15, 2017 Class Day

Thank you, Class of 2017.  Thank you so much for inviting me to speak at this wonderfulcommencement ceremony.  It's an honor to be back at Columbia to address this distinguished group of graduates, parents, siblings and special guests.  We've all gathered to share in the joy of this day.


First, I want to say to you graduates: I am so proud of all of you. You did it! Your families are proud of you. You have earned this day.


I remember sitting where you are 34 years ago, feeling that these were the best years of my life.  I found the profession of my life:artificial intelligence.  I found the hobby of my life -- bridge; I played 30 hours a week, but to this date Columbia still wouldn't give me a degree in it.  And I had my first date while at Columbia, and she became the love of my life.


And finally, on commencement day, I got to sit and listen toIsaac Asimov, the famous science fiction writer.  I'm sorry that you only get me.


As students, you've probably seen AI course enrollment go from 80 to 800.  And that certainly is oneleading indicator.


I was introduced to AI at Columbia in 1980.  As someone who has worked for 37 years on research, development, and investment in AI, I can speak with some authority that – AI will be a revolution on the scale ofthe Industrial Revolution, probably larger, and definitely faster.


But this is not ahand-wavy[1]futuristAI talk.  This is an engineer-to-engineer talk.  We know that AI works.  We know that AI gets better with more data and more use.  We know how toextrapolate[2]it to measure its impact in ten years.


[1]hand-wavy:(of a demonstration, proof, or explanation) Missing important details or logical steps, perhaps instead appealing to common sense, tradition, intuition, or examples.


to guess or think about what might happen using information that is already known 推断;推知

You can't reallyextrapolatea trend from such a small sample.


Let's first see what AI can do today.


Today, an AI image processing company that I invested in can make people'sselfiesmore beautiful, so much so that every Chinese movie star I know doesn't allow her photo to be published without it.   Its user base?  1.3 billion.


Today, an AI loan company that I invested in China canapprove a loanin seconds, with a default rate much lower than a human loan officer who would takes days.  This company is less than two years old, but willunderwrite[3]almost 30 million loans this year, more than almost any bank.



1)If a bank or other organization underwrites an activity, it gives it financial support and takes responsibility for paying any costs if it fails. (银行或其他机构)为…提供财力支持并承担经济责任

2)If a company underwrites an insurance policy, someone's property, etc., that company has an agreement to pay out money in cases of damage or loss. 为…承担保险责任,为…承保

Today, an AIfacial recognitioncompany that I invested in can recognize any face from 3 million faces, with super-human accuracy.  If installed in all the airports around the world, it wouldessentiallypreventknown terroristsorwanted criminalsfrom entering any airplane.


These three AI companies are worth a total of about $10 billion.  But that'sloose changecompared to what can be built in the next 10 years.


Now let me give you three pieces of advice – how not to miss the Age of AI, so that you canhave the time of your life.


My first is:Embrace AI, andalign your career by betting on its inevitability.


Like all big change, AI requires you tohave an open mind.  It's OK to be fearful of change.As Mark Twain explained, “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear.  Not absence of fear.


Your hard work has prepared you toconfront, orsimply accept, orwarmly embrace- change that will push you in new directions.


Given what lies ahead, you must warmly embrace AI.  While the first AI tools in your industry may appearfragile, be assured they will get better with data.


The three software companies I mentioned earlier, when they were first launched:often made people uglier,lost millions in bad loans, andthought I was some talk show celebrity.  But given time and much more data, theirself-learningmade themdramaticallybetter than people.  Not only are they better, they don't get tired nor emotional.  They don'tgo on strike, and they are infinitely scalable.


Withhardware,software, andnetworking costscoming down, all they cost iselectricity.


So whatever domain you choose, be the first to use AI tools.  If you're a software engineer, use AI tools tocheck and optimize your code, tofind re-usable code, or even towrite new code.  Use AI tools to hire and build your team.  If you start your own company, use AI tools to manage your books and maximize your profits.  Use AI tools to replace your customer support and your salespeople.  Use robots to produce your goods and autonomous vehicles to deliver them.


