Hi Fiona, Your latest article is really a bombshell! You gGuess what, we got more than ...

Hi Fiona, Your latest article is really a bombshell! You gGuess what, we got more than ...
Hi Johnson, Yesterday's conversation with you was rather inspiring which made me love t...
Dear Johnson, Being a Translation & Interpretation major graduate, I'm most impressed b...
计划达成的目标: 1. 能够熟练阅读包括邮件、公函一类基本的英语商业文书 2. 能用英文写出自己的简历和公函 3. 熟练掌握英文邮件等一些基本商业文书的格式 开始任务时间:2...
Dear Sophie:, I am Edward, the foreign affair secretary of Department of National Secur...
Dear Sophie: I am Edward, the foreign affair secretary of Department of National Securi...
“海的下面有什么?” 女孩双眼一眨不眨的盯着面前的水族箱,她的目光被一条斑斓的小丑鱼所吸引,那条鱼摇头晃脑的样子看起来格外蠢,在水里转过几个弯后却又狡黠的消失在礁石后面的阴影...
我反正觉得,很多人学习都不叫学习,太过急功近利,为了通过某个考试,为了评个什么资格。但他们可能永远不知道,真正的学习本身就是能够带来快乐的,如胡适言,进一寸就有一寸的欢喜。Sunshine and wine, book and guy, be them mine, how shall I sigh.
你靠速成的方法和想法学英语,简直是作死我很尊敬能正儿八经写英语学习经验的人,如果真实有效,会帮助很多人,我崇拜那些经过艰苦卓绝的奋斗后将英语学好的人,我也很希望越来越多的中国人能把英语学好。 然而,简书以及其他平...