
1、99 cows,Seth Godin


3、101 Facts You Should Know About Food ,John Farndon

4、1000 Facts on Modern History,John Farndon

5、1984,George Orwell

6、2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY,Arthur C. Clarke

7、2010: ODYSSEY TWO,Arthur C. Clarke

8、A Boy in France,Jerome David Salinger

9、A Beautiful Friendship,David Weber

10 、A Catskill Eagle,Robert B. Parker


12、A daughter of snows ,Jack London

13、A Fable ,William Faulkner

14、A Farewell to Arms,Ernest Hemingway

15、Hearts of Three,Jack London

16、Martin Eden,Jack London

17、The Call of the Wild,Jack London

18、The Cruise of The Dazzler,Jack London

19、Love of Life,Jack London

20、Moon-Face and Other Stories,Jack London

21、The Road,Jack London

22、The Son of the Wolf,Jack London

23、Walking on Broken Glass,Christa Allan

24、War Against The Mafia, Don Pendleton

25、War and Peace, Leo Nikoleyevich Tolstoy

26、Alice's adventures in Wonderland,Lewis Carroll

27、Through The Looking Glass,Lewis Carroll

28、The hunting of the Snark,Lewis Carroll

29、Phantasmagoria and Other Poems,Lewis Carroll

30、As A Man Thinketh, James Allen

31、Great Expectations, Charles Dickens

32、Oliver Twist,Charles Dickens

33、The Adventures of Oliver Twist,Charles Dickens

34、The Cricket on the Hearth,Charles Dickens

35、The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain,Charles Dickens

36、The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices,Charles Dickens

37、A Christmas Carol,Charles Dickens

38、American Notes for General Circulation,Charles Dickens

39、No Thoroughfare,Charles Dickens

40、Bleak House,Charles Dickens

41、A Message From the Sea,Charles Dickens

42、David Copperfield,Charles Dickens

43、Dombey and Son,Charles Dickens

44、Hunted Down,Charles Dickens

45、Holiday Romance,Charles Dickens

46、Life And Adventures Of Martin Chuzzlewit,Charles Dickens

47、Little Dorrit,Charles Dickens

48、Master Humphrey's Clock,Charles Dickens

49、Mrs. Lirriper's Lodgings,Charles Dickens

50、Mudfog and Other Sketches,Charles Dickens

51、Pictures from Italy,Charles Dickens

52、Short Stories,Charles Dickens

53、Sketches by Boz,Charles Dickens

54、Some Christmas Stories,Charles Dickens

55、Sunday Under Three Heads,Charles Dickens

56、The Battle of Life,Charles Dickens

57、The Chimes,Charles Dickens

58、The Holly Tree,Charles Dickens

59、The Old Curiosity Shop,Charles Dickens

60、The Pickwick Papers,Charles Dickens

61、The Seven Poor Travellers,Charles Dickens

62、The Uncommercial Traveller,Charles Dickens

63、The Wreck of the Golden Mary,Charles Dickens

64、The Life And Adventures Of Nicholas Nickleby,Charles Dickens

65、Three Ghost Stories,Charles Dickens

66、Mugby Junction and Other Stories,Charles Dickens

67、Miscellaneous Papers,Charles Dickens

68、Mrs. Lirriper's Legacy,Charles Dickens

69、Our Mutual Friend,Charles Dickens

70、Speeches: Literary & Social,Charles Dickens

71、All The Year Round,Charles Dickens

72、The Mystery of Edwin Drood,Charles Dickens

73、A Tale of Two Cities,Charles Dickens

74、Barnaby Rudge,Charles Dickens

75、Doctor Marigold,Charles Dickens

76、George Silverman's Explanation,Charles Dickens

77、Hard Times,Charles Dickens

78、Foundation and Earth, Isaac Azimov

79、Lucky Starr And The Moons of Jupiter, Isaac Azimov

80、Lucky Starr And The Rings Of Saturn, Isaac Azimov

81、Pebble In The Sky, Isaac Azimov

82、Robot Dreams, Isaac Azimov

83、Robot Visions, Isaac Azimov

84、The Stars, Like Dust, Isaac Azimov

85、The Complete Robot, Isaac Azimov

86、The Early Asimov. Volume 2, Isaac Azimov

87、The Early Asimov. Volume 3, Isaac Azimov

88、The Currents Of Space, Isaac Azimov

89、Nightfall And Other Stories, Isaac Azimov

90、The Early Asimov. Volume 1, Isaac Azimov

91、Earth Is Room Enough, Isaac Azimov

92、Gold: The Final Science Fiction Collection, Isaac Azimov

93、Asimov's Mysteries, Isaac Azimov

94、Nine Tomorrows, Isaac Azimov

95、The Martian Way and Other Stories, Isaac Azimov

96、Of Time and Space and Other Things, Isaac Azimov

97、The Gods Themselves, Isaac Azimov

98、Short Stories Vol. 1, Isaac Azimov

99、All the Troubles of the World, Isaac Azimov

100、The Gentle Vultures, Isaac Azimov