Thesymbiotic[7]combination of humans and AI is all about 1+1=3.  For example, when a doctor can correctly diagnose cancer, and save70 lives out of 100, and an early AI tool can save60 lives out of 100-- together perhaps they can save80 lives.  And when the AI tool improves to saving 80 lives, perhaps together they can save90.  Sodo not passively accept AI, but embrace AI, seek out AI, and find every which way that AI can help you.  Learn AI, and find clever ways to build thatsymbiotic relationshipearlier.



a relationship between people or organizations that depend on each other equally (人或机构间的)相互依赖的关系,互依关系

Just like the reporter who first foundword processing, the accountant who first used a spreadsheet, the first photographer who applied Photoshop, you willhave an edge[8].  In addition, AI will evolve faster and more broadly than these tools, and your edge will grow and become sustainable.


[8]edge:an advantage over other people 优势;优越之处

In terms of experience, she definitelyhad the edgeover the other people that we interviewed.


My second piece of advice is:Uphold your responsibility as an engineer.


We all know that for centuries physicians tookthe Hippocratic Oath[9],as a responsibility to treat human life as sacred.  In the age of AI, I think engineers' responsibilities are equally sacred, or even greater.


[9]the Hippocratic Oath:the promise that doctors make to keep to the principles希波克拉底誓言(医生保证遵守医生职业道德的誓言)

Why?  Because as top engineering graduates from a top school, duringthe Age of AI, you are the ones with the power.  But please remember what the world's greatest philosopher,Spiderman, said: "with great power comes great responsibility."


In the Age of AI,autonomousandsemi-autonomous algorithmswillinvest money,take care of children,drive cars, andconduct surgery.  You will be the ones who build these products, which willimpactpeople's possessions, health, and even lives.


As engineers,we cannot abandon our conscience and sense of responsibility.  We need to bethorough,diligent, andethical, not just in the architecture and coding, but also in the design, in the testing, in running the machine learning training, and in downloading the updated parameters.


The firstairbagssaved many lives, but they also accidentally killed some children, due to the lack of adequate design and instructions that adequately considered children's smaller size.


So your first responsibilities areto your users, to making your productsafe,thoughtful, andusable.  And more than “product safety.”  You also have a responsibility to foresee and preventthe potential risks of technologyto users from getting out of hand.  So please speak up strongly against “autonomous weapons” or “bartering[10]or sales of privacy data.


[10]barter:to exchange goods for other things rather than for money 以物易物;易货贸易

Hebarteredhis stamp collection for her comics.


Your second responsibility isto yourself.   In the Age of AI, you are not just competing with other people, but also with AI. You have a responsibility to work on the hard problems, and avoid wasting your time doing what machines will be able to do.  Don't waste your talent repeating what you learned at school. Don't accept a job that doesn't challenge you.Take risks and learn vigorously and rigorously so that you can become the best in something specific and useful, whatever your field.Be creative and inventive.  AI is great at optimizing, but AI cannot invent something new.


Your final responsibility isto make the world a better place with your choices as an engineer.  Choose jobs that save lives, not destroy them.  Choose jobs that empower people, notdemoralize[11]them.  Work for organizations with more compassion than greed, and for people who care more about world peace than world domination.


[11]demoralize:to make someone or something feel much less confident 使泄气,使垂头丧气

Losing several games in a row had completelydemoralizedthe team.


And my last advice:Be in touch with your heart.


After all that serious tech talk, what I am going to talk about next may seem a little bitout-of place. But it comes from my heart.


Four years ago, I was diagnosed with 4th stage lymphoma.  I faced the real possibility that my remaining time here was measured in months.


During that time ofultimate uncertainty, I thought a lot about my life. I came to realize that my accomplishments, and even the arrival of AI after waiting 30 yearsmeant nothing to me.


I came to realize that by chasing these technologies, products, investments, and my career, my priorities wereout-of-order.  I neglected my family.  My father had passed away.  My mother barely remembered me.  My kids had grown up.


One of the books I read during my illness wasBronnie Ware's book about the regrets of people on their deathbeds.  She found that no one wished they'd worked harder or spent more time at the office or accumulated more possessions.People's top wish was that they had spent more time, sharing their love of their loved ones.

在治疗期间,我读了布朗妮·维尔(Bronnie Ware)的一本书,书中记录了临终病人一生中最后悔的事情。作者提到,没有一个人会为当年不够认真工作、不够努力加班、或财产积攒不足而后悔。人们临终时最最盼望的,是希望能再有机会花更多时间与自己所爱的人在一起。

Fortunately, I am now inremission[12]so I am here with you today.  I am spending much more time with my family.  I moved closer to my mother.  I travel with my wife, whether on business or for pleasure.  When my kids come home, I would take not two or three days off from work, but two or three weeks.@LearnAndRecord


[12]remission:a period of time when an illness is less severe or is not affecting someone (疾病的)缓解期,减轻期

Her cancer has been inremissionfor several years.


