Don't overestimate your relationship with anyone. 不要高估你和任何人的关系。 Are there anyone ever a...
Don't overestimate your relationship with anyone. 不要高估你和任何人的关系。 Are there anyone ever a...
In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness. 在这个世界上,只有...
I hope all the sufferings in the world are far away from the kids in front of the scree...
不要记得我不好的样子 也不要记得我纠缠卑微求你的日子 你要记得我刚见你那天骄傲的样子 那才是我 Don't remember my bad days And don't re...
天秤座的你YYDS, 没人配得上你 Libra girls are the best ( YYDS), no one is good enough for you. . 天秤...
我还有最后一句话, 我永不负你 I have my last words, I won’t fail you. 我可能有点喜欢他。我觉得他有点喜欢我,但是又不那么喜欢我。 I...
仅一夜之间 我的心判若两人。 Just overnight,my mind has been changed, and I have become quite a diffe...
“不准伤害女孩,拿玫瑰花也不行!” "Girls shouldn’t be hurt,not even with a rose." 建议男性不要醉酒,不要玻璃心,对女性要有礼...
Independence is the best armor for girls 独立是女孩子最好的铠甲。 It's not worth pining about trifl...
其实六一儿童节真正的含义是,即使你是全世界的大人,但依旧是我一个人的小朋友. In fact, the real meaning of International Child...
我不会再揪着那些小细节了,我知道你也做不到,掏心窝子的话也不想说,反正你也不会懂。也不是怪你,就是挺失望的。 I won't hold on to those little ...
The flower at home committed suicide, the note wrote: life is not worried about food an...
2022.5.22 学会做人生加减法。每个人都有权利选择自己的生活方式。我们不能武断的说那一种生活方式更好。不管哪一种生活都应该适度节制,有取有舍。而不是一味的盲目追求本不属...
你怕不怕,这辈子 就是上辈子说的下辈子? Are you afraid? This life is the next life mentioned in the previo...
“我拿本书,在长椅上晒太阳,心变得软软的,容易流泪,像个多愁善感的老头。” I take a book, sun in the bench, my heart becomes...
人与人之间的关系,无非是价值交换。当你弱小时,遭冷眼是正常的事,当你强大到能为别人撑伞时,别人自然会为你铺路搭桥。 The relationship between peop...
Love is not first come, first served, but a man should be polite, righteous and honest....
像我这样的人,其实是不会输的,我永远转过身后再流泪,爱而不痴,听而不信,在被放弃之前先变心,格局打开。 People like me won’t lose. I always...
不被人喜欢,也很正常呀!毕竟别人要以什么样的态度来看待你,你都决定不了,而我们所能做的,也就只有尽力不辜负那些喜欢自己的人。 It's normal not to be li...
拥有自己的人生,爱上真实的自己,这将是我们所做的最勇敢的事。——《脆弱的力量》 Having your own life and falling in love with y...