(1)0A unit9Three little ducks 补充动物部分拓展,unit 8 egg fun 拓展About egg 部分 unit9 turtle and snail 汉语:牙牙学语下第十三单元灰毛驴要盖房 第十四单元 小公鸡学打鸣
(2)视频0Bunit1-unit12中文:牙牙学语下7-12单元、《peppa pig 》S01E25-30
(3)音频:OAunit1-unit12 Hello-Happy new year、0Bunit1-12 jack-in-the-box-seesaw中文:牙牙学语上1-16单元,牙牙下1-16单元、《三字经》《声律启蒙》《必背古诗75首》
(4)reading:英文:海尼曼易 10 本,绘本《 Does the kangaroo have mother too》,《Brown bear what do you see 》《Three little ducks》《Dinosaur》小书。
汉语:《牙牙学语》下大书第十三,十四单元《小小聪明豆》系列 5 本,小兔汤姆5本、暖暖心5本
(4)重点句型:mother...laid some eggs ,crack ...(pop...) Baby...came out .,...is egg -laying animals .
(5)field trip:种植
2.1英语:0Aunit 1Hello -unit12 Happy new year,0B unit1Jack-in-the-box-unit 12 seesaw;1Aunit Little bee-unit12 The chimney
2.3其他:《三字经》节选01人之初,性本善 、02子不学,非所宜、03.守孝悌 ,次见闻、04.曰春夏,曰秋冬 05稻粮菽,麦黍稷 06高曾祖 父而身,09我周公,作《周礼》,10经既明,方读子,11夏有禹 商有汤,12始春秋 终战国,13宋齐继 梁陈承 14 梁唐晋 及汉周
《必背古诗75首》01江南-汉乐府、02长歌行-汉乐府、03 咏鹅-骆宾王、04咏柳-贺知章、05 回乡偶书-贺知章、06登鹳雀楼-王之涣 07回乡偶书-贺知章 08凉州词-王之涣 09登鹳雀楼-王之涣,11凉州词王翰,12 出塞-王昌龄 ,13芙蓉楼送辛渐-王昌龄,14鹿柴-王维,15 送元二使安西-王维
《声律启蒙》 04 上平声四支 ,05 上平声五微 ,06上平声六鱼 ,10上平声十灰,11上平声十一真,12上平声 十二文,13上平声十三元,14 上平声十四寒,15上平声十五删
3.1英语:unit8 egg fun ,Unit9 turtle and snail unit 10 The firemen unit11 johny johny unit12 see saw
1A unit1Little bee-unit12 chimney
3.2汉语:第十一单元两只瘦狗抬竹篓 第十二单元河马宽嘴巴 第十三单元灰毛驴要盖房 第十四单元小公鸡学打鸣。
5 、Game time:
1、Brachiosaurus 腕龙
The Brachiosaurus was one of the tallest and largest dinosaurs,Brachiosaurus lived on land ,like to stomp.Brachiosaurus up to 30meters long ,the largest land animals ever know.
The Brachiosaurus has front legs longer than hind legs, a deep ribcage and a very long neck.
Name Ankylosaurus means "fused lizard "and it refer to fused bones in the skull and other parts of the body which were responsible for "rugged"appearance of this animals ,Ankylosaurus had armored body ,coverd with massive knobs and large bony plate .
A type of plant -eating dinosaur covered with hard plates ,made of bone for protection
3. Diplodocus
Dipodocus resembles itsclose relative the Brontosaurus, but further observation reveals differences. The Diplodocus is very long with a whip-like tail and a low-slung body incontrast to the raised head and larger body of the Brontosaurus
Pteranodon It has a long crest andbeak filled with needle-like teeth, as well as impressive wings,It likes to eat fish .
5.2 Dinosaurs
M:Waylon,you pretend to be a Stegosaurus.
W:不,我要当霸王龙,Ok ,you pretend the Tyrannosaurus rex
M:Short arms ,two finger .strong hind legs . 姐姐,you pretend the Triceratops . then you should do the actions ,when you hear I said .Listen carefully,Tyrannosaurus rex ,jump ,stomp ,wave your tail ,give a roar ,give a super roar ...
M:Triceratops jump ,crawl ,hop ,run...
M:Waylon ,Now ,you are the Diplodocus
W:我不要梁龙,我要当腕龙(you want to be the Brachiosaurus)
M:Brachiosaurus, has a small head ,has a long neck , it has a long and strong tail .Diplodocus also has long neck , and long tail ,but its tail is very thin .
M:姐姐,You are the Ankylosaurus ,ok?
M:Ok,Brachiosaurus squat down ,jump ,walk ,run ,give a roar
5.3 musical chair
M:Play the game ,named musical chair ,Noe ,we need two chair ,you should stop and sit on the chair .when you hear mommy stop singing .got it
W:I can see a horse 今天看见小椅子倒了,自己整句输出了一下,然后骑上去,giddy up giddy up
今日总结:有小姐姐在的游戏过程,很high,玩了一个小时不停歇,老母亲嗓子都要喊哑了。几个恐龙要背了那么久才记住的Brachiosaurus、Diplodocus、Pteranodon、Ankylosaur ,结果人家一下就记住了,虽然不懂说但是我说每个恐龙的时候都能对应上玩具恐龙。本来想做恐龙手工,结果发现太耗时间了,就还是像姜老师说的一样,就地取材,重心应该放在双向交流上。早上起来因为想看动画片,所以自己主动要求读了一遍分级,晚上也积极响应又读了一遍,看见椅子还很兴奋说了一句I can see a horse ,老母亲继续加油,增加输入,全情陪伴!