Passage9: pride? prejudice?

Happy National Day!

May you have a good time!



I wrote this passage mainly for girls, of course, boys are supposed to read it as well, LOL!


The eternal theme of Jane Austen's novels is the choice people make for marriage partners, so is in Pride and Prejudice.  Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, who are the middle class, have five daughters and Elizabeth, the protagonist of this book, is the second one.



It is the different fates of the five girls that reminds me of A Dream of Red Mansions, one  of  the  literature  masterpieces in China


In Chinese literary history, there were so many works described  woman as something demon or evil. For instance,  in Journey to the West ,the  alluring  women  appreaed and attempted to allure Tangseng always for Tangseng rou. In Shui Hu, Pan Jinlian was blamed for promiscuity.


Cao Xueqin, who knows very well of the sufferings of Chinese women and cries for their fate, wrote this work  mainly  for women,  especially  the young girls. He even said that girl are extremely pure and honourable in the world by the mouth of Baoyu.



Let's get to the point, it  is  a  truth universally acknowledged  that  a  single man  in  possession  of  a  good fortune  must  be  in  want  of  a wife.


At a dancing ball, Mr. Bingly falls in love  at the first sight with Jane, the eldest daughter of Mr. Bennet, because of her unexpected beauty. It is, however, not so lucky for Elizabeth. Darcy, another man of substance is so proud that he refuses to dance with Elizabeth for she is from middle class.


Darcy and Elizabeth

From that moment on, the young girl begins to have prejudice on him. She is optimistic, brave and has a strong consciousness for equality and freedom. She also dares to express love and hate. Therefore she never feels afraid of his high social status even criticizes his pride and social prejudice.


It is, in fact, the character that Elizabeth shows attracted him. A series of things Darcy had done make Elizabeth realize that Darcy is a man who has strong sense of honor and virtue. She finally accepts his proposal.


I mainly have two ideas about this book.


The first one:

You may not have beauty, but you have character! It is true that person was borned with different apprearence, beautiful, average-looking or a little ugly, different wisdom, smart or a little stupid.  Some of the congenital condition can't be changed , and some can through the hard work.



The second one:

Many of us show a great admiration to others' life sometimes , but not ours, even a little. Actually we admire others because we also want to be like that but we don't have the courage or something others. Do you really think about what is the meaning of life?



Long time ago, there were some people told you like this:

you come to this world, studying hard and getting graduated, finding a good job.

You get married with someone, then you have your babies.

Gradually, you become a machine to handle the stress.

By the time the kids become independent you start getting old.

The kids leave you for a higher education, work, leaving you two alone.


Finally, you two leave this world.







Maybe you would ask what's the meaning of life after all if all of us must follow the pattern that being forgot gradually. 


Let me tell you the story that maybe you never care so much but you have certainly experienced:

You came this world as a great joy of your parents.

You made your first friend in the school.

You stood outside the classroom with your friends as punishment for being late, talking in the class, forgetting to do the homework and so forth.

You have huge crush on one girl or boy and the friends stay with you year after year.

You do a sumptuous dinner for your lovers and surprise him.

You get rejected in a job interview, celebrate the failure and bid farewell to your colleage classmates in the party.











Life is in every moments and in the little things. One day you'll look back and realize those were the big things.

You may not have beauty, but you have character! What's more important, live consciously, pay more attention to your own life and form your own characters. You are not others.



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