Recombination-Aware Phylogenomics Reveals the Structured Genomic Landscape of Hybridizi...

Recombination-Aware Phylogenomics Reveals the Structured Genomic Landscape of Hybridizi...
1、H3K27ac 组蛋白H3上的第27位赖氨酸残基发生乙酰化,与较高的转录激活有关,因此被定义为活性增强子信号,H3K27ac在TSS(转录起始位点)的近...
Genetic restoration of the Florida panther[] 2...
参考文献:Yang Z. 2014. Molecular evolution: a statistical approach. Oxford(England): Oxford...
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序言 作为刚刚写完一些术语的解答的我,觉得应该进一步的了解一下进化相关的数学模型。其中包括但不仅仅局限与Tajima's D中经常提到neutral model,当然还有另外...
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Does moral commitment predict resistance to corruption? experimental evidence from a br...
发表在杂志frontiers in ecology and evolution2020年影响因子4.171还可以。 摘要:蚜虫捕食者为了寻找零星分布和随时间变化的猎物聚集地,...