I also spent more time meaningfully connecting with more people.  I spent weekends traveling with my best friends.  I took my company on a one-week vacation toSilicon Valley-- theirMecca.  I met with young people who sent me questions on Facebook.  I reached out to people I offended years ago and asked for their forgiveness and friendship.  I wrote a book andshot a documentaryto share what I had learned from my near-death experience.


Mynear-death experiencenot only changed my life and my values, it gave me anenlightened viewabout what AI should mean for humanity.Elon MuskandStephen Hawkinghave given us their view, a view wheremachines supersede humans completely, andwe are to control them or become them.


With my near-death experience, I would like to offer an alternate ending to their prediction of the AI future.  Surely AI has, or will beat us on many analytical tasks with definitive decisions and outcomes.  But these tasks are not what make us human.What makes us human is that we are able to love.


The moment when we see our new-born babies; the feeling oflove-at-first-sight; the warm feeling from friends who listen to us empathetically; the feeling ofself-actualizationwhen we help someone in need.These all demonstrate thatwe are far from understanding the human “heart”, let alone replicating it.  But we do know that humans uniquely are able to love and be loved.  Humans want to love and be loved.  That loving and being loved are what makes our lives worthwhile.


With this belief, we now know what we must do.  At a minimum,recognize and be thankful that we are loved.  If we can do better,return the love, and maybe a little bit more.  Finally, the highest level of love:Pay it forward.Give love unconditionally.


Coming back to our AI theme,love differentiates us from AI.  Despite what science fiction movies may portray, I can tell you responsibly that AI programs cannot love.  They don't even have feelings or self-consciousness.AlphaGomay beat the world champion, but it has no fun playing the game, feels no happiness from winning, has no desire to hug a loved one after it wins.


And in the future, even if an AI diagnostic tool is 10 times more accurate than doctors, patients will not want a cold pronouncement from the tool: “you have 4th stage lymphoma and a 70% likelihood of dying within 5 years.”  Patients will want a “doctor of love” who listens to our complaints, gives us encouragement, like “Kai-Fu had the same lymphoma, and he survived, so you can too”, and perhaps visits us at home, and is always available to talk to us.  This kind of “doctor of love” will not only make us feel better, and have greater confidence, but aplacebo effectwill kick in and increase our likelihood ofrecuperation.


This will solve the AI employment problem we mentioned earlier.  The number of “doctors of love” will outnumber today's doctors.  The displaced workers can take upcareers spreading love and experiences– whethera passionate tour guide, anattentive concierge[13],a funny bartender[14],an infectious sushi chef.



1)a person who is employed to take care of an apartment building, especially in France (尤指法国的)大楼管理员,看门人,门房

2)someone who is employed in a hotel to help guests arrange things, such as theatre tickets and visits to restaurants (帮助客人安排戏票、餐馆等事宜的)旅馆服务台人员

3)someone employed by a large company to do jobs, such as shopping, for other employees who are working 大公司雇用的为其他员工服务(如采购)的雇员

[14]bartender:someone who makes and serves drinks in a bar 酒吧招待


With the new “experts of love” titles many new kind of service jobs will be created.  And they don't have to be “jobs”, they can be volunteers, at anorphanage[15]or a retirement home. This will give people jobs that AI cannot take away.  They will do the job withprideanda strong sense of self-actualization.  Most importantly, this will fill our planet with love and joy.



ahome for children whose parents are dead or unable to care for them 孤儿院

We've built manytask-orientedAI that is much better than our brains. That was my dream 37 years ago.  As a hard-core computer scientist, I'm proud that we've come so far.  But now I realize that I went after the wrong organ.The most important part of the human body isnotthebrain,buttheheart.


That's a lesson that took me, I confess, too long to learn. My hope for all of you, as your careersblossomand your livestake shape, is that you willapproach your lives with all the brains you certainly have, but also, above all,with all the heart you canmuster[16].


[16]muster:to produce or encourage something such as an emotion or support 鼓起(勇气);激起(某种感情或支持)

She managed tomusterthe courage to ask him to the cinema.


It will be up to you to carry this forward, but I have confidence:if you let your heart be your guide, you'll find your way through all of the massive changes that lie ahead, andmake the next 10 years the best years of your lives.


Thank you, Class of 2017.


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