101、Second Foundation, Isaac Azimov

102、Foundation, Isaac Azimov

103、Forward the Foundation, Isaac Azimov

104、Tales of the Black Widowers, Isaac Azimov

105、Prelude to Foundation, Isaac Azimov

106、Foundation and Empire, Isaac Azimov

107、Foundation's Edge, Isaac Azimov

108、The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories, Isaac Azimov

109、Profession, Isaac Azimov

110、David Starr Space Ranger, Isaac Azimov

111、The End of Eternity, Isaac Azimov

112、Lucky Starr and the Pirates of the Asteroids, Isaac Azimov

113、Lucky Starr And The Big Sun Of Mercury, Isaac Azimov

114、Lucky Starr And The Oceanf Of Venus, Isaac Azimov

115、I, Robot, Isaac Azimov

116、The Secret Sense, Isaac Azimov

117、Buy Jupiter and Other Stories, Isaac Azimov

118、Nemesis, Isaac Azimov

119、Cleon the Emperor, Isaac Azimov

120、One Night of Song, Isaac Azimov

121、Potential, Isaac Azimov

122、The Brazen Locked Room, Isaac Azimov

123、The Dim Rumble, Isaac Azimov

124、Asimov’s Guide To Shakespear. Volume 1, Isaac Azimov

125、The Backward Look, Isaac Azimov

126、Found!, Isaac Azimov

127、The Two-Centimeter Demon, Isaac Azimov

128、The Caves of Steel, Isaac Azimov

129、The Naked Sun, Isaac Azimov

130、The Robots of Dawn, Isaac Azimov

131、Robots and Empire, Isaac Azimov

132、Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain, Isaac Azimov

133、Caliban, Isaac Azimov

134、Utopia, Isaac Azimov

135、Inferno, Isaac Azimov

136、Norby, Isaac Azimov

137、Norby The Mixed-Up Robot, Isaac Azimov

138、Deathworld,Harry Harrison

139、The Stainless Steel Rat Saves the World,Harry Harrison

140、The Technicolor Time Machine,Harry Harrison

141、A Transatlantic Tunnel, Hurrah!,Harry Harrison

142、Sense of Obligation,Harry Harrison

143、The Repairman,Harry Harrison

144、The Stainless Steel Rat Goes to Hell,Harry Harrison

145、The Stainless Steel Rat Joins the Circus,Harry Harrison

146、The Stainless Steel Rat,Harry Harrison

147、The Stainless Steel Rat's Revenge,Harry Harrison

148、The Stainless Steel Rat for President,Harry Harrison

149、The Stainless Steel Rat Gets Drafted,Harry Harrison

150、The Stainless Steel Rat Sings the Blues,Harry Harrison

151、The Ethical Engineer,Harry Harrison

152、The Horse Barbarians,Harry Harrison

153、Make Room! Make Room!,Harry Harrison

154、Winter in Eden,Harry Harrison

155、West of Eden,Harry Harrison

156、Return to Eden,Harry Harrison

157、Stars and Stripes In Peril,Harry Harrison

158、Captive Universe,Harry Harrison

159、Stars and Stripes Forever,Harry Harrison

160、Stars and Stripes Triumphant,Harry Harrison

161、Bill, the Galactic Hero,Harry Harrison

162、Star Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers,Harry Harrison

163、The K-Factor,Harry Harrison

164、Navy Day,Harry Harrison

165、Toy Shop,Harry Harrison

166、A Stainless Steel Rat Is Born,Harry Harrison

167、The Daleth Effect,Harry Harrison

168、Planet of the Damned,Harry Harrison

169、The Stainless Steel Rat Wants You,Harry Harrison

170、Arm of the Law,Harry Harrison

171、The Velvet Glove,Harry Harrison

172、King and Emperor,Harry Harrison

173、The Hammer and The Cross,Harry Harrison

174、One King's Way,Harry Harrison

175、The Turing Option,Harry Harrison

176、Letters of Anton Chekhov to his Family and Friends, Anton Chekhov

177、Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman

178、Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,J. K. Rowling

179、Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,J. K. Rowling

180、Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire,J. K. Rowling

181、Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban,J. K. Rowling

182、Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone,J. K. Rowling

183、Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince,J. K. Rowling

184、Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets,J. K. Rowling

185、Harry Potter Prequel,J. K. Rowling

186、The Casual Vacancy,J. K. Rowling

187、Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,J. K. Rowling

188、Quidditch Through the Ages,J. K. Rowling]